Additional exhibits – tendered in chambers – 26 July 2024 You are here Home Hearings Additional exhibits – tendered in chambers – 26 July 2024 Date 26 July 2024 Return to Evidence page Exhibits Exhibit YY-01.001 - PFL.0033.0002.0001 - Commonwealth response to DVSRC Potential Propositions on Data Exhibit YY-01.002 - PFL.0033.0002.0057 - Letter AGS to DVSRC - Submissions on potential propositions relating to data Exhibit YY-01.003 - PFL.0033.0002.0059 - Submissions of the Commonwealth concerning Potential Propositions related to Data Exhibit YY-01.004 - PFL.0033.0002.0073 - Letter DVSRC to AGS - Data - Invitation to provide submissions in relation to Final Report Exhibit YY-01.005 - PFL.0033.0002.0148 - Letter DVSRC to AGS - Submissions on data and procedural fairness regarding the data chapter of the final report Exhibit YY-01.006 - PFL.0033.0003.0001 - Letter from Hon Paul Papalia, Minister for Police; Corrective Services; Racing and Gaming; Defence Industry; Veterans Issues (Western Australia) Exhibit YY-01.007 - PFL.0033.0004.0001 - Response and Submissions to Potential Propositions in relation to Final Report - Matters relating to Data (Northern Territory) Exhibit YY-01.008 - PFL.0033.0005.0001 - Submissions of the Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Communities and the Arts to the Potential Propositions (Queensland) Exhibit YY-01.009 - PFL.0033.0005.0002 - Submissions of the Queensland Ambulance Service to the Potential Propositions Exhibit YY-01.010 - PFL.0033.0005.0003 - Letter Ivan Frkovic. Queensland Mental Health Commissioner to DVSRC Exhibit YY-01.011 - PFL.0033.0006.0001 - Letter NSW Crown Solicitor's Office to DVSRC Exhibit YY-01.012 - PFL.0033.0006.0002 - Response by the State of NSW Potential Propositions related to Data Exhibit YY-01.013 - PFL.0033.0007.0001 - Email from ACT Government Solicitor to DVSRC regarding Data - Final Report and procedural fairness (States and Territories) Exhibit YY-01.014 - PFL.0033.0008.0001 - Letter Victorian Government Solicitor's Office to DVSRC, Submissions in relation to Final Report - Potential Propositions on the topic of data Exhibit YY-01.015 - PFL.0033.0008.0003 - Letter Victorian Government Solicitor's Office to DVSRC, Invitation to provide submissions in relation to Final Report - Data Exhibit YY-01.016 - PFL.0033.0009.0001 - Letter Tasmanian Department of Premier and Cabinet to DVSRC, Matters related to Data - invitation to provide submissions in relation to Final Report Exhibit YY-01.017 - PFL.0033.0010.0001 - Email South Australian Attorney-General's Department to DVSRC Exhibit YY-01.018 - PFL.0031.0002.0002 - Letter AGS to DVSRC, Submissions on potential propositions relating to Coroners Exhibit YY-01.019 - PFL.0031.0002.0003 - Commonwealth response to DVSRC Potential Propositions on Coroners Exhibit YY-01.020 - PFL.0031.0003.0001 - Email Office of the Hon. Paul Papalia Minister for Police; Corrective Services; Racing and Gaming; Defence Industry; Veterans Issues to DVSRC Exhibit YY-01.021 - PFL.0031.0003.0002 - Letter the Hon. Paul Papalia to DVSRC Exhibit YY-01.022 - PFL.0031.0003.0017 - Response to NTG-WSS-003 Exhibit YY-01.023 - PFL.0031.0003.0028 - Letter DVSRC regarding Coroners - Invitation to provide submissions in relation to Final Report Chapter Exhibit YY-01.024 - PFL.0031.0003.0052 - Annexure A- Review of suicide determination guidelines Exhibit YY-01.025 - PFL.0031.0003.0054 - Annexure B- Comparative review of Coroners Acts Exhibit YY-01.026 - PFL.0031.0003.0069 - Annexure C- Resources and services for bereaved families during the coronial process Exhibit YY-01.027 - PFL.0031.0003.0072 - Annexure D- Select Committee on the Coronial Jurisdiction in New South Wales Exhibit YY-01.028 - PFL.0031.0003.0074 - Diagrams A1 and A2- Coding of NCIS Open and Closed Cases Exhibit YY-01.029 - PFL.0031.0004.0003 - Response and Submissions - Coroners and Coronial Processes (Northern Territory) Exhibit YY-01.030 - PFL.0031.0005.0001 - Email from Queensland Government to DVSRC Exhibit YY-01.031 - PFL.0031.0005.0019 - Procedural Fairness Responses Coroners Court of Queensland Exhibit YY-01.032 - PFL.0031.0006.0004 - Letter NSW Crown Solicitor's Office Exhibit YY-01.033 - PFL.0031.0006.0005 - Response on behalf of the State of NSW to the Potential Propositions in relation to the coronial jurisdiction Exhibit YY-01.034 - PFL.0031.0007.0002 - Letter ACT Magistrates Court Exhibit YY-01.035 - PFL.0031.0007.0007 - Email ACT Government Solicitor Exhibit YY-01.036 - PFL.0031.0008.0006 - Victorian Government Submissions in Response, Final Report - Coroners Chapter Exhibit YY-01.037 - PFL.0031.0008.0019 - Amended Annexure B to Victorian Government Submissions in Response, Final Report - Coroners Chapter Exhibit YY-01.038 - PFL.0031.0008.0022 - National Coronial Information System response to potential propositions Exhibit YY-01.039 - PFL.0031.0009.0003 - Letter Magistrates Court of Tasmania Coronial Division Exhibit YY-01.040 - PFL.0031.0009.0012 - Letter Magistrates Court of Tasmania Coronial Division Exhibit YY-01.041 - PFL.0031.0010.0002 - Letter South Australian Coroners Court Exhibit YY-01.042 - PFL.0031.0010.0003 - Submission of the Coroner's Court of South Australia to the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide Exhibit YY-01.043 - PFL.0008.0002.0001 - Letter AGS regarding Submissions on potential propositions relating to IGADF DSIR Exhibit YY-01.044 - PFL.0008.0002.0032 - Letter AGS regarding Submissions on potential propositions relating to IGADF Directorate of Military Redress and Review Exhibit YY-01.045 - PFL.0008.0002.0037 - Letter AGS regarding IGADF potential propositions tranche 3 - Directorate of Inquiries and Investigations and Directorate of Military Justice Performance Review Exhibit YY-01.046 - PFL.0008.0002.0370 - Submissions of the Commonwealth concerning Potential Propositions, by reference to Propositions related to- The Ombudsman, IGADF (Tranches 1-3) and the AHRC Exhibit YY-01.047 - PFL.0008.0002.0204 - Letter AGS regarding IGADF potential propositions tranche 4 - IGADF and the OIGADF Exhibit YY-01.048 - PFL.0028.0002.0001 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to Commonwealth, States and Territories potential propositions Exhibit YY-01.049 - PFL.0028.0003.0001 - State of WA's response to the Potential Propositions in relation to- Matters related to States and Territories chapter and engagement Exhibit YY-01.050 - PFL.0028.0003.0007 - Letter the Hon. Paul Papalia, Minister for Veterans Issues (Western Australia) Exhibit YY-01.051 - PFL.0028.0004.0001 - Response and Submissions to Potential Propositions in relation to Final Report - Matters relating to States and Territories Exhibit YY-01.052 - PFL.0028.0004.0014 - Operation Thrive, Action Plan to Implement the NT Defence Veterans Strategy Exhibit YY-01.053 - PFL.0028.0005.0001 - Submissions of the State of Queensland in response to the Potential Propositions dated 26 March 2024 Exhibit YY-01.054 - PFL.0028.0006.0001 - Letter NSW Crown Solicitor's Office Exhibit YY-01.055 - PFL.0028.0006.0002 - NSW response to Matters relating to States and Territories - Potential Propositions Exhibit YY-01.056 - PFL.0028.0007.0001 - Email ACT Government Solicitor regarding Final Report and procedural fairness - Matters relating to States & Territories Exhibit YY-01.057 - PFL.0028.0008.0001 - Letter Victorian Government Solicitor's Office regarding Invitation to provide submissions in relation to Final Report - States and Territories Exhibit YY-01.058 - PFL.0028.0008.0002 - Victorian Government Submission to matters relating to States and Territories - Potential Propositions Exhibit YY-01.059 - PFL.0028.0009.0001 - Letter Tasmanian Department of Premier and Cabinet regarding matters related to States and Territories chapter and engagement Exhibit YY-01.060 - PFL.0028.0010.0001 - Email, South Australian Attorney‐General's Department regarding matters relating to States & Territories Exhibit YY-01.061 - PFL.0007.0002.0001 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to Postings Potential Propositions Exhibit YY-01.062 - PFL.0008.0002.0060 - Annexure A- Commonwealth response to DVSRC Potential Propositions on the Australian Human Right Commission Exhibit YY-01.063 - PFL.0008.0002.0073 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to External oversight - AHRC potential propositions Exhibit YY-01.064 - PFL.0008.0002.0078 - Commonwealth response to DVSRC Potential Propositions on the Australian Human Right Commission Exhibit YY-01.065 - PFL.0008.0002.0080 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to external oversight - Commonwealth Ombudsman Potential Propositions Exhibit YY-01.066 - PFL.0008.0002.0312 - Letter AGS regarding Procedural Fairness Process and the Commonwealth Ombudsman and AHRC responses to potential propositions Exhibit YY-01.067 - PFL.0007.0002.0039 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to Potential Propositions regarding sexual misconduct in the ADF and SeMPRO Exhibit YY-01.068 - PFL.0007.0002.0085 - Letter AGS regarding Potential propositions regarding retention incentives Exhibit YY-01.069 - PFL.0008.0011.0001 - Comcare Submissions in response to Potential Propositions Exhibit YY-01.070 - PFL.0029.0002.0001 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to Veterans' Organisation Potential Propositions Exhibit YY-01.071 - PFL.0018.0002.0001 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to Transition Potential Propositions Exhibit YY-01.072 - PFL.0007.0002.0022 - Letter AGS regarding Military Justice - tranche 1 Exhibit YY-01.073 - PFL.0007.0002.0026 - Commonwealth response to DVSRC Potential Propositions on Military Justice Exhibit YY-01.074 - PFL.0007.0002.0104 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to Informing candidates about the health and wellbeing risks of service Potential Propositions Exhibit YY-01.075 - PFL.0007.0002.0126 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to Retention - Hollowness and Burnout Potential Propositions Exhibit YY-01.076 - PFL.0007.0002.0245 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to tranche 2 of Potential Propositions relating to military justice Exhibit YY-01.077 - PFL.0007.0002.0393 - Letter AGS regarding MEC and involuntary medical separation Exhibit YY-01.078 - PFL.0033.0002.0220 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to Potential Propositions regarding Data (Tranche 2) Exhibit YY-01.079 - PFL.0007.0002.0163 - Letter AGS to Commonwealth response to Potential Propositions relating to Unacceptable behaviour Exhibit YY-01.080 - PFL.0007.0013.0001 - Letter, Defence Force Discipline Appeal Tribunal Exhibit YY-01.081 - PFL.0033.0002.0150 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to Economic costs of ADF mental injury, suicide and suicidality Discussion Paper and Potential Propositions Exhibit YY-01.082 - PFL.0007.0002.0442 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to Matters related to Defence Culture and Leadership Potential Propositions Exhibit YY-01.083 - PFL.0030.0002.0001 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to Defence and Veteran Families potential propositions Exhibit YY-01.084 - PFL.0007.0002.0137 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to Service Obligations Potential Propositions Exhibit YY-01.085 - PFL.0007.0002.0150 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to Potential Propositions on matters relating to Conduct After Capture Exhibit YY-01.086 - PFL.0007.0002.0341 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to matters related to entry screening and support Exhibit YY-01.087 - PFL.0007.0002.0547 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to Potential Propositions on matters relating to training Exhibit YY-01.088 - PFL.0007.0002.0304 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to Potential Propositions on matters relating to deployments Exhibit YY-01.089 - PFL.0033.0002.0210 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to Matters related to Data (Veterans MATES Program) Potential Propositions Exhibit YY-01.090 - PFL.0033.0012.0001 - Letter University of South Australia regarding Invitation to provide submissions in relation to Final Report - Matters related to Data (Veterans MATES Program) Exhibit YY-01.091 - PFL.0003.0002.0001 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to Draft Special Report on establishing a new entity Exhibit YY-01.092 - PFL.0003.0002.0004 - Submissions of the Commonwealth concerning draft Special Report on Establishing a New Entity Exhibit YY-01.093 - PFL.0003.0002.0014 - Annexure A - Defence response to Draft Special Report on Establishing a New Entity Exhibit YY-01.094 - PFL.0003.0002.0019 - Annexure B - DVA response to Draft Special Report on Establishing a New Entity Exhibit YY-01.095 - PFL.0008.0002.0315 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to matters related to governance and accountability of Defence Potential Propositions - Amended Tranche 1A Exhibit YY-01.096 - PFL.0008.0002.0406 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to matters related to governance and accountability of Defence Potential Propositions - Tranche 1B Exhibit YY-01.097 - PFL.0023.0002.0001 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth amended response to Potential Propositions relating to DVA compensation advocacy Exhibit YY-01.098 - PFL.0020.0002.0093 - Commonwealth response to DVSRC Potential Propositions on DVA claims processing (consolidated) Exhibit YY-01.099 - PFL.0015.0002.0001 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to Potential Propositions on matters relating to Open Arms Exhibit YY-01.100 - PFL.0008.0002.0381 - Letter AGS regarding Response to IGADF Supplementary Potential Propositions Exhibit YY-01.101 - PFL.0008.0002.0385 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to matters related to governance and accountability of Defence Potential Propositions - Tranche 2 Exhibit YY-01.102 - PFL.0021.0002.0055 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to Potential Propositions on matters relating to DVA Legislation Exhibit YY-01.103 - PFL.0021.0002.0001 - Annexure A- Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) response to DVSRC Potential Propositions on DVA Legislation Exhibit YY-01.104 - PFL.0021.0002.0037 - Annexure B- Repatriation Medical Authority response to DVSRC Potential Propositions on DVA Legislation Exhibit YY-01.105 - PFL.0016.0002.0001 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to Potential Propositions on matters relating to Postvention Exhibit YY-01.106 - PFL.0005.0002.0001 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to Potential Propositions related to Understanding Suicide - Tranche 1 Exhibit YY-01.107 - PFL.0005.0002.0032 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to Potential Propositions related to Understanding Suicide - Tranche 2 Exhibit YY-01.108 - PFL.0014.0002.0001 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to Potential Propositions on matters relating to 'Introduction to healthcare for members and veterans' Exhibit YY-01.109 - PFL.0017.0002.0001 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to matters related to ADF Suicide Prevention Program Potential Propositions Exhibit YY-01.110 - PFL.0027.0002.0001 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to Potential Propositions on matters relating to DVA's organisational culture Exhibit YY-01.111 - PFL.0016.0002.0017 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to Potential Propositions on matters relating to ADF Healthcare Services Exhibit YY-01.112 - PFL.0018.0002.0083 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to Potential Propositions on matters relating to 'Healthcare for Ex-Serving Members' Exhibit YY-01.113 - PFL.0026.0002.0001 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to Potential Propositions on matters relating to 'Prevention and Early Intervention' - Tranche 1 Exhibit YY-01.114 - PFL.0026.0002.0013 - Commonwealth response to DVSRC Potential Propositions on Prevention and Early Intervention - Tranche 2 Exhibit YY-01.115 - PFL.0026.0002.0036 - Commonwealth response to DVSRC Potential Propositions on Prevention and Early Intervention - Tranche 3 Exhibit YY-01.116 - PFL.0026.0002.0059 - Commonwealth response to DVSRC Potential Propositions on Prevention and Early Intervention - Tranche 4 Exhibit YY-01.117 - PFL.0011.0002.0001 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to Potential Propositions on matters relating to protecting and promoting health and wellbeing among ADF members Exhibit YY-01.118 - PFL.0013.0002.0001 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to Potential Propositions related to Mefloquine and Tafenoquine Exhibit YY-01.119 - PFL.0013.0002.0022 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to Potential Propositions related to Mefloquine and Tafenoquine Exhibit YY-01.120 - PFL.0007.0002.0662 - Commonwealth response to Potential Propositions related to Case Study on Navy Clearance Divers - Consolidated response Exhibit YY-01.121 - PFL.0013.0002.0010 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to matters related to moral injury Exhibit YY-01.122 - PFL.0027.0002.0029 - Letter AGS regarding Commonwealth response to supplementary Potential Propositions on matters relating to DVA Culture and Leadership - Amended Tranche 1 Exhibit YY-01.123 - PFL.0027.0002.0051 - Commonwealth response to DVSRC Potential Propositions on DVA Culture (supplementary) Tranche 2 Exhibit YY-01.124 - PFL.0027.0002.0060 - Commonwealth response to DVSRC Potential Propositions on DVA Culture (supplementary) Tranche 3 Exhibit YY-01.125 - PFL.0027.0002.0052 - Commonwealth response to DVSRC Potential Propositions on DVA Culture (supplementary) Tranche 4 Exhibit YY-01.126 - PFL.0027.0002.0064 - Commonwealth response to DVSRC Potential Propositions on DVA Culture (supplementary) Tranche 5 Exhibit YY-01.127 - PFL.0027.0002.0078 - Commonwealth response to DVSRC Potential Propositions on DVA Culture (supplementary) Tranche 6 Exhibit YY-01.128 - PFL.0033.0002.0266 - Letter AGS regarding Data Project, Appendix 2 Defence survey data and data publication Exhibit YY-01.129 - PFL.0033.0002.0270 - Defence Response to Appendix 2 - RCDVS Analysis of Defence Survey Data Exhibit YY-01.130 - PFL.9999.0001.0007 - Email OSA, Final Report- IGADF- DII-PFN Exhibit YY-01.131 - PFL.9999.0002.0009 - Email AGS, IGADF potential propositions - Tranche 04 Exhibit YY-01.132 - PFL.9999.0002.0064 - Letter AGS regarding Procedural fairness issues Exhibit YY-01.133 - PFL.9999.0002.0068 - Letter AGS regarding Procedural fairness issues - further topics and timing Exhibit YY-01.134 - PFL.9999.0002.0070 - Letter AGS regarding Procedural fairness process - Potential Proposition responses due 19 June 2024 Exhibit YY-01.135 - PFL.9999.0002.0073 - Letter AGS regarding Procedural fairness process - Potential Proposition responses - update on timing Exhibit YY-01.136 - PFL.9999.0002.0075 - Letter AGS regarding Potential propositions relating to impediments to the Royal Commission's work - Request for tender of additional relevant documents Exhibit YY-01.137 - PFL.9999.0001.0053 - Email OSA, Final Report and procedural fairness - Impediments to the Royal Commission's Work Exhibit YY-01.138 - PFL.0008.0001.0001 - Letter OSA to AGS enclosing IGADF Procedural Fairness Tranche 1 Exhibit YY-01.139 - PFL.0008.0001.0027 - Letter OSA to AGS enclosing IGADF Procedural Fairness Tranche 2 Exhibit YY-01.140 - PFL.9999.0001.0001 - Letter OSA to AGS regarding Procedural Fairness - anticipated timeframes Exhibit YY-01.141 - PFL.0008.0001.0041 - Letter OSA to AGS enclosing IGADF Procedural Fairness Tranche 3 Exhibit YY-01.142 - PFL.9999.0002.0001 - Email AGS, Final Report- IGADF- DII-PFN Exhibit YY-01.143 - PFL.9999.0001.0003 - Email OSA, Final Report - IGADF- DII-PFN Exhibit YY-01.144 - PFL.9999.0002.0004 - Email AGS, Final Report- IGADF- DII-PFN Exhibit YY-01.145 - PFL.0008.0001.0101 - Letter OSA to AGS enclosing IGADF Procedural Fairness Tranche 4 Exhibit YY-01.146 - PFL.9999.0001.0013 - Letter OSA regarding Procedural Fairness and other matters concerning IGADF Exhibit YY-01.147 - PFL.9999.0001.0016 - Letter OSA regarding Procedural Fairness Exhibit YY-01.148 - PFL.9999.0001.0022 - Email, Final Report- IGADF- DII-PFN Exhibit YY-01.149 - PFL.9999.0001.0025 - Letter OSA regarding Procedural fairness notices Exhibit YY-01.150 - PFL.0008.0001.0181 - Email OSA enclosing IGADF Supplementary Potential Propositions Exhibit YY-01.151 - PFL.9999.0001.0029 - Letter OSA regarding Procedural fairness notices Exhibit YY-01.152 - PFL.9999.0001.0031 - Letter OSA regarding Response to Submissions of the Commonwealth concerning Potential Propositions related to the Ombudsman, IGADF and the AHRC Exhibit YY-01.153 - PFL.9999.0001.0033 - Email OSA, Submissions referred to in IGADF Potential Propositions Tranche 4 Exhibit YY-01.154 - PFL.9999.0001.0051 - Letter OSA regarding Validation of data provided in Open Arms' response to NTG-OPA-003 Exhibit YY-01.155 - PFL.9999.0001.0058 - Letter OSA regarding Potential Propositions relating to Mefloquine and Tafenoquine Exhibit YY-01.156 - PFL.9999.0001.0060 - Letter OSA regarding Potential Propositions relating to Mefloquine and Tafenoquine Exhibit YY-01.158 - PFL.0020.0002.0001 - Commonwealth response to DVSRC Potential Propositions on DVA Claims Processing (Tranche 1) Exhibit ZZ-01.001 - DVS.7777.0001.0001 - Department of Veterans' Affairs Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy and National Action Plan Exhibit ZZ-01.002 - DVS.7777.0001.0005 - Development of the Defence and Veteran Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy, webpage Exhibit ZZ-01.003 - DVS.7777.0001.0009 - Department of Veterans' Affairs webpage, Additional resourcing to support service delivery Exhibit ZZ-01.004 - DVS.7777.0001.0010 - Department of Veterans' Affairs webpage, 'Sorry, this page doesn't exist' Exhibit ZZ-01.005 - DVS.7777.0001.0012 - Department of Veterans' Affairs Voluntary submission to the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide Exhibit ZZ-01.006 - DVA.5051.0003.8794 - Email from F Sedal re 'Sec brief following Rumble meeting' Exhibit ZZ-01.007 - DVA.5062.0002.0057 - Department of Veterans' Affairs Health Fees Review Exhibit ZZ-01.008 - DVA.0052.0001.0001 - Independent Medical Advisers Exhibit ZZ-01.009 - DVA.5004.0033.6497 - Letter from DVA re Determination of Liability claim (MRCA) Exhibit ZZ-01.010 - DVA.9999.0125.0015 - Department of Veterans' Affairs Response to NTG-DVA-108A Exhibit ZZ-01.011 - DVA.9999.0163.0001 - Department of Veterans' Affairs Response to NTG-DVA-183, Tranche 2 Exhibit ZZ-01.012 - DVA.9999.0163.0008 - Department of Veterans' Affairs Response to NTG-DVA-183, Tranche 2 Attachment A Exhibit ZZ-01.013 - DVA.9999.0160.0002 - Department of Veterans' Affairs Response to NTG-DVA-183 Tranche 1 Exhibit ZZ-01.014 - DVA.0007.0002.0442 - Action Brief for the Secretary Exhibit ZZ-01.015 - DVS.7777.0001.0170 - DVA Organisation Structure - June 2024 Exhibit ZZ-01.016 - DVS.6666.0001.5873 - Australian War Memorial Article, 'Kae Rae wins prestigious 2024 Napier Waller At Prize' Exhibit ZZ-01.017 - DVA.9999.0117.0024 - Response to NTG-DVA-138 Exhibit ZZ-01.018 - DVA.5019.0002.0007 - Project Plan, Legislative Roadmap Version 1.1 Exhibit ZZ-01.019 - DVA.5019.0002.0049 - Roadmap to Reform, Productivity Commission Report Recommendations - Recommendation 13.1 Exhibit ZZ-01.020 - DVA.5019.0002.0050 - Roadmap to Reform, Productivity Commission Report Recommendations - Recommendation 8.4 Exhibit ZZ-01.021 - DVA.5019.0002.0052 - Project Timeline- Roadmap to Reform Exhibit ZZ-01.023 - DVA.9999.0127.0002 - Response to NTG-DVA-108B Exhibit ZZ-01.024 - DVS.7777.0001.1092 - Comcare Webpage, Amendments to the SRC Act and SRC Regulations Exhibit ZZ-01.025 - DVA.9999.0075.0001 - DVA's response to NTG-DVA-085 (Tranche 2) Exhibit ZZ-01.026 - DVA.0062.0001.0005 - Transition Medical Assessment Pilot Project Evaluation Report Exhibit ZZ-01.027 - DVA.9999.0172.0001 - DVA response to NTG-DVA-190 Exhibit ZZ-01.029 - DVA.9999.0143.0020 - DVA response to NTG-DVA-172 (Tranche 1) Exhibit ZZ-01.030 - DVS.7777.0001.1101 - DVA Webpage titled 'How do the changes impact you' Exhibit ZZ-01.031 - DVS.7777.0001.1105 - Defence Webpage, PACMAN Part 3- Conditions of service - overview Exhibit ZZ-01.032 - DVS.7777.0001.1108 - Comcare Webpage, 'Scheme guidance - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder suffered by certain employees' Exhibit ZZ-01.033 - DVS.7777.0001.1114 - DVA, Consultation Report titled 'Veterans' Legislation Reform Consultation Pathway' Exhibit ZZ-01.034 - DVS.7777.0001.1126 - DVA, report titled 'Legislation Reform Consultation Pathway' Exhibit ZZ-01.035 - DVS.7777.0001.1134 - DVA, Consultation Report Veterans' Entitlements, Treatment and Support (Simplification and Harmonisation) Bill 2024 - Exposure Draft Exhibit ZZ-01.036 - DEF.1396.0004.0001 - Veterans' Entitlements, Treatment and Support (Simplification and Harmonisation) Bill 2024 - Exposure Draft Exhibit ZZ-01.037 - DVS.0000.0002.0816 - Australian Government Response to the Interim Report of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide Exhibit ZZ-01.038 - DEF.9999.0200.0001 - Defence response to NTG-DEF-285 Exhibit ZZ-01.039 - DVS.7777.0001.1150 - Advocacy Training and Development Program webpage, 'ATDP Advocacy Register' Exhibit ZZ-01.041 - DVS.7777.0001.1154 - GrantConnect Archived Grant Opportunity View - GO6681 Exhibit ZZ-01.042 - DVS.7777.0001.1159 - Federal Financial Relations Budget 2024‐25 Budget Paper No. 3 Exhibit ZZ-01.043 - DVS.7777.0001.1805 - Defence and Veterans Legal Service's Submission to the National Legal Assistance Partnership 2020-2025 Review, Response 159915959 Exhibit ZZ-01.046 - DVS.7777.0001.1315 - HomeBaseSA webpage Exhibit ZZ-01.047 - DVS.7777.0001.1319 - Department of Veterans' Affairs Household Services Supplier Information Sheet Exhibit ZZ-01.049 - DVS.7777.0001.1374 - Independent Review of the National Legal Assistance Partnership, Final Report Exhibit ZZ-01.052 - DVS.7777.0001.1697 - Advocacy Training and Development Program webpage, Welcome to DVA updates Exhibit ZZ-01.053 - DVS.7777.0001.1936 - DVA, Budget 2024-25 Information Sheet - additional resourcing Exhibit ZZ-01.054 - DVS.7777.0001.1937 - DVA Quarterly Report Jan-March 2024, Recommendation 3 - Improving the administration of the claims system Exhibit ZZ-01.056 - DVS.7777.0001.1928 - DVA webpage, 3.4.7 Claims related to sexual and physical abuse Exhibit ZZ-01.057 - DVS.7777.0001.1924 - DVA webpage, 5.6.3 Age of medical evidence Exhibit ZZ-01.058 - DVS.7777.0001.1944 - I Campbell and others, Review of Military Compensation Arrangements- Report for the Minister for Veterans' Affairs, vol 2 Exhibit ZZ-02.001 - DEF.1288.0002.0357 - Mandatory Work Health and Safety (WHS) Training Enterprise Control Effectiveness Assessment Exhibit ZZ-02.002 - DEF.1419.0003.0007 - Defence Work Health and Safety Quarterly Dashboard, Quarter 1, 2024 Exhibit ZZ-02.003 - COM.0001.0020.0001 - Defence- Comcare - Defence Suicide and Self Harm Terms of Reference Exhibit ZZ-02.004 - DEF.1419.0003.0010 - Defence Interactive Defence Groups and Services WHS Dashboard Exhibit ZZ-02.005 - DEF.1419.0003.0026 - Defence WHS Incident Dashboard- Longitudinal Analysis Exhibit ZZ-02.006 - DEF.1419.0003.0139 - Defence Committee Paper Psychosocial Deep Dive - Defence Committee Action 240304-03 Exhibit ZZ-03.002 - DVS.7777.0001.0142 - Western Australia Police Union, Police officer suicides in Australia Exhibit ZZ-03.005 - DEF.1024.0005.0819 - Military Police Manual, Volume 2, Military Policy Investigation Procedures Exhibit ZZ-03.006 - DVA.9999.0167.0003 - Department of Veterans' Affairs, Updated Response to Notice to Give NTG-DVA-177 Exhibit ZZ-03.009 - DVS.7777.0001.0187 - Responses to the questions taken on notice by Commodore Eric Young, regarding career management plans Exhibit ZZ-03.010 - DVS.7777.0001.0185 - Responses to the questions taken on notice by Brigadier Andrew Moss, regarding figures associated with promotion boards Exhibit ZZ-03.011 - DEF.1255.0001.0023 - CDAA Safety Risk Assessment Exhibit ZZ-03.012 - DVS.7777.0001.0171 - Interim Report- UQ Veteran Connection Program- Empowering veterans to manage identity change Exhibit ZZ-03.013 - DEF.1264.0002.0250 - AUSCDT Four PULSE Report 2023 Exhibit ZZ-03.014 - DEF.1264.0002.0281 - AUSCDT One PULSE Report 2023 Exhibit ZZ-03.015 - DEF.1149.0003.0367 - OIC ADFDS Directive 04-22 - Initial Actions from Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide Exhibit ZZ-03.019 - DEF.1167.0004.1060 - DPG, PM4.2 Performance Measure Profile Exhibit ZZ-03.021 - DEF.1419.0002.0089 - RCDVS Program Board - Agenda Item 2.2 Exhibit ZZ-03.022 - DEF.1025.0002.3235 - Joint Transition Steering Group Meeting Minutes Exhibit ZZ-04.001 - DVS.7777.0001.0199 - National Health and Medical Research Counsel accreditation of Research Translation Centres- Call for Submissions for Accreditation (2021) Exhibit ZZ-04.002 - DVS.7777.0001.0218 - Department of Veterans' Affairs Fee Schedules for Medical Services Exhibit ZZ-04.003 - DVS.7777.0001.0279 - Clinical Psychologists Schedule of Fees Exhibit ZZ-04.004 - DVS.7777.0001.0285 - ReturntoWorkSA Medical fee schedule Clinical services - 1A Exhibit ZZ-04.007 - DVS.7777.0001.0382 - WorkCover Queensland Medical Items Table of Costs Exhibit ZZ-04.008 - DVS.7777.0001.0409 - WorkCover Queensland Mental Health Services Table of Costs Exhibit ZZ-04.009 - DVS.7777.0001.0440 - WorkCover Queensland Physiotherapy Services Table of Costs Exhibit ZZ-04.010 - DVS.7777.0001.0463 - Productivity Commission Submission Title- Compensation and Rehabilitation for Veterans Exhibit ZZ-04.012 - DVS.7777.0001.0470 - Effective Health Care Program, Project Title- Improving Cultural Competence to Reduce Health Disparities for Priority Populations Exhibit ZZ-04.015 - DVS.7777.0001.0637 - Australian Health Research Alliance Impact Report 2023, Growing Research Within Healthcare Exhibit ZZ-04.017 - DVS.7777.0001.0681 - Department of Veterans' Affairs, General Practice Advisory Group Meeting Summary Exhibit ZZ-04.019 - DVS.7777.0001.0699 - ReturntoWorkSA Medical fee schedule Clinical services - 1A Exhibit ZZ-04.020 - DVS.7777.0001.0751 - Reimbursement Rates for Medical Services 2024-25 Exhibit ZZ-04.023 - DVS.7777.0001.0824 - Sydney Local Health District webpage, National Centre for Veterans' Healthcare, About Exhibit ZZ-04.024 - DVS.7777.0001.0830 - Sydney Local Health District webpage, National Centre for Veterans' Healthcare, Services Exhibit ZZ-04.025 - DVS.7777.0001.0836 - Request for Tender Department of Veterans' Affairs - Veterans and Families - Learning and Innovation Network of Knowledge procurement - VF-LINK (RESP24) Exhibit ZZ-04.026 - DVS.7777.0001.0837 - Department of Veterans' Affairs Request for Tender (PRN2023-875) Exhibit ZZ-04.027 - DVS.7777.0001.0870 - Department of Veterans' Affairs, Establishment and operation of a Veteran and Family - Learning and Innovation Network of Knowledge (VF-LINK), Statement of Requirements Exhibit ZZ-04.028 - DVS.7777.0001.0888 - Attachment A - Alternative Proposal Exhibit ZZ-04.029 - DVS.7777.0001.0900 - NSW State Insurance Regulatory Authority, Physiotherapy, Chiropractic and Osteopathy Fees and Practice Requirements Exhibit ZZ-04.030 - DVS.7777.0001.0923 - Submission from the Veterans and Veterans Counselling Service National Advisory Committee Exhibit ZZ-04.031 - DVS.7777.0001.0928 - Department of Veterans' Affairs, Review of DVA dental and allied health arrangements, Background paper Exhibit ZZ-04.032 - DVS.7777.0001.0935 - Healthdirect webpage, Substance abuse Exhibit ZZ-04.033 - DVS.7777.0001.0938 - Mayo Clinic, Traumatic brain injury Exhibit ZZ-04.034 - DVS.7777.0001.0949 - Department of Veterans' Affairs webpage, Veteran Gold Card Exhibit ZZ-04.035 - DVS.7777.0001.0955 - Department of Veterans' Affairs webpage, Veteran Orange Card Exhibit ZZ-04.036 - DVS.7777.0001.0958 - Department of Veterans' Affairs webpage, Veteran White Card Exhibit ZZ-04.037 - DVS.7777.0001.0963 - Request for Tender Department of Veterans' Affairs - Veterans and Families - Learning and Innovation Network of Knowledge procurement - VF-LINK (RESP24), Addendum No 1 Exhibit ZZ-04.038 - DVS.7777.0001.0964 - Kings College London, research paper titled 'Experiences of moral injury in UK military veterans' Exhibit ZZ-04.039 - DVS.7777.0001.0891 - Recognised Research Translation Centres Exhibit ZZ-04.040 - DVS.7777.0001.1052 - Department of Veterans' Affairs webpage, 7.16.1 Where the Death Results From an Accepted Condition Exhibit ZZ-04.041 - DVS.7777.0001.1053 - News article, 'Adelaide's Repatriation Hospital returned as a health precinct in 2020 after $200m plans for redevelopment axed' Exhibit ZZ-04.042 - DVS.7777.0001.1060 - Suicide Call Back Service webpage, About Lifeline Exhibit ZZ-04.043 - DVS.7777.0001.1063 - WorkSafe Queensland webpage, Fees Exhibit ZZ-04.045 - SUB.0000.0091.0425 - Towards a Blueprint Ensuring mainstream services are accessible and effective for veterans, defence personnel, and their families Exhibit ZZ-04.047 - DVA.5007.0003.0734 - Phoenix Australia, Evaluation of 'The Way Back' Support Service for Ex-Serving Defence Members Final Report Exhibit ZZ-04.048 - DVA.9999.0125.0001 - Attachment A of the response to NTG-DVA-108A Exhibit ZZ-04.049 - DVA.9999.0142.0002 - Response to NTG-DVA-108AB Exhibit ZZ-04.050 - DVA.5063.0005.0540 - DVA, Client Support Program, Risk Framework Protocol Exhibit ZZ-04.051 - DVA.9999.0112.0001 - Response to NTG-DVA-119 Exhibit ZZ-04.052 - DVA.5063.0004.0506 - Webpage, Coordinated Veterans' Care Program Exhibit ZZ-04.053 - DEF.1129.0002.0259 - Veteran Health Check - Frequently Asked Questions Exhibit ZZ-04.055 - DVS.6666.0001.5989 - DVA, Open Arms Model of Care Exhibit ZZ-04.056 - DVA.5082.0004.1282 - Repatriation Commission, Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission, and Department of Veterans' Affairs, Annual Reports 2021-22 Exhibit ZZ-04.057 - DVA.5045.0001.0331 - Open Arms Accreditation Quality Improvement Plan (Draft) Exhibit ZZ-04.058 - DVS.6666.0001.2465 - Government of South Australia, Specialist Mental Health Services for Veterans Model of Care Exhibit ZZ-04.061 - DVS.6666.0001.3036 - DVA webpage, 7.5.1 Criterion 1- Who can be a 'Dependant'- Exhibit ZZ-04.062 - DEF.1057.0001.0113 - Tafenoquine - Final Protocol Exhibit ZZ-04.063 - DVS.0000.0002.0608 - Therapeutic Goods Administration, Australian PI - Kodatef (Tafenoquine succinate) Oral Film-Coated Tablets Exhibit ZZ-04.064 - DVS.7777.0001.1083 - Letter to AGS regarding Open Arms data validation Exhibit ZZ-04.065 - DVS.7777.0001.1085 - Letter from AGS to OSA regarding Open Arms data validation Exhibit ZZ-04.066 - DVA.5019.0001.0013 - Productivity Commission Response- Compensation Reform Framework Topic 1- Service Differential Exhibit ZZ-04.067 - DVA.0044.0001.0001 - Transition Medical Assessment Pilot Project Evaluation Report Exhibit ZZ-04.068 - DEF.0035.0001.0006 - Defence-DVA Links Steering Committee, 17. Transition Medical Assessment Pilot Project (TMAPP) - Update Exhibit ZZ-04.069 - DEF.1421.0001.0001 - Transition Medical Assessment Pilot Project Evaluation Report [DRAFT] Exhibit ZZ-04.070 - DEF.1419.0003.0295 - Outcomes and Actions Summary- Defence and Veteran Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy Steering Group Meeting Exhibit ZZ-04.071 - DVA.5011.0005.0011 - Approach to Market Reference ID- DVA-GEN 2020-21-256