Additional exhibits – tendered in chambers – 10 May 2024 You are here Home Publications Evidence Additional exhibits – tendered in chambers – 10 May 2024 Date 10 May 2024 Return to Evidence page Exhibits Exhibit M-01.001 - DVS.3333.0001.2126 - Australian Human Rights Commission, Information for people making complaints Exhibit M-01.002 - DVS.3333.0001.2130 - Australian Public Service Commission, Public Interest Disclosure Scheme Exhibit M-01.003 - DVS.3333.0001.2134 - Commonwealth Ombudsman, Reporting abuse Exhibit M-01.004 - DVS.3333.0001.2146 - Commonwealth Ombudsman 2022-23 Annual Report Exhibit M-01.005 - DVS.3333.0001.2318 - Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, How we investigate and resolve your complaint Exhibit M-01.006 - DVS.3333.0001.2324 - Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, What you can complain about Exhibit M-01.007 - DVS.3333.0001.3446 - Commonwealth Ombudsman, Better Practice Complaint Handing Guide Exhibit M-01.009 - DVS.3333.0001.4097 - 'Recent Sexual Abuse, Physical Abuse, and Suicide Attempts Among Male Veterans Seeking Psychiatric Treatment', Psychiatry Services, vol 57, 1 Exhibit M-01.010 - DVS.3333.0001.3734 - Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission, Independent Review into sex discrimination Exhibit M-01.012 - DVS.3333.0001.3681 - Changing the Underlying Conditions Relevant to Workplace Bullying through Organisational Redesign Exhibit M-01.013 - DVS.3333.0001.3717 - OurWatch, Preventing violence against women Exhibit M-01.014 - DVS.3333.0001.3616 - Primary Prevention of Sexual Violence and Harassment Against Women and Girls Combining Evidence Exhibit M-01.015 - DVS.3333.0001.4095 - Commonwealth Ombudsman, Changes to the PID Scheme Exhibit M-01.017 - DEF.1089.0007.0135 - Royal Australian Navy, HMAS Creswell Minute, Training Force Learning Review Report - General Service Duties Recruit Course (GE 391) Exhibit M-01.018 - DEF.1089.0007.0139 - Royal Australian Navy, HMAS Creswell Minute, Training Force Learning Review Report - General Service Duties Recruit Course (GE 392) Exhibit M-01.019 - DEF.1089.0007.0143 - Royal Australian Navy, HMAS Creswell Minute, Training Force Learning Review Report - General Service Duties Recruit Course (GE 393) Exhibit M-01.020 - DEF.1089.0007.0147 - Royal Australian Navy, HMAS Creswell Minute, Training Force Learning Review Report - General Service Duties Recruit Course (GE 394) Exhibit M-01.021 - DEF.1089.0007.0151 - Royal Australian Navy, HMAS Creswell Minute, Training Force Learning Review Report - General Service Duties Recruit Course (GE 395) Exhibit M-01.022 - DEF.1089.0007.0155 - Royal Australian Navy, HMAS Creswell Minute, Training Force Learning Review Report - General Service Duties Recruit Course (GE 396) Exhibit M-01.023 - DEF.1089.0007.0171 - Royal Australian Navy, HMAS Creswell Minute, Training Force Learning Review Report - New Entry Sailor Course (GE 399) Exhibit M-01.024 - DEF.1089.0007.0176 - Royal Australian Navy, HMAS Creswell Minute, Training Force Learning Review Report - New Entry Sailor Course (GE 400) Exhibit M-01.025 - DEF.1089.0007.0182 - Royal Australian Navy, HMAS Creswell Minute, Training Force Learning Review Report - New Entry Sailor Course (GE 401) Exhibit M-01.026 - DEF.1089.0007.0195 - Royal Australian Navy, HMAS Creswell Minute, Training Force Learning Review Report - New Entry Sailor Course (GE 403) Exhibit M-01.027 - DEF.1089.0007.0201 - Royal Australian Navy, HMAS Creswell Minute, Training Force Learning Review Report - New Entry Sailor Course (GE 404) Exhibit M-01.028 - DVS.3333.0001.6385 - The Kirkpatrick model for training evaluation- bibliometric analysis after 60 years (1959-2020), Industrial and Commercial Training Exhibit M-01.029 - DVS.3333.0001.6428 - NSW Government, Aboriginal Affairs, NSW Stolen Generations Reparation Scheme and Funeral Assistance Fund, Fact Sheet 1 - Overview Exhibit M-01.030 - DVS.3333.0001.6372 - NSW Government, Aboriginal Affairs, Guidelines for the administration of the NSW Stolen Generations Reparation Scheme Exhibit M-01.031 - DVS.3333.0001.6384 - National Redress Scheme, webpage, National Redress Scheme Exhibit M-01.032 - EXP.0000.0001.0013 - R Robinson and others, 'Acceptability of Adverse Childhood Experiences Questions for Health Surveillance in U.S. Armed Forces', Military Medicine Exhibit M-01.033 - EXP.0000.0001.0005 - A Longitudinal Assessment of Two Suicide Prevention Training Programs for the Construction Industry Exhibit M-01.034 - AHR.0002.0001.0180 - Australian Human Rights Commission, Defence Indigenous Pathways Program, Interim Report Exhibit M-01.035 - DEF.1291.0002.0550 - Important information concerning your DFR Psychology Interview Exhibit M-01.036 - DVS.3333.0001.2335 - Adverse childhood experiences- A developmental perspective, American Psychological Association Exhibit M-01.037 - EXP.0000.0001.1771 - M Wilson and others, 'MATES in Construction New Zealand- A longitudinal assessment of suicide prevention programme for construction workers' Exhibit M-01.038 - EXP.0000.0001.0020 - 'Effectiveness of the Australian MATES in Construction Suicide Prevention Program- a systematic review', Health Promotion International Exhibit M-01.039 - WOR.9999.0001.0001 - Commonwealth's submissions in reply to the evidence of Dr Robert Worswick Exhibit M-01.040 - DVS.3333.0001.3353 - Response to Questions on Notice, Chief of Personnel LTGEN Natasha Fox Exhibit M-01.041 - DEF.1263.0001.0006 - Army Pre-Conditioning Program Learning Management Package Exhibit M-01.042 - DVS.3333.0001.3708 - L Dell, et al., 'Mental health across the early years in the military', Psychological Medicine, vol 3, 8 Exhibit M-01.043 - DVS.3333.0001.6085 - 'Risk Factors, Methods, and Timing of Suicide Attempts Among US Army Soldiers', Ursano and colleagues Exhibit M-01.044 - DVS.3333.0001.6137 - Associations of adverse childhood experiences and suicidal behaviours in adulthood in a U.S. nationally representative sample Exhibit M-01.045 - DVS.3333.0001.4104 - MT Merrick and others, 'Unpacking the impact of adverse childhood experiences on adult mental health', Child Abuse & Neglect, vol 69 Exhibit M-01.046 - DVS.3333.0001.6117 - Childhood abuse, household dysfunction, and the risk of attempted suicide throughout the life span Exhibit M-01.047 - DVS.3333.0001.3723 - K Hughes and others, 'The effective of multiple adverse childhood experiences on health' Exhibit M-01.048 - DVS.3333.0001.4137 - Childhood adversity and traumatic exposures during deployment as predictors of mental health in Australian military veterans Exhibit M-01.049 - DVS.3333.0001.6125 - R Syed Sheriff and others, 'Childhood Trauma and Childhood Mental Disorder in Military and Employed Civilian Men' Exhibit M-01.050 - DEF.1376.0003.0090 - MWDD Discussion Primer - Attraction to Transition Continuum Exhibit M-01.051 - DVS.3333.0001.3489 - Australian Government, Defence, webpage, 'Defence mission' Exhibit M-01.052 - DVS.0012.0001.3727 - Natalie Vikhrov, The Canberra Times '$1.25 billion plan for ADFA housing' Exhibit M-01.053 - EXP.0000.0001.0035 - Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics Exhibit M-01.054 - DVS.3333.0001.2328 - The Learning Pyramid Exhibit M-01.055 - EXP.0000.0001.1795 - M Jones, The use and abuse of PowerPoint in Teaching and Learning in the Life Sciences Exhibit M-01.056 - DEF.1192.0002.0023 - B.J Kafer, Report of the Review of Australian Defence Force Academy Military Organisation and Culture Exhibit M-01.057 - DVS.3333.0001.3438 - M Bonner, et al., 'Military Training Does It predispose service personnel to Negative Mental Health Issues' Exhibit M-01.058 - DVS.3333.0001.3507 - Katharine Ann Campbell, 'Dissociation- An overlooked concern in military training and an important factor in suicide. Volume 7, Issue 4 Exhibit M-01.059 - DEF.1412.0001.0001 - Prospective Physical Performance and Resilience (P3R) Study- Report for DG TRADOC Exhibit M-01.061 - DEF.1133.0001.0255 - AC 989 Pre-deployment Emergency Contacts Confirmation Exhibit M-01.062 - DEF.1411.0001.0001 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 1, Part 1, Chapter 1 - Health Authority and Responsibilities Exhibit M-01.063 - DEF.1411.0001.0007 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 2, Part 6, Chapter 5 - Periodic Health Examinations Exhibit M-01.064 - DVS.3333.0001.3419 - Australian Defence Force, Total Workforce System Presentation Exhibit M-01.065 - DVS.3333.0001.6050 - The Conversation, Women have made many inroads in policing, but barriers remain to achieving gender equity Exhibit M-01.066 - DVS.3333.0001.6042 - Productivity Commission, Report on Governance Services 2023, Part C- Justice, 6 Police services data tables, table 6A.2 Police Staffing Exhibit M-01.067 - DVS.3333.0001.5720 - Beyond Blue, National Mental Health and Wellbeing Study of Police and Emergency Services (2016-2020) Exhibit M-01.068 - DVS.3333.0001.5495 - Victoria Police, Victoria Police Mental Health Review- An Independent Review into the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Victoria Police Employees Exhibit M-01.069 - DVS.3333.0001.6154 - 'The mental health of fire-fighters- An examination of the impact of repeated trauma exposure', Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry Exhibit M-01.070 - DVS.3333.0001.6164 - M Kyron and others, ‘Mental health and wellbeing of Australian police and emergency services employee Exhibit M-01.071 - DVS.3333.0001.5222 - Sax Institute, Evidence Check- Suicide prevention in high-risk occupations Exhibit M-01.072 - DVS.3333.0001.6176 - 'Suicide among emergency service workers- a retrospective mortality study of national coronial data, 2001-2017', Cambridge University Press Exhibit M-01.073 - DVS.3333.0001.5845 - M Chilvers and P Doak, Validation of NSW Police Crime Statistics- A Regional Analysis, New South Wales Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research Exhibit M-01.074 - DVS.3333.0001.6043 - J Goodwin, 'The CompStat Process- Four Principles for Managing Crime Reduction', The Police Chief Magazine Exhibit M-01.075 - DVS.3333.0001.6145 - J Fleming, A Scott, 'Performance Measurement in Australian Police Organizations', Policing- A Journal of Policy and Practice, vol 2, issue 3 Exhibit M-01.076 - DVS.3333.0001.5375 - New South Wales Police Annual Report 2010-11 Exhibit M-01.077 - DVS.3333.0001.5279 - Auditor General Victoria, Planning for a capable Victoria Police workforce Exhibit M-01.078 - DVS.3333.0001.5587 - Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, Report 1 An Integrity System for Victoria Police- Key Elements of a Model Integrity System Exhibit M-01.079 - DVS.3333.0001.5816 - TimeBase, 'NSW Passes Act to Amend Police Promotion System', webpage Exhibit M-01.080 - DVS.3333.0001.5756 - A call for Change- Commission of Inquiry into Queensland Police Service responses to domestic and family violence Exhibit N-01.006 - ABS.9999.0005.0001 - Australian Bureau of Statistics Response to NTG-ABS-007 Exhibit N-01.007 - DVA.9999.0155.0003 - Department of Veterans' Affairs Response to NTG-DVA-171 Exhibit N-01.008 - AHW.9999.0006.0001 - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Response to NTG-AHW-012 Exhibit N-01.009 - DVA.9999.0157.0001 - Department of Veterans' Affairs Response to NTG-DVA-170 Exhibit N-01.010 - AHW.9999.0007.0001 - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Response to NTG-AHW-013 Exhibit N-01.011 - AHW.9999.0007.0002 - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Response to NTG-AHW-013, Attachment A Exhibit N-01.012 - DVS.0012.0001.3743 - DVSRC response to Data Project – Validation of Defence Survey Data Analysis Exhibit N-01.013 - DEF.1266.0001.0353 - Suicide Prevention Program Monitoring and Evaluation - Monitoring and Evaluation Plan Exhibit N-01.014 - WSJ.0000.0001.0003 - St John Ambulance Western Australia response to DVSRC Notice to Give (NTG-WSJ-001) Exhibit N-01.015 - NTP.DEF_.006A.0001 - Notice to Produce (NTP-DEF-006A) issued to Department of Defence Exhibit N-01.016 - NTG.DEF_.140.0001 - Notice to Give (NTG-DEF-140) issued to Department of Defence Exhibit N-01.017 - NTP.DEF_.180.0001 - Notice to Produce (NTP-DEF-180A) issued to Department of Defence Exhibit N-01.018 - NTP.DEF_.180B-1.0001 - Notice to Produce (NTP-DEF-180B) issued to Department of Defence Exhibit N-01.019 - DEF.1152.0005.0006 - Defence and Veteran Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy Steering Group Meeting - Outcomes and Actions Summary Exhibit N-01.020 - DVA.5011.0002.2489 - Schedule - The DVA- Defence Joint Research Agenda - Cover Sheet Exhibit N-01.021 - DVA.5086.0001.0071 - DVA Human Research Ethics Committee Meeting Minutes Exhibit N-01.022 - DEF.1278.0002.1107 - DEPSEC DP - Weekly Round Table (Taking Points) Exhibit N-01.023 - DVS.3333.0001.3348 - Enterprise Resource Planning Program - Department of Defence Webpage Exhibit N-01.024 - DVA.5084.0001.0375 - Letter from Defence- DVA to Elizabeth Roughead - Withdrawal of Ethics Approval Exhibit N-01.025 - DVA.5086.0001.0133 - Defence and DVA Covering Brief (154-19 - Larger scale evidence generation for the utilisation and safety of biologic medicines) Exhibit N-01.026 - DVA.5086.0002.0596 - DVA Human Research Ethics Committee - Proposal for Non-Departmental Research Form Exhibit N-01.027 - DVA.0059.0001.0037 - Letter from Defence and DVA to Professor Libby Roughead - Extension of Ethical Approval Exhibit N-01.028 - DVA.5086.0001.0355 - Project Description - Improving the safety of implantable medical devices (V1) Exhibit N-01.029 - DVA.5086.0001.0715 - DVA Human research Ethics Committee Meeting Minutes Exhibit N-01.030 - DVS.3333.0001.3391 - Australian Bureau of Statistics, Census of Population and Housing 2021, customised data report using ABS Table builder Exhibit N-01.031 - DEF.1000.8002.5890 - Psychosocial Safety Climate - Workplace Behaviours Survey Results Exhibit N-01.032 - DEF.1180.0003.0425 - 2022 Workplace Behaviours Survey WoD - Q1 March, Participant Information and Consent Exhibit O-01.001 - DVS.3333.0001.2068 - ADF Concept for Command and Control of the Future Force Exhibit O-01.002 - DVS.3333.0001.3400 - Australian Government, Defence web page, Honours & Decorations Exhibit O-01.003 - DVS.3333.0001.3416 - Australian Government, Defence web page, Values and behaviours Exhibit O-01.004 - DVS.3333.0001.3404 - Australian Army, web page, Ranks Exhibit O-01.005 - DVS.3333.0001.3392 - The Forge, Centre for Defence Leadership and Ethics Exhibit O-01.006 - DVS.3333.0001.2120 - Australian Government, Defence web page, Embodiment of 'good soldiering' Exhibit O-01.007 - DEF.1303.0001.0258 - Defence People Group, Afghanistan Inquiry Reform Program Request to Close El 11- Update ADF-APS Annual Performance Reporting, May 2022 Exhibit O-01.008 - DEF.1269.0006.0237 - Department of Defence, AC 740 Senior Officer Appraisal and Development Report Exhibit O-01.009 - DEF.1269.0006.0242 - Department of Defence, Defence People Group, SES Performance Agreement Template Guide Exhibit O-01.010 - DEF.1233.0002.2004 - Department of Defence, Empowering our People through Culture- Capability, Acquisition and Sustainment Group Tailored Report Exhibit O-01.011 - DEF.1233.0002.2011 - Department of Defence, Empowering our People through Culture- Chief Information Officer Group Tailored Report Exhibit O-01.012 - DEF.1233.0002.2049 - Department of Defence, Empowering our People through Culture- Security and Estate Group Tailored Report Exhibit O-01.013 - DEF.1356.0001.1118 - MD Hammond, Chief of Navy Commitment to Culture Statement, November 2023 Exhibit O-01.014 - DEF.1356.0001.0154 - Simon Stuart, Draft Chief of Army Culture Commitment Statement Exhibit O-01.015 - DEF.1161.0001.0013 - Department of Defence, Research Summary Report- Defence Culture Blueprint Exhibit O-01.016 - DEF.1010.0001.1528 - Human Synergistics, Organisational Culture Inventory Organisational Effectiveness Inventory Feedback Report, OCI-OEI Feedback Report, June 2021 Exhibit O-01.017 - DEF.0001.0001.7064 - Rapid Context, Good Soldiering- Exploring Army partners' experiences of teaming with Army, Report, December 2020 Exhibit O-01.018 - DEF.1296.0001.0033 - Department of Defence, Lead the way- Defence Transformation Strategy, 2020 Exhibit O-01.019 - DEF.1356.0001.1102 - Royal Australian Navy, Next Generation Navy 2024-2027 Achieving Our Mission- With and Through Our People, November 2023 Exhibit O-01.020 - DEF.1151.0003.0056 - Australian Army, Army Business Plan 2022-26, August 2022 Exhibit O-01.021 - DEF.1269.0003.0980 - Department of Defence, Directorate of People Intelligence and Research, Pathway to Change Measurement Model 2021 Exhibit O-01.022 - DEF.1269.0003.0783 - Department of Defence, Gender Equity and Inclusion Program Logic Exhibit O-01.023 - DEF.1028.0001.2380 - Navy, Plan Mercator Navy Strategy Exhibit O-01.024 - DEF.1010.0006.3306 - Department of Defence, The Vanguard, Occasional Paper Series, Preparing for the Future- Key Organisational Lessons from the Afghanistan Campaign Exhibit O-01.025 - ACA.1001.0002.1541 - Department of Defence, Afghanistan Inquiry Reform Plan- Delivering the Defence Response to the IGADF Afghanistan Inquiry Exhibit O-01.026 - DEF.1269.0001.0080 - Air Force Personnel Standing Instructions, Chapter 10- Air Force Promotion System Exhibit O-01.027 - DEF.1167.0004.0334 - CDF Directive 12-2022, Fit and Proper Person Suitability Check- Selection for Promotion, Command and Other Select Appointments Exhibit O-01.028 - DEF.1026.0001.0028 - Good Soldiering- Values and Army Teaming- 2020 Exhibit O-01.029 - DEF.1319.0001.0187 - Our Air Force, Our Culture- Guidance for Commanders Exhibit O-01.030 - DEF.1164.0001.0410 - Army Standing Instruction (Personnel), Part 11, Chapter 7- Army Team Award- Good Soldiering Exhibit O-01.031 - DEF.1269.0003.0049 - The Defence Culture Leadership Companion Exhibit O-01.032 - DEF.1028.0001.2427 - Next Generation Navy Plan 2020-2022 Exhibit O-01.033 - DEF.1164.0001.0050 - Plan Pelorus, Navy Strategy 2022 Exhibit O-01.034 - DEF.1269.0006.0214 - Draft Joint Directive, Secretary and CDF- Accountabilities for Culture Exhibit O-01.035 - AHR.0002.0001.0035 - Defence Respect at Work Framework, Enterprise Business Committee Paper Exhibit O-01.036 - DEF.1233.0011.0148 - Department of Defence, Culture and Diversity Steering Committee Meeting Minutes Exhibit O-01.037 - DEF.1269.0003.0542 - Draft, Defence Values and Behaviours Survey Exhibit O-01.038 - DEF.1303.0001.0090 - Reform Stream Progress Report- Culture Exhibit O-01.039 - DEF.1303.0001.0097 - August 2022- Culture Stream Progress Report (June 2022-August 2022) Exhibit O-01.040 - DEF.1303.0001.0107 - August 2023 Culture Stream Progress Report (June 2023 - August 2023)_0 Exhibit O-01.041 - DEF.1303.0001.0104 - June 2023 Culture Stream Progress Report (March 2023-May 2023)_0 Exhibit O-01.042 - DEF.1303.0001.0101 - March 2023 Culture Stream Progress Report (December 2022-February 2023) Exhibit O-01.043 - DEF.1303.0001.0099 - November 2022 Culture Stream Progress Report (September 2022-November 2022) Exhibit O-01.044 - DVS.3333.0001.6191 - ADF, Philosophical - Command Exhibit O-01.045 - ACA.1001.0005.0371 - ADF, Military Ethics - Command Exhibit O-01.046 - DEF.1269.0006.0245 - Department of Defence, SES Performance Agreement- Blank Exhibit O-01.047 - DEF.1028.0001.2059 - Navy Headquarters, NGN Steering Group, Sponsor Paper 29 November 2021 Exhibit O-01.048 - DEF.1010.0002.1490 - The Defence Safety Behaviour and Culture Review- Senior Leadership Support for the Safety Climate Scan - Minute to Justine Greig Exhibit O-01.049 - DEF.1233.0002.2035 - Department of Defence, Empowering Our People Through Culture, Defence People Group Tailored Report Exhibit O-01.050 - DEF.1269.0006.0247 - SES Performance Agreement Supporting Guidelines; Leadership Commitment- People Management Exhibit O-01.051 - DEF.1356.0001.0853 - Respect @ Work Communication Plan (2023-2024) Exhibit O-01.052 - DEF.1356.0001.0855 - Key Messages for leaders- Respect @ Work Exhibit O-01.053 - DEF.1356.0001.0858 - Headline Message - Respect @ Work Exhibit O-01.054 - DEF.1356.0001.0859 - Respect @ Work Factsheet 1- Senior Leadership Exhibit O-01.055 - DEF.1356.0001.0861 - Respect @ Work Factsheet 2 - Overview of Legislative Changes Exhibit P-01.001 - DVS.4444.0002.0001 - Defence response to matters taken on notice arising out of the evidence of Celia Perkins and John Love on 19 March 2024 Exhibit P-01.002 - IGD.0036.0001.0001 - Report titled 'Twenty-year review of the Office of the Inspector-General of the Australian Defence Force' Exhibit P-01.003 - DEF.0001.0002.0546 - Evaluation of the Dunt Review Implementation Report Exhibit P-01.004 - COM.0001.0013.0118 - Inspector Report - MC00019397 Exhibit P-01.005 - COM.0001.0013.0089 - Inspector Report - MC00018743 Exhibit P-01.006 - COM.0001.0016.0061 - Inspector Report - MC00022083 FINAL Exhibit P-01.007 - DEF.1260.0001.0043 - Joint Health Command- Program Management Office (PMO) Guide Exhibit P-01.008 - DEF.1246.0001.0019 - Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide Interim Implementation and Reform Strategy Version 2.0. Final Exhibit P-01.009 - DEF.9999.0168.0001 - Defence Response to NTG-DEF-266 Exhibit P-01.010 - DEF.1288.0001.0153 - Joint Directive 10-2023 by the Secretary and the CDF- Re-organisation of the Defence People System and Establishment of the Chief of Personnel Exhibit P-01.011 - DEF.1303.0001.0287 - Department of Defence, Closure of EI17 - Organisational Learnings - Study by MAJGEN Andrew Hocking CSC, NTP-DEF-303-02 Exhibit P-01.012 - AHR.0001.0002.0225 - Defence Enterprise Culture Strategy (Draft) Exhibit P-01.013 - DEF.1221.0001.1055 - Defence Work, Health & Safety Strategy 2023 - 2028 Exhibit P-01.014 - DEF.1376.0001.1669 - Defence and Veteran Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2024- 2029 Consultation Draft Exhibit P-01.015 - DEF.1151.0005.0388 - Department of Defence, Defence Enterprise Risk Report - as at November 2021 Exhibit P-01.016 - GRM.1001.0001.0057 - 2023 Defence Risk Appetite Statement Exhibit P-01.017 - DEF.1151.0005.0386 - ETG - Defence Enterprise Risk Report - November 2020#2 Exhibit P-01.018 - DEF.1296.0001.0001 - Action Plan - Defence Accountability Framework 2023 Exhibit P-01.019 - DEF.1296.0002.0001 - Pathway to Change Deep Dive Status Report August 2019 Exhibit P-01.020 - IGD.9999.0021.0001 - IGADF response to NTG-IGD-018 Exhibit P-01.021 - DVS.0000.0001.9371 - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD Recommendation of The Council on Public Integrity- Public Integrity Exhibit P-01.022 - DVS.0000.0001.9387 - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD Public Integrity Handbook- Oversight Exhibit P-01.023 - DVS.0000.0001.9351 - Australian Human Rights Commission, 'About', webpage Exhibit P-01.024 - DVS.0000.0001.9315 - AGS Letter regarding the Commonwealth Ombudsman Response to Potential Propositions Exhibit P-01.025 - COM.0000.0001.0185 - Comcare Submissions in Response to Potential Propositions Exhibit P-01.026 - DVS.0000.0001.9331 - AGS Letter regarding the Australian Human Rights Commission Response to Potential Propositions Exhibit P-01.027 - DVS.0000.0001.9302 - Commonwealth response to DVSRC Potential Propositions on the Australian Human Rights Commission Exhibit P-01.028 - DVS.0000.0001.9333 - The Ombudsman and the Rule of Law, revised version of a paper presented by the then-Commonwealth Ombudsman Exhibit P-01.029 - DVS.0000.0001.9360 - R Croucher, The somewhat invisible world and extraordinary contributions of the AHRC, speech by the then-President of the AHRC Exhibit P-01.030 - CDF.0000.0001.0009 - Commonwealth Ombudsman, Defending Fairness- Does Defence handle unacceptable behaviour complaints effectively- Exhibit P-01.031 - CDF.0000.0001.0067 - Commonwealth Ombudsman, Complaint management by government agencies An investigation into management Exhibit P-01.032 - CDF.0000.0001.0148 - Commonwealth Ombudsman, Did they do what they said they would- Volume 2- Reviewing implementation of our recommendations Exhibit P-01.035 - DVS.0000.0001.9354 - Speech by then-Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick Exhibit P-01.036 - DEF.0033.0001.0015 - Australian Human Rights Commission and Defence, Defence-AHRC Collaboration- Five Year Overview Report Exhibit P-01.037 - DVS.0000.0001.9396 - Safe Work Australia, Information Sheet Incident Notification Revised version, November 2015 Exhibit P-01.038 - DVS.0000.0001.9406 - WA Police Union Police officer suicides in Australia Exhibit P-01.039 - DVS.0000.0001.9409 - WA Police Union research finds death by suicide surpasses those killed on duty - ABC News Exhibit P-01.040 - DVS.0000.0001.9415 - Bully boss charged under Brodie's Law Exhibit P-01.041 - DVS.0000.0001.9420 - Joint statement - Statement on IGADF Inquiry Exhibit P-01.042 - DVS.0000.0001.9424 - John Braithwaite, Responsive regulation Exhibit P-01.043 - DVS.0000.0001.9681 - Mary Ivec and Valerie Brathwaite, Applications of Responsive Regulatory Theory in Australia and Overseas- Update Exhibit P-01.044 - DVS.0000.0001.9785 - Service Complaints Ombudsman for the Armed Forces - Annual Report 2022 Exhibit P-01.045 - ONC.0000.0013.1659 - Australian Government Response to the National Mental Health Commission Review into Suicide and Self-harm Prevention Services Exhibit P-01.046 - ACA.1001.0002.1489 - Submission to Minister for Defence Personnel, Evaluating and assessing the proposal to develop a pre-transition course, October 2021 Exhibit P-01.047 - DEF.0001.0001.8205 - Defence Culture Evaluation Framework Deep Dive One- Ethics and Workplace Behaviours Exhibit P-01.048 - DEF.1233.0015.0018 - Enterprise Business Committee - Outcomes Exhibit P-01.049 - DEF.1233.0015.0027 - Enterprise Business Committee - Outcomes Exhibit P-01.050 - DEF.1319.0001.0242 - Minutes of the 01-2023 Air Command Safety Board Exhibit P-01.059 - DVS.4444.0001.0288 - Comcare Regulatory Guide - primary duty of Care Exhibit P-01.060 - DVS.4444.0001.0294 - The Public sector performance paradox Exhibit P-01.061 - DVS.4444.0001.0279 - Rashid and Ahmad, Business Process Improvement Methodologies- An Overview Exhibit Q-01.002 - DVS.4444.0003.0001 - Department of Defence, 'Operation Resolute' webpage Exhibit Q-01.003 - DVA.5051.0030.7919 - DVA Health Check - Claims and Operations Division Exhibit Q-01.004 - DVA.9999.0103.0011 - Response to NTG-DVA-197 Exhibit Q-01.005 - DVA.9999.0069.0010 - Response to NTG-DVA-088 Exhibit Q-01.006 - DVA.9999.0054.0001 - Response to NTG-DVA-065 Exhibit Q-01.007 - DVA.5051.0002.5313 - Beca Business Process Improvement Review Exhibit Q-01.008 - DVA.5066.0002.0334 - Quality Assurance Project Plan Exhibit Q-01.009 - DVA.5066.0004.0001 - Quality Assurance Critical Error Analysis Report Exhibit Q-01.010 - DVA.9999.0124.0001 - Response to NTG-DVA-120 Exhibit Q-01.011 - DVA.5066.0002.0471 - OPI QA Improvement Project- Critical Error Analysis Exhibit Q-01.012 - DVA.9999.0115.0001 - List of 'Decision Ready' conditions Exhibit Q-01.013 - DVA.9999.0115.0008 - Response to NTG-DVA-142 Exhibit Q-01.014 - DVS.4444.0005.0001 - Welcome to DVA Updated, webpage Exhibit Q-01.015 - DVS.4444.0005.0097 - Building Excellence in Support and Training, webpage Exhibit Q-01.016 - DVS.4444.0005.0101 - Defence Families of Australian Advocacy Map Exhibit Q-01.017 - DVS.4444.0005.0122 - Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, Enabling autonomy and access, Final Report (Volume 6) Exhibit Q-01.018 - DVS.4444.0005.0754 - ATDP statistics Exhibit Q-01.019 - DVS.4444.0005.0758 - National Legal Aid, 2024-25 Pre-budget Submission Exhibit Q-01.020 - DVS.4444.0005.0765 - Service standards for claims advocacy, webpage Exhibit Q-01.021 - DVS.4444.0005.0769 - What is an advocate, webpage Exhibit Q-01.022 - DVA.0001.0001.2485 - List of conditions approved for decision ready processing Exhibit Q-01.023 - DVA.5010.0002.4700 - List of conditions approved for decision ready processing Exhibit Q-01.024 - DVA.5019.0001.0169 - Productivity Commission response- Compensation reform framework topic 4- Recommended abolition of specialist medical review council Exhibit R-01.001 - DEF.1197.0003.0816 - Defence Community Organisation Evaluation Exhibit R-01.002 - DEF.1197.0003.0935 - Strategic Review into the Defence Community, Richard Scott - Part A Exhibit R-01.003 - DEF.1197.0003.0973 - Strategic Review into the Defence Community, Richard Scott - Part D Exhibit R-01.004 - DEF.1354.0001.0035 - Strategic Review into the Defence Community, Richard Scott Exhibit R-01.005 - DEF.1310.0001.0135 - Defence Childcare Review, Defence Community Organisation Exhibit R-01.006 - AIF.0001.0001.7666 - What are the family protective factors for members transitioning from Defence service- Summary of the Rapid Evidence Assessment Exhibit R-01.007 - ACA.1001.0002.0403 - Defence Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2018-2023 Exhibit R-01.008 - AIF.0001.0001.1337 - Transition and Wellbeing Research Programme, Family Wellbeing Study Exhibit R-01.009 - DEF.1196.0001.0101 - Transition Taskforce, Improving the Transition Experience Exhibit R-01.010 - DEF.1197.0011.0258 - Proximity, Defence Community Organisation, Partner Employment Review Exhibit R-01.011 - DEF.1197.0003.0916 - Defence Member and Family Support (DMFS) Assurance Task 01- 2021, Review of DMFS Deployment Support Services Exhibit R-01.012 - DEF.1034.0002.0005 - DMFS Direct Practice Procedural Manual 2022 Exhibit R-01.013 - DEF.1197.0011.0394 - 22-023 Defence Families - Services and Support, Final Audit Report Exhibit R-01.014 - DVA.5068.0001.1065 - Communications approach, Kookaburra Kids communications 2023 (draft) Exhibit R-01.015 - DVA.5068.0001.1069 - Kookaburra Kids - Program overview (draft) Exhibit R-01.016 - DVA.5068.0001.1129 - Kookaburra Kids - Evaluation framework Exhibit R-01.017 - DVA.5068.0001.1077 - Deed of Variation in relation to the Support Services for Children of Veterans program Exhibit R-01.018 - DEF.1197.0004.0512 - DMFS Direct Practice Procedural Manual 2023 Exhibit R-01.019 - DEF.1155.0001.0147 - Defence Member and Family Information Guide Exhibit R-01.020 - DVA.5068.0001.0928 - J Hughes, L Gahan and J Smart, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Strengthening Defence and veteran relationships Exhibit R-01.021 - DEF.1310.0001.2924 - Defence Member and Family Support, Family Data Pack Exhibit R-01.022 - DVS.4444.0001.0001 - Productivity Commission, A path to universal early childhood education and care - Draft report Exhibit R-01.023 - DVA.9999.0121.0012 - DVA response to NTG-DEV-125 Exhibit R-01.024 - DEF.1375.0001.0157 - Defence Member and Family Support Communication Strategy 2024-25 (draft) Exhibit R-01.025 - DEF.9999.0192.0042 - Defence response to NTG-DEF-274 Exhibit R-01.026 - DVS.4444.0001.0108 - National Defence Strategy Exhibit R-01.028 - DVS.4444.0001.0102 - Defence Member and Family Helpline website Exhibit R-01.030 - DVS.4444.0001.0112 - Veterans' Legislation Reform - Exposure Draft Consultation website Exhibit S-01.002 - DVS.0012.0001.5949 - The current status of moral injury- A narrative review and Rapid Evidence Assessment, Phoenix Australia - Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health Exhibit S-01.004 - DVS.0012.0001.5878 - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare webpage, 'Australian prevalence estimates of suicide behaviours, webpage' Exhibit S-01.005 - DVS.0012.0001.6017 - Jamieson et al, 'Walking Forwards with Moral Injury- Narratives from Ex-serving Australian Defence Force Members', Journal of Veteran Studies Exhibit S-01.007 - DVS.0012.0001.6014 - National Security College webpage, Modern soldiers can kill a target on computer, then head home for dinner - and it's giving them 'moral injury' Exhibit S-01.011 - DVS.0012.0001.6029 - 'Guilt and It's Relationship to Mental Illness and Suicide Attempts in an Australian Veteran Population with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder' Exhibit S-01.012 - AMF.0000.0001.0667 - Response to NTG-AMF-005 Exhibit S-01.013 - AMF.0000.0001.0669 - Attachment to response to NTG-AMF-005 Exhibit S-01.014 - SRU.0000.0001.0846 - Statement of Dr Stephan James Rudzki AM Exhibit S-01.018 - DEF.9999.0195.0001 - Defence's response to NTG-DEF-253 Exhibit S-01.019 - DVA.9999.0146.0001 - DVA's response to NTG-DVA-159 Exhibit S-01.020 - DVS.0000.0001.7372 - Defence Website 'Antimalarial Medications' Exhibit S-01.021 - DVS.0000.0001.7532 - WHO - Review of Central Nervous System Adverse Events related to the Antimalarial drug, mefloquine (1985 - 1990 Exhibit S-01.022 - DVS.0000.0001.7563 - TGA - 11 Sep 1998 - Product Information - Mefloquine (Lariam) Exhibit S-01.023 - DVS.0000.0001.9087 - TGA - Public Summary - KOZENIS Tafenoquine Exhibit S-01.024 - DVS.0000.0001.9300 - Website, Australian Defence Force Malaria and Infectious Disease Institute, ADF Members & Families, Defence Exhibit S-01.025 - DVS.2222.0001.3396 - Consumer Medicine (CMI) Information Summary - Lariam Exhibit S-01.026 - DVS.2222.0001.3402 - Australian Product Information - Lariam (Mefloquine Hydrochloride) Tablets Exhibit S-01.027 - RPL.0000.0001.0002 - Response to NTG-RPL-001 Exhibit S-01.028 - STU.0000.0001.3712 - Peterson et al, Reported Side Effects to Chloroquine,Chloroquine plus Proguanil,and Mefloquine Exhibit S-01.031 - SUB.0000.0098.0246 - Self-reported health of Australian Defence Force personnel after use of anti-malarial drugs on deployment Exhibit S-01.032 - ACA.1001.0004.1194 - Defence Mental Health and Wellbeing - Sleeping soundly guide Exhibit S-01.033 - CKT.1001.0001.0002 - Joint Health Command - Health Service Level Charter Exhibit S-01.034 - CTH.9999.0003.0001 - Consolidated response to NTG-CTH-003 Exhibit S-01.035 - DEF.0003.0003.0216 - [Redacted] FATCLAS Exhibit S-01.036 - DEF.0003.0003.3790 - [Redacted] - Fatal Casualty – After Action Review Exhibit S-01.037 - DEF.0003.0003.4075 - [Redacted] Fatal Casualty - SITREP 3 Exhibit S-01.038 - DEF.0003.0005.7784 - After Action Review – DCO Bereavement Support regarding [Redacted] Exhibit S-01.039 - DEF.0003.0007.8058 - Jesse Bird - final consolidated Coroners submissions Exhibit S-01.040 - DEF.1002.0005.3300 - [Redacted] - Fatal Casualty – DCO customer case notes Exhibit S-01.041 - DEF.1002.0007.2611 - [Redacted] - 8575113 - Fatal Casualty - After Action Review Exhibit S-01.042 - DEF.1002.0007.6224 - [Redacted] - Fatal Casualty - After Action Review Exhibit S-01.043 - DEF.1002.0019.3611 - [Redacted] – Fatal Casualty – After Action Review Exhibit S-01.044 - DEF.1002.0060.0808 - DVA Non-Liability Health Care factsheet Exhibit S-01.045 - DEF.1326.0001.0057 - New Annual Training - Defence Suicide Awareness Exhibit S-01.046 - DEF.9999.0151.0001 - Response to NTG-DEF-206 Exhibit S-01.047 - DEF.9999.0157.0001 - Response to NTG-DEF-226 Exhibit S-01.048 - DVA.9999.0137.0016 - Response to NTG-DVA-153 Exhibit S-01.049 - DVA.9999.0154.0001 - Response to NTG-DVA-163 [redacted] Exhibit S-01.050 - OPA.9999.0001.0002 - Response to NTG-OPA-001 Exhibit S-01.051 - PCO.9999.0001.0001 - Response to NTG-PCO-001 Exhibit S-01.052 - DEF.1413.0001.0028 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 1, Part 3, Chapter 1 - Privacy of Health Information Exhibit S-01.053 - DEF.1413.0001.0034 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 1, Part 4, Chapter 1 - Eligibility for Defence health care Exhibit S-01.054 - DEF.1413.0001.0038 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 1, Part 4, Chapter 2 - Provision of health care Exhibit S-01.055 - DEF.1413.0001.0042 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 1, Part 4, Chapter 3 - Garrison health service delivery model Exhibit S-01.056 - DEF.1413.0002.0001 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 1, Part 10, Chapter 1 - Risk of suicide, self-harm or harm to others Exhibit S-01.057 - DEF.1413.0001.0013 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 1, Part 10, Chapter 2 - Operational Mental Health Screening Exhibit S-01.058 - DEF.1413.0002.0012 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 1, Part 10, Chapter 3 - Critical Incident Mental Health Support Exhibit S-01.059 - DEF.1413.0001.0081 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 2, Part 3, Chapter 1 - Collection, use and disclosure of health information by Defence health personnel Exhibit S-01.060 - DEF.1413.0001.0093 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 2, Part 6, Chapter 2 - Military employment classification system Exhibit S-01.061 - DEF.1413.0001.0163 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 2, Part 7, Chapter 8 - Health surveillance in the ADF Exhibit S-01.062 - DEF.1413.0001.0149 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 2, Part 7, Chapter 10 - Pre-Deployment Health Preparation Exhibit S-01.063 - DEF.1413.0001.0155 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 2, Part 7, Chapter 17 - Post-deployment Health Requirements Exhibit S-01.064 - DEF.1413.0001.0052 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 2, Part 10, Chapter 1 - Coordinated care and management of ADF members receiving mental health services in garrison Exhibit S-01.065 - DEF.1413.0001.0063 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 2, Part 10, Chapter 2 - Assessing and managing members at risk of suicide, self-harm or harm to others Exhibit S-01.066 - DEF.1413.0001.0067 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 2, Part 10, Chapter 4 - Mental Health Screening Exhibit S-01.067 - DEF.1413.0001.0071 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 2, Part 10, Chapter 5 - Management of Critical Incident Mental Health Support Exhibit S-01.068 - DEF.1413.0001.0077 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 2, Part 10, Chapter 6 - Management of Mental Health Disorders Exhibit S-01.069 - DEF.1413.0001.0280 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 3, Part 3, Chapter 1 - Defence electronic Health system Exhibit S-01.070 - DEF.1413.0001.0296 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 3, Part 3, Chapter 3 - Hard-copy health information Exhibit S-01.071 - DEF.1413.0001.0305 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 3, Part 3, Chapter 4 - Mental Health and Psychology materials Exhibit S-01.072 - DEF.1413.0001.0312 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 3, Part 3, Chapter 5 - Psychological documents folder Exhibit S-01.073 - DEF.1413.0001.0318 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 3, Part 3, Chapter 7 - Disclosure of health information by defence health personnel Exhibit S-01.074 - DEF.1413.0001.0326 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 3, Part 3, Chapter 8 - Defence health records management Exhibit S-01.075 - DEF.1413.0001.0167 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 3, Part 10, Chapter 1 - All hours support line Exhibit S-01.076 - DEF.1413.0001.0196 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 3, Part 10, Chapter 2 - Procedures for assessing and managing members at risk of suicide, self harm or harm to others Exhibit S-01.077 - DEF.1413.0001.0207 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 3, Part 10, Chapter 3 - Conduct of Mental Health Screening Exhibit S-01.078 - DEF.1413.0001.0222 - Defence Health Manual, Vol 3, Part 10, Chapter 4 – Mental health support services to Defence members Exhibit S-01.079 - DEF.1413.0001.0237 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 3, Part 10, Chapter 5 - Conduct of a critical incident mental health response Exhibit S-01.080 - DEF.1413.0001.0243 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 3, Part 10, Chapter 6 - Mental health and psychology intake service in garrison Exhibit S-01.081 - DEF.1413.0001.0256 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 3, Part 10, Chapter 7 - Mental health and psychology case review, audit and reporting in garrison Exhibit S-01.082 - DEF.1413.0001.0267 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 3, Part 10, Chapter 8 - Mental health and psychology case review, audit and reporting in garrison Exhibit S-01.083 - DEF.1413.0001.0170 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 3, Part 10, Chapter 10 - Mental health and psychology workload management guidelines Exhibit S-01.084 - DEF.1413.0001.0176 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 3, Part 10, Chapter 11 - Management of requests for representation against mental health-psychological assessment Exhibit S-01.085 - DEF.1414.0001.0001 - Defence Health Manual, Volume 3, Part 8, Chapter 5 - Malaria Exhibit T-01.001 - DVS.4444.0004.0105 - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2016). Incidence of suicide among serving and ex-serving Australian Defence Force personnel 2001-2014 Exhibit T-01.002 - ACA.1001.0002.0261 - Media Release, Veteran Mental Health and Wellbeing Summit statement Exhibit T-01.003 - DVA.5002.0004.2777 - The Daily Telegraph 'Plea for Royal Commission after veteran son takes his own life' Exhibit T-01.004 - DVS.4444.0004.0142 - Share your story - Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide Exhibit T-01.005 - DVS.4444.0004.0146 - National Mental Health Commission Review Exhibit T-01.006 - DVS.4444.0004.0001 - Transcript, Press Conference, Australian Parliament House Exhibit T-01.007 - DVS.4444.0004.0011 - National Commissioner for Defence and Veteran Suicide Prevention - Public Consultation on the Bills Exhibit T-01.008 - DVS.0000.0001.7529_R - AGS email regarding the role of the AGD Exhibit T-01.009 - DVS.0000.0001.9060_R - OSA Letter regarding NTG-CTH-001 Exhibit T-01.010 - DVS.0000.0001.9067_R - AGS email regarding NTG-CTH-001 Exhibit T-01.011 - DVS.0000.0001.7383_R - AGS Letter regarding NTG-CTH-001 Exhibit T-01.012 - DVS.0000.0001.7477_R - AGS Letter regarding draft NTG-DVA-112, NTP-DVA-086, NTG-DVA-130 and NTP-DVA-106 Exhibit T-01.013 - DVS.0000.0001.9228_R - AGS email regarding NTG-PMC-002 Exhibit T-01.020 - DVS.0000.0001.7459_R - OSA email regarding NTP DVA-065 Exhibit T-01.021 - DVS.0000.0001.7460_R - AGS email regarding NTP DVA-065 Exhibit T-01.022 - DVS.0000.0001.7462_R - AGS Letter in relation to NTP-DVA-065 (VCR Gateway Review) Exhibit T-01.023 - DVS.0000.0001.7464_R - AGS email regarding NTP DVA-065 Exhibit T-01.024 - DVS.0000.0001.7468_R - AGS Letter regarding NTG-DVA-089 NTG-DVA-088 and NTG-DVA-085 Exhibit T-01.025 - DVS.0000.0001.7471_R - AGS email regarding NTG-DVA-088 and NTG-DVA-089 Exhibit T-01.026 - DVS.0000.0001.7400_R - AGS email in relation to Statements of Wing Commander Naomi Gill (NTG-NGI-001) and Commander Alfonso Santos CSC (NTG-ALS-001) Exhibit T-01.027 - DVS.0000.0001.7445_R - AGS email in relation to NTG-DEF-059 Exhibit T-01.028 - DVS.0000.0001.7453_R - AGS Letter regarding the conduct of Hearing Block 8 Exhibit T-01.029 - DVS.0000.0001.9062_R - AGS Letter regarding compliance with notices issued to DVA Exhibit T-01.030 - DVS.0000.0001.7482_R - AGS Letter regarding NTP-DVA-092 (OPI Projects) tranche 1 Exhibit T-01.031 - DVS.0000.0001.9232_R - Letter from Secretary & Chief of the Defence Force Exhibit T-01.032 - DVS.0000.0001.9070_R - OSA Letter regarding DVA and State and Territory Co-ordination Exhibit T-01.033 - DVS.0000.0001.9090_R - Royal Commission Letter to Secretary & Chief of the Defence Force Exhibit T-01.034 - DVS.0000.0001.9089_R - Royal Commission Letter to Secretary of Department of Veterans' Affairs Exhibit T-01.035 - DVS.0000.0001.9084_R - AGS Letter regarding DVA Notices returnable in December Exhibit T-01.036 - DVS.0000.0001.7447_R - OSA Letter regarding statements of Colonel Deacon, Wing Commander Dolan and Commander Withers Exhibit T-01.037 - DVS.0000.0001.7376_R - OSA Letter regarding confidentiality regime Exhibit T-01.038 - DVS.0000.0001.7388_R - AGS Letter regarding confidentiality regime Exhibit T-01.039 - DVS.0000.0001.7406_R - OSA Letter regarding confidentiality regime Exhibit T-01.040 - DVS.0000.0001.7408_R - AGS email regarding the evidence of the Australian Institute of Family Studies Exhibit T-01.041 - DVS.0000.0001.7437_R - AGS email regarding the evidence of the Australian Institute of Family Studies Exhibit T-01.042 - DVS.0000.0001.7414_R - OSA email regarding the evidence of the Australian Institute of Family Studies Exhibit T-01.043 - DVS.0000.0001.7425_R - AGS email at 2.30pm regarding the evidence of the Australian Institute of Family Studies Exhibit T-01.044 - DVS.0000.0001.7485_R - OSA email regarding SEMPRO Tender List Exhibit T-01.045 - DVS.0000.0001.7489_R - AGS email regarding SEMPRO Tender List Exhibit T-01.046 - DVS.0000.0001.7479_R - AGS email regarding Transition, Veteran Support, Families Tender List Exhibit T-01.047 - DVS.0000.0001.7501_R - AGS email at 5.16pm regarding the evidence of Vice Admiral David Johnson Exhibit T-01.048 - DVS.0000.0001.7512_R - AGS email regarding the evidence of Vice Admiral David Johnson Exhibit T-01.049 - DVS.0000.0001.9072_R - AGS Letter regarding expectations of Defence witnesses to appear during Hearing Block 12 Exhibit T-01.050 - DVS.0000.0001.7494_R - AGS letter regarding NTP-DEF-318 Exhibit T-01.051 - DVS.4444.0004.0124 - Document Management Protocol for the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide Exhibit U-01.002 - WIT.0000.0001.0001_R - Statement of [Redacted] Exhibit U-01.028 - RYK.0000.0001.0035 - Statement of Ryan Kelly Exhibit U-01.029 - RYK.0000.0001.0001 - Mould Investigation Kuttabul FHQ Level 5 Exhibit U-01.030 - DEF.1323.0003.0001 - Sentinel Report Toxic Mould Event Investigation Report Exhibit U-01.031 - DEF.1323.0004.0084 - Ryan Kelly - Department of Veterans' Affairs Diagnosis Form Exhibit U-01.032 - DEF.1360.0001.0144 - JHC Response to health complaint CMDR Ryan Kelly Exhibit U-01.033 - DEF.1323.0002.0001 - Email summary of JHU investigation into complaint C-10583 Exhibit V-01.001 - DEF.1393.0001.0001 - Transition Preparedness Questionnaire Full List of Questions and Answers Exhibit V-01.003 - DEF.1025.0002.1493 - Defence Member and Family Support Transition Presentation Exhibit V-01.005 - DEF.9999.0120.0006 - Department of Defence, Response to Notice to Give, NTG-DEF-149 Exhibit V-01.006 - DEF.1407.0001.0001 - Powerpoint by Orima titled '2023 Transition Services and Supports Survey' Exhibit V-01.007 - DEF.1407.0001.0035 - Defence-DVA Links Steering Committee Paper titled 'Joint Transition Authority Update' Exhibit V-01.008 - DEF.1407.0001.1126 - Final Report by PwC titled 'Joint Transition Authority Transition Preparedness Questionnaire Review' Exhibit V-01.009 - DEF.1407.0001.1105 - Transition Preparedness Questionnaire - Readiness Summary Exhibit V-01.010 - DEF.1407.0001.1196 - Joint Transition Authority Working Group - Future Transition Operating Model Terms of Reference Exhibit V-01.011 - DEF.0034.0001.0001 - Minute - Scoping Mandatory Support for Involuntary Transitions Exhibit V-01.012 - DEF.0034.0001.0003 - JTA Monthly Transitions Report as at 1 April 2024 Exhibit V-01.014 - DEF.1037.0002.8962 - Powerpoint presentation titled 'ADFRP Goal 3 Rehabilitation Program Workshop' Exhibit W-01.001 - DEF.1168.0001.0113 - Complaints and Alternative Resolutions Manual (CARM) Chapter 3 Exhibit W-01.002 - DEF.9999.0151.0059 - Annexure C- Defence Response to NTG-DEF-213B Exhibit W-01.003 - DVS.0012.0001.2609 - Director of Military Prosecutions - Report for the period 01 January to 31 December 2022 Exhibit W-01.004 - DEF.1316.0005.0207 - Defence Instruction People Provision 6, 'Reporting, recording and dealing with civilian offences' Exhibit W-01.005 - DEF.1387.0001.0001 - Complaints and Alternative Resolutions Manual (CARM) Chapter 4 Exhibit W-01.006 - DEF.9999.0193.0001 - Response to NTG-DEF-277 Exhibit X-01.003 - DVS.0000.0001.7858 - National Mental Health Commission, Review into the Suicide and Self-Harm Prevention services Exhibit X-01.004 - DVS.0000.0001.7880 - National Mental Health Commission, Review into the Suicide and Self-Harm Prevention services Exhibit X-01.005 - DVS.0000.0001.7916 - The Social Deck and MPConsulting, Report on consultation outcomes- Proposed new entity to promote the wellbeing of Defence members and veterans Exhibit X-01.009 - DVS.0000.0001.9096 - Department of Veterans' Affairs, CLIK 4.5- What Assistance can DVA Provide to Serving Members- Exhibit X-01.010 - DVS.0000.0001.9093 - Australian Government, Organisation Register Dashboard Exhibit X-01.011 - DVS.0000.0001.9211 - National Mental Health Commission, 'About' (webpage) Exhibit X-01.012 - DVS.0000.0001.9214 - National Mental Health Commission, 'National Suicide Prevention Office' (webpage) Exhibit X-01.013 - DVS.0000.0001.9091 - National Mental Health Commission, 'About the National Suicide Prevention Office' (webpage) Exhibit X-01.014 - DVS.0000.0001.9223 - Inspector-General of Aged Care, 'Who are we' (webpage) Exhibit X-01.015 - DVS.0000.0001.9218 - Inspector-General of Aged Care, 'Oversight of the aged care system' (webpage) Exhibit X-01.016 - DVS.0000.0001.9105 - Financial Regulator Assessment Authority, 'About FRAA' (webpage) Exhibit X-01.022 - DVS.0000.0001.9233 - Office of Parliamentary Counsel, Drafting Direction No. 3.6 Exhibit Y-01.001 - DVS.0012.0001.3417 - Response to Question on Notice, Assistant Minister James Sullivan, State of Queensland Exhibit Y-01.002 - DTR.9999.0001.0001 - Department of the Treasury Response to NTG-DTR-001 Exhibit Y-01.003 - DHA.0001.0001.0001 - The Honourable David Harris MP Response to NTG-DHA-001 Exhibit Y-01.004 - DVS.3333.0001.2066 - Letter from the NSW Crown Solicitors Office to the Office of Solicitors Assisting regarding evidence Exhibit Y-01.005 - DVA.5067.0001.0018 - Commonwealth State and Territory Committee Minutes - August Exhibit Y-01.006 - DVA.5067.0001.0068 - Joint communique - Veterans' Ministers' meeting Exhibit Y-01.007 - DVA.5067.0001.0093 - Joint communique - Veterans Ministerial Council Exhibit Y-01.008 - DVA.5067.0001.0289 - Commonwealth State and Territory Committee Minutes - July Exhibit Y-01.009 - DVA.5067.0002.1212 - Ministerial Submission - PM&C Ministerial Forums Review Exhibit Y-01.010 - DVA.5067.0002.1286 - Action brief for Secretary - Establishment of CSTC and the Armistice Centenary Working Group Exhibit Y-01.011 - DVA.5067.0003.0095 - Ministerial Submission - Letters of Invitation to State and Territory Ministers for Veterans Ministers' Round Table Exhibit Y-01.012 - DVS.3333.0001.3359 - Defence web page, Defence School Mentor Program Exhibit Y-01.013 - DVS.3333.0001.3371 - The Armed Forces Covenant and status in law, Louisa Brooke-Holland and Claire Milles, House of Commons Library Exhibit Y-01.014 - DVA.5067.0001.0060 - Veterans Ministers' Roundtable Minutes Exhibit Y-01.015 - DVA.5067.0003.0115 - Veterans Ministerial Council Terms of Reference Exhibit Y-01.016 - DVA.5067.0003.0113 - Commonwealth, State and Territory Committee, Terms of Reference Exhibit Z-01.009 - DVS.3333.0001.4308 - S Freud, Beyond the Pleasure Principle Exhibit Z-01.010 - DVS.3333.0001.4956 - P Gilbert and S Allan The role of defeat entrapment (arrested flight) in depression an exploration Exhibit Z-01.011 - DVS.3333.0001.4807 - JJ Mann, C Waternaux, GL Haas and KM Malone, Toward a clinical model of suicidal behaviour in psychiatric patients, American Journal of Psychiatry Exhibit Z-01.013 - DVS.3333.0001.5053 - F Winslow, Anatomy of suicide Exhibit Z-01.018 - DVS.3333.0001.4816 - ABS National Study of Mental Health and Wellbeing, 2020-2022- Customised data, Persons aged 17-64 years employed full-time Exhibit Z-01.021 - DVS.3333.0001.4936 - Predictive Modeling and Concentration of the Risk of Suicide- Implications for Preventive Interventions in the US Department of Veterans Affairs Exhibit Z-01.023 - DVS.3333.0001.6341 - M Klein, A contribution to the psychogenesis of manic-depressive states, The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 1935, 16, 145-174