Additional exhibits – tendered in chambers – 28 July 2022 You are here Home Publications Evidence Additional exhibits – tendered in chambers – 28 July 2022 Date 28 July 2022 Return to Evidence page Exhibits Exhibit A-01.001 - DEF.1011.1000.0619 - Chief of Air Force, Air Marshal, GN Davies, AO, CSC. CAF Message- New Horizon, Our link to Pathway to Change- Evolving Defence Culture 2017, 2022 Exhibit A-01.002 - DEF.1011.1000.3090 - Letter from the Chief of the Air Force to the Australian National Audit Office Exhibit A-01.003 - DEF.1011.1000.1334 - Air Force. Our Air Force, Our Culture, our Service to the Nation, Brochure Exhibit A-01.004 - DEF.1028.0001.2412 - New Generation Navy. NGN Strategy Exhibit A-01.005 - DEF.1000.8002.5316 - Department of Defence. The One Defence Leadership Behaviours and outcomes Exhibit A-01.006 - DEF.1000.8002.5091 - Department of Defence. 2018 Army Organisational Culture and Climate Report Exhibit A-01.007 - DEF.1000.8001.2821 - DPIR Summary of Unacceptable Behaviour Data Exhibit A-01.008 - DEF.1028.0001.1673 - Human Synergistics International. Organisational Culture Inventory 'Organisational Effectiveness Inventory'- OCI-OEI Feedback Report Exhibit A-01.009 - DEF.0001.0001.1093 - AC McFarlane et al. Mental Health in the Australian Defence Force- 2010 ADF Mental Health and Wellbeing Study- Full Report Exhibit A-01.010 - DEF.0001.0001.8031 - Department of Defence. Defence Census 2019- Public Report Exhibit A-01.011 - DEF.0001.0001.0015 - Department of Defence, Career Transition Assistance Scheme Review Exhibit A-01.012 - DEF.1025.0001.0222 - Department of Defence, Letter to Department of Veterans' Affairs, Evaluation of Defence Transition Services Exhibit A-01.013 - COM.5000.0001.0125 - Response to a request for a statement pursuant to NTG-AHU-001, Statement of Acting Chief Executive Officer of Comcare, Aaron Hughes Exhibit A-01.014 - STU.0001.0001.5041 - Department of Veterans' Affairs. Veteran Mental Health Strategy- A Ten Year Framework 2013-2023 Exhibit A-01.015 - ONC.0000.0013.7318 - Van Hooff, M. et al. Transition and Wellbeing Research Programme, Mental Health and Wellbeing Transition Study, Mental Health Prevalence Exhibit A-01.016 - STU.0006.0001.3258 - Department of Defence. Women in the ADF Report 2020-2021, Annual Report Exhibit A-01.017 - STU.0006.0001.2497 - Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. Report of Case Study No. 40- Response of Australian Defence Force to allegations of child sexual abuse Exhibit A-01.018 - STU.0006.0001.1484 - Department of Veteran Affairs. Military Compensation MRCA Manuals and Resources Library, Policy Manual Exhibit A-01.019 - STU.0006.0001.1395 - Department of Defence. 'About DMFS Who We Support' Exhibit A-01.020 - STU.0006.0001.1372 - Department of Defence. Pay and Conditions Manual, Part 1- Categories of Member, dependents Exhibit A-01.021 - STU.0006.0001.2476 - Panesar, S. et al. 'National suicide management guidelines with family as an intervention and suicide mortality rates- a systematic review protocol', BMJ Open 2020, 1-5 Exhibit A-01.022 - STU.0006.0001.2918 - Suicide Prevention Resource Center. Understanding risk and protective factors for suicide- a primer for preventing suicide Exhibit A-01.023 - STU.0006.0001.2488 - Reblin, M., and Uchino, B. 'Social and emotional support and its implication for health', Current Opinion Psychiatry (2008) 23(2), 201 Exhibit A-01.024 - STU.0006.0001.2925 - VanBreda, AD., Resilience Theory- A Literature Review, with special chapters on deployment resilience in military families & resilience theory in social work Exhibit A-01.025 - STU.0006.0001.2688 - Saltzman et al. Mechanisms of Risk and Resilience in Military Families- Theoretical and Empirical Basis of a Family-Focused Resilience Enhancement Program, 2011 Exhibit A-01.026 - STU.0006.0001.1857 - Kaplan, M., et al. 'Suicide risk and precipitating circumstances among young, middle aged and older male veterans', American Journal of Public Health (2012) 102(1) p 131-137 Exhibit A-01.027 - STU.0006.0001.1375 - Dekel R, et al. Secondary traumatization of partners of war veterans- The role of boundary ambiguity. Journal of Family Psychology (2015) 30-63-71 Exhibit A-01.028 - STU.0006.0001.1351 - Chesmore, A. et al. PTSD as a moderator of a parenting intervention for military families. Journal of family psychology, 2018 Exhibit A-01.029 - STU.0006.0001.1386 - Dekel, R. and Goldblatt, M. 'Is there intergenerational transmission of trauma- The case of combat Veterans' children', American Journal of Orthopsychiatry (2008) 78(3), 281-9 Exhibit A-01.030 - STU.0006.0001.1796 - Gewirtz, AH et al. Posttraumatic stress symptoms among National Guard soldiers deployed to Iraq- Associations with parenting behaviors and couple adjustment, 2010 Exhibit A-01.031 - STU.0006.0001.0017 - Australia Institute of Health & Welfare. Australia's Health 2018 Exhibit A-01.032 - STU.0006.0001.2473 - Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, The FOI Act - Home Exhibit A-01.033 - STU.0006.0001.1480 - Doherty, B. 'Opportunity for change and healing- royal commission into veteran suicide begins', The Guardian Exhibit A-01.034 - STU.0006.0001.2422 - Office of the Australian Information Commissioner. 'Our Executive' Exhibit A-01.035 - STU.0006.0001.2425 - Office of the Australian Information Commissioner. 'Part 3 - processing and deciding on requests for access' Exhibit A-01.036 - STU.0006.0001.2486 - Phoenix Australia. 'The principles that underpin TIC' Exhibit A-01.037 - STU.0006.0001.2474 - Office of the Australian Information Commissioner. 'what we do' Exhibit A-01.038 - STU.0006.0001.1879 - Office of the Australian Information Commissioner. 'Australian Privacy Principle Guidelines' Exhibit A-01.039 - STU.0006.0001.2092 - Office of the Australian Information Commissioner. 'FOI Guidelines' Exhibit A-01.040 - STU.0006.0001.2495 - Repatriation Medical Authority. 'What We Do' Exhibit A-01.041 - STU.0006.0001.1477 - Department of Veterans' Affairs. The Repatriation Commissions Exhibit A-01.042 - STU.0006.0001.0001 - Australian Government Solicitor. Legal Briefing on Parliamentary Privilege, Number 95 Exhibit A-01.043 - STU.0006.0001.0587 - Australian Law Reform Commission. Making Inquiries Report- A New Statutory Framework Exhibit A-01.044 - STU.0006.0001.2481 - Parliament of Australia. 'Public interest immunity' Exhibit A-01.045 - STU.0006.0001.1215 - Australian Law Reform Commission. 'Evidence excluded in the public interest', Uniform Evidence Law Report, ALRC Report 102 Exhibit A-01.046 - STU.0006.0001.2856 - The Oasis Townsville. Service Model Exhibit A-01.047 - STU.0006.0001.1343 - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Deaths by suicide over time Exhibit A-01.048 - STU.0006.0001.1450 - Department of Veterans' Affairs. Military member to civilian- Identity in transition Exhibit B-01.001 - NTO.0000.0001.0001 - Office of the Coroner, NT. Response to Notice to Give, NTG-NTO-002 Exhibit B-01.002 - DCJ.0002.0001.0001 - Communities and Justice, NSW. Response to Notice to Give, NTG-DCJ-002 Exhibit B-01.003 - VGS.0001.0001.0001 - State of Victoria. Response to Notice to Give, NTG-VIC-002 Exhibit B-01.004 - WSS.0002.0001.0001 - Coroners Court of Western Australia. Response to Notice to Give, NTG-WSS-002 Exhibit B-01.005 - SAO.0002.0001.0001 - South Australia State Coroner. Response to Notice to Give, NTG-SAO-002 Exhibit B-01.006 - TMS.0000.0001.0001 - Magistrates Court of Tasmania. Response to Notice to Give, NTG-TMS-002 Exhibit B-01.007 - ACO.0000.0001.0001 - ACT Magistrates Court. Response to Notice to Give, NTG-ACO-002 Exhibit B-01.008 - ABS.9999.0002.0001 - ABS, Response to Notice to Give. NTG-ABS-002 Exhibit B-01.009 - NHC.9999.0001.0001 - National Suicide Prevention Office. Response to Notice to Give, NTG-NHC-001 Exhibit B-01.010 - AHW.9999.0002.0001 - AIHW. Response to Notice to Give, NTG-AHW-002 Exhibit B-01.011 - DEF.9999.0011.0317 - Defence. Response to Notice to Give, NTG-DEF-028, Tranche 1 - Questions 1, 8, 10-13 Exhibit B-01.012 - DEF.9999.0012.0019 - Defence. Response to Notice to Give, NTG-DEF-028, Tranche 2 - Questions 2-7, 9 Exhibit B-01.013 - DEF.9999.0007.0026 - Defence. Response to Notice to Give, NTG-DEF-021 Exhibit B-01.014 - DEF.9999.0010.0008 - Defence. Response to Notice to Give, NTG-DEF-018 Exhibit B-01.015 - ONC.0000.0004.4499 - Supplementary Terms of Reference - Independent Review of Past Defence and Veteran Suicides Exhibit B-01.016 - ONC.0000.0007.5738 - Revised Terms of Reference - Independent Review of Past Defence and Veteran Suicides Exhibit B-01.017 - DVA.0008.0004.0543 - Department of Veterans' Affairs. Century of repatriation- A chronicle of disability claiming pattern across various operations in 1914-2019 Exhibit B-01.018 - STU.0006.0001.3800 - Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability. 'Disability Royal Commission welcomes new law to protect confidential information' Exhibit B-01.019 - STU.0006.0001.3767 - Attorney General's Department. Review of confidentiality protections in the Royal Commissions Act Exhibit B-01.020 - STU.0006.0001.3769 - Attorney General's Department. Review of confidentiality protections in the Royal Commissions Act 1902 Exhibit B-01.021 - STU.0006.0001.4314 - Australian Law Reform Commission. 'Secrecy Laws and Open Government in Australia', Report 112 Exhibit B-01.022 - STU.0006.0001.3803 - Australian Law Reform Commission. 'Royal Commissions and official inquiries', Discussion Paper 75 Exhibit B-01.023 - STU.0006.0001.3577 - Studdert,, D et al. 'Duration of death investigations that proceed to inquest in Australia', Injury Prevention, (2016) 22, 314-320 Exhibit B-01.024 - STU.0006.0001.3675 - World Health Organization. Preventing Suicide- A Global Imperative Exhibit B-01.025 - STU.0006.0001.3596 - World Health Organization. Practice Manual for Establishing and Maintaining Surveillance Systems for Suicide Attempts and Self-harm Exhibit B-01.026 - STU.0006.0001.3586 - Botswick, JM. et al. 'Suicide Attempt as a Risk Factor for Competed Suicide- Even More Lethal Than We Knew, American Journal of Psychiatry (2016) 173(11) Exhibit B-01.027 - STU.0006.0001.3455 - AIHW, 'Annual reporting about Australian Defence Force suicide deaths expanded to include members who served since 1985' Exhibit B-01.028 - STU.0006.0001.3458 - Leardmann, CA. et al. 'Association of Combat Experiences with Suicide Attempts Among Active-Duty US Service Members', JAMA Network Open (2021) 4(2) Exhibit B-01.029 - STU.0006.0001.3363 - US Department of Defense. Calendar Year 2019 Annual Report, Department of Defense Suicide Event Report Exhibit B-01.030 - STU.0006.0001.3477 - US Department of Defense. Calendar Year 2020, Annual Suicide Report Exhibit B-01.031 - STU.0006.0001.3593 - Hawton, K. et al. 'Suicide is a complex problem that requires a range of prevention initiatives and methods of evaluation', The British Journal of Psychiatry (2017) 210, 381-383 Exhibit C-01.001 - STU.0006.0001.3361 - Accepted Conditions for veterans of Selected Conflicts Exhibit C-01.002 - STU.0006.0001.3584 - Letter from Defence and Veteran Legal Services to Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide. 'Procedural Difficulties in Engaging with the Royal Commission' Exhibit C-01.003 - STU.0006.0001.4958 - AIHW, National Suicide Monitoring of Serving and Ex-Serving Australian Defence Force Personnel- 2020 Update Supplementary Tables Exhibit C-01.005 - STU.0006.0001.6026 - Wyder, M. et al. 'Separation as a suicide risk factor', Journal of Affective Disorders 116 (2009) 208-213 Exhibit C-01.006 - STU.0006.0001.6087 - Veterans' Employment Program. Why hire veterans Exhibit C-01.007 - STU.0006.0001.5545 - Department of Veterans' Affairs. Military Compensation SRCA, Liability Handbook Exhibit C-01.008 - DVA.0015.0001.0001 - Weekly Onhand Monitoring Report 5 June 2022 Exhibit C-01.009 - DVA.5018.0001.0030 - Weekly Onhand Monitoring Report 8 May 2022 Exhibit C-01.010 - DVA.9999.0014.0001 - Department of Veterans' Affairs. Response to Notice to Give (NTG-DVA-023 - Schedule 3) Exhibit C-01.011 - DVA.9999.0015.0001 - Department of Veterans' Affairs. Response to Notice to Give (NTG-DVA-022) Exhibit C-01.012 - QCS.0004.0001.0001 - Office of the Coroner, Queensland. Response to Notice to Give, NTG-QMC-002 Exhibit C-01.013 - STU.0006.0001.6083 - Department of Veterans' Affairs. What are incapacity payments and how to get them Exhibit C-01.014 - STU.0006.0001.4964 - Department of Veterans' Affairs. Benefits if you were permanently injured Exhibit C-01.015 - STU.0006.0001.5206 - Department of Veterans' Affairs. DVA Rehabilitation & Compensation Claim Checklist, VEA D2582 1221 Exhibit C-01.016 - STU.0006.0001.5188 - Department of Veterans' Affairs. DVA Rehabilitation & Compensation Claim Checklist, MRCA D2051 1221 Exhibit C-01.017 - STU.0006.0001.5173 - Department of Veterans' Affairs. DVA Rehabilitation & Compensation Claim Checklist, DRCA D2020 0621 Exhibit C-01.018 - STU.0006.0001.4959 - Department of Veterans' Affairs. Apply for the Disability Compensation Payment under the VEA Exhibit C-01.019 - STU.0006.0001.4974 - Agency Resourcing Budget 2022-23, Budget Paper No. 4 Exhibit C-01.020 - STU.0006.0001.5877 - Minister for Veterans' Affairs. Report into veterans' claims now public Exhibit C-01.021 - STU.0006.0001.5880 - Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission. Review of statutory timeframes - Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 Exhibit C-01.022 - STU.0006.0001.5168 - Department of Veterans' Affairs. Budget at a glance - Budget 2021-22 Exhibit C-01.023 - STU.0006.0001.5170 - Department of Veterans' Affairs. Budget 2017-18, Veteran Centric Reform Exhibit C-01.024 - STU.0006.0001.5831 - Pre-election Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2022 Exhibit C-01.025 - STU.0006.0001.5819 - Australian Bureau of Statistics. National, state and territory population Exhibit C-01.026 - ONC.0000.0013.7193 - Joint Inquiry into the facts surrounding the management of Mr Jesse Bird's case - Review Recommendations Exhibit C-01.027 - DEF.0003.0007.6484 - Creyke, R., Independent Review of the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Joint Inquiry into the Management of Jesse Bird's Case Exhibit C-01.028 - STU.0006.0001.5223 - Review of Military Compensation Arrangements, Volume 1 Exhibit C-01.029 - STU.0006.0001.5325 - Department of Veterans' Affairs. Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Compensation and Rehabilitation for Veterans Exhibit C-01.030 - STU.0006.0001.5875 - Repatriation Medical Authority. SOPs Exhibit C-01.031 - ACA.1001.0002.1634 - Statement from General David Hurley, Chief of the Defence Force Exhibit C-01.032 - STU.0006.0001.5497 - Hon Stephen Smith MP. Sex Discrimination Commissioner to lead review of the Australian Defence Force Academy and the Australian Defence Force Exhibit C-01.033 - STU.0006.0001.4956 - ABS. 2021 Census will help deliver better outcomes for veterans Exhibit C-01.034 - STU.0006.0001.5499 - Franklin, J. et al. 'Risk Factors for Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors- A Meta-Analysis of 50 Years of Research', Psychological Bulletin (2017) 1(2) 187-232 Exhibit C-01.035 - STU.0006.0001.6032 - AIHW. Socioeconomic characteristics of ex-serving ADF males who died by suicide Exhibit C-01.036 - STU.0006.0001.6082 - AIHW. Socioeconomic characteristics amongst ex-serving ADF males who died by suicide between 2011 Census (9 August 2011) and 31 December 2018 Exhibit C-01.037 - STU.0006.0001.5496 - ABS. LTHP- Type of Long-term Health Conditions Exhibit C-01.038 - VJC.0001.0001.0001 - NCIS. Response to Notice to Give, NTG-VJC-001 Exhibit D-01.001 - ACA.1001.0002.3078 - Joint Transition Authority Annual Progress Report 2021 Exhibit D-01.002 - ACA.1001.0003.1225 - Background Brief to the Office of the minister for Defence Personnel on MINDP Advice - Transition Support Exhibit D-01.003 - DEF.0011.0001.1459 - Incident Reporting and Management Manual (Ed 2) Exhibit D-01.004 - DEF.1000.8001.0004 - A Survey of Experiences of Unacceptable Behaviour in the Australian Defence Force Exhibit D-01.005 - DEF.1000.8002.2877 - Leadership Climate Scan Exhibit D-01.006 - DEF.1000.8002.5201 - Development and Validation of the One Defence Leadership Behaviours Measurement model Exhibit D-01.007 - DEF.1000.8002.5831 - YourSay, Cultural Reform in Defence - Pathway to Change Exhibit D-01.008 - DEF.1000.8002.5922 - Overview of YourSay Workplace Experience Survey for Defence Groups Exhibit D-01.009 - DEF.1000.8002.6448 - Report of the 1999 Defence Attitude Survey profiling the attitudinal Climate of the Organisation and Modelling in the Intention to Leave Exhibit D-01.010 - DEF.1000.8002.6970 - Defence Attitude Survey 2008, Results Report Exhibit D-01.011 - DEF.1025.0002.3122 - Defence Community Organisation data pack Exhibit D-01.012 - DEF.1026.0001.0001 - Army Online Pulse Survey, Summary of Survey Items Exhibit D-01.013 - DEF.1026.0001.0032 - Pulse Template Survey Exhibit D-01.014 - DEF.1026.0001.0060 - Workplace Behaviours Survey Modules and Questions Exhibit D-01.015 - DEF.9999.0023.0001 - Amended Corrigendum to NTP-DEF-002 tranche 2 response Exhibit D-01.016 - DVA.0010.0001.1349 - Portfolio Budget Statements 2021-2022 - Defence Portfolio Exhibit D-01.017 - DVA.9999.0016.0001 - Response to NTG-DVA-032 Exhibit D-01.018 - MAM.0000.0001.0001 - Mates4Mates response to NTG-MAM-001 Exhibit D-01.019 - DVA.9999.0017.0001 - Response to NTG-DVA-033 Exhibit D-01.020 - DFI.9999.0002.0001 - Response to NTG-DFI-002 Exhibit D-01.021 - STU.0000.0002.8553 - Census of Population and Housing- Service with the Australian Defence Force data summary, 2021 Exhibit D-01.022 - STU.0000.0002.8554 - Census of Population and Housing- Census articles - Australian Defence Force service, 2021 Exhibit D-01.023 - STU.0000.0002.8940 - Hall, R. et al. 'Suicide Risk Assessment- A Review of Risk Factors for Suicide in 100 Patients Who Made Severe Suicide Attempts', Psychosomatics (1999) 40(1) 18-27 Exhibit D-01.024 - STU.0000.0002.8950 - Rhoades, A. et al, Hitting Home- Relationships Between Recent Deployment, Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms, and Marital Functioning for Army Couples Exhibit D-01.025 - STU.0000.0002.7856 - Department of Defence. Defence Member and Family Support Exhibit D-01.026 - STU.0000.0002.9650 - Department of Veterans' Affairs. Nominate someone to act on your behalf Exhibit D-01.028 - ONC.0000.0003.7758 - Request for Information in relation to the Review of Past Defence and Veteran Suicides - RFI #9 Tranche 2 Exhibit D-01.030 - STU.0006.0001.6172 - Mintrom, M. et al 'We studied 50 years of royal commissions - here's how they make a difference', The Conversation Exhibit D-01.031 - STU.0006.0001.6147 - Heath, J. 'Key trends and lessons from Australian Royal Commissions and inquiries' Exhibit D-01.032 - STU.0006.0001.6153 - Department of Veterans' Affairs. Needs assessment Exhibit D-01.033 - STU.0006.0001.6162 - Department of Veterans' Affairs. Simplifying and improving the Disability Pension Exhibit D-01.034 - STU.0006.0001.6106 - DVA Projected Beneficiary Numbers with Actuals to 30 June 2016 - Australia Exhibit D-01.035 - STU.0006.0001.6126 - DVA Projected Beneficiary Numbers with Actuals to 30 June 2021 - Australia Exhibit D-01.036 - STU.0006.0001.6156 - Service with the Australian Defence Force- Census Exhibit D-01.037 - DVA.0001.0001.0158 - Request for Information in relation to the Review of Past Defence and Veteran Suicides - Veteran Payment Exhibit D-01.038 - DVA.0001.0001.0169 - Letter from Secretary Liz Cosson AM CSC to Dr Bernadette Boss CSC Exhibit D-01.039 - STU.0006.0001.6182 - Jowett, S. et al 'Determining a Suicide under Australian Law- a Comparative Study of Coronial Practice', UNSW Law Journal (2019) 42(2) 534-556 Exhibit D-01.041 - ACS.0001.0001.2362 - Executive Summary of the Final Advice by the National Suicide Prevention Adviser Exhibit D-01.042 - DVA.9999.0014.0021 - Annexures to Response to Notice to Give (NTG-DVA-022) Exhibit E-01.002 - DVS.0004.0001.0060 - Commonwealth Response to Draft Propositions Exhibit E-01.004 - DVS.0004.0001.0069 - Commonwealth Response to Additional Draft Propositions