Additional exhibits – tendered in chambers – 28 November 2023 You are here Home Publications Evidence Additional exhibits – tendered in chambers – 28 November 2023 Date 28 November 2023 Return to Evidence page Exhibits Exhibit F-01.001 - DEF.1010.0001.7229 - Research into the Experiences of Male Sexual Assault Survivors within the Australian Defence Force Context Exhibit F-01.002 - DEF.1010.0001.8798 - Defence Safety Behaviour and Culture Review Exhibit F-01.003 - DEF.9999.0067.0046 - Defence's response to NTG-DEF-048A Exhibit F-01.004 - DEF.9999.0038.0043 - Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Office Standard Operating Procedure - Overview of the Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Office Exhibit F-01.005 - DEF.9999.0038.0001 - Defence response to NTG-DEF-060 Exhibit F-01.006 - DEF.9999.0038.0090 - Defence Sexual Misconduct Continuum of Education Exhibit F-01.007 - TAL.1001.0001.7502 - Good Administrative Decision-Making Manual Exhibit F-01.008 - DVS.0011.0001.1081 - Commonwealth Ombudsman, Defence Abuse Reparation Scheme, Insights and observations Exhibit F-01.009 - DEF.9999.0133.0001 - Defence response to NTG-DEF-178 Exhibit F-01.010 - DEF.1249.0002.0009 - A survey of Posting Turbulence Issues in the ADF Exhibit F-01.011 - DEF.1249.0003.0109 - Attitudes to Posting Turbulence in the ADF - A Report on Focus Groups Conducted on Behalf of the Posting Turbulence Review Team Exhibit F-01.012 - DEF.1235.0001.0534 - Attachment P - Performance Assessment and Other Performance Measures Exhibit F-01.013 - DEF.1235.0001.0010 - Navy Recruiting Waiver Management Exhibit F-01.014 - DEF.1235.0001.0207 - Air Force Recruitment Standards and Waiver Management Exhibit F-01.015 - DEF.1235.0001.0213 - Air Force Recruitment Standards and Waiver Management Exhibit F-01.016 - DEF.1235.0001.0222 - Army Recruiting Waiver Management Directive Exhibit F-01.017 - DEF.1048.0005.1081 - ADFRI 032 Pre-Entry Fitness Assessment Exhibit F-01.018 - DEF.1259.0001.0018 - Monthly Report Index Physical Entry Standards Trial Exhibit F-01.019 - DEF.1235.0001.1006 - ADF Jobs Exempt from Psychological Testing Exhibit F-01.020 - DEF.1235.0001.1008 - Suicide Ideation-Plan-Attempt Reference Guide Exhibit F-01.021 - MPG.0002.0001.0020 - Depression Reference Guide Exhibit F-01.022 - MPG.0002.0001.0006 - Addictive Behaviours (Excluding Substance Misuse-Abuse) Reference Guide Exhibit F-01.023 - MPG.0002.0001.0001 - Stress-Pressure and Coping Strategies Reference Guide Exhibit F-01.024 - DEF.1054.0003.0001 - Discharge Analysis Summary January 2021 to July 2022 Exhibit F-01.025 - DEF.1249.0006.0097 - DCA Directive 01-23 - Army Recruiting Directive FY23-24 - Release 2.0 Exhibit F-01.026 - DEF.1249.0006.0001 - AHQ-CA Directive 07-13 - Increasing Female Recruiting - Recruit To Area Exhibit F-01.027 - DEF.1249.0006.0076 - DCA Directive 05-22 - Implementation of the Army Capability Retention Scheme - Tranche Two Exhibit F-01.028 - DEF.1249.0006.0026 - DCA Directive 07-21 - Implementation of the Army Capability Retention Scheme Exhibit F-01.029 - DEF.1249.0005.0001 - Stay Onboard - Campaign Placemat Exhibit F-01.030 - DEF.1249.0002.0079 - DFRT Response - Reasons for leaving ADF 2013 to 2022 - Table Exhibit F-01.031 - DEF.1249.0002.0081 - ADF Reasons for leaving report - Jul 2020 - Jun 2021 Exhibit F-01.032 - DEF.1249.0002.0082 - Tables for Army People Capability Branch Exhibit F-01.033 - DEF.1249.0006.0073 - Minute - DGAPC - JNCO Growth Plan - Removal of time in rank Exhibit F-01.034 - DEF.1249.0006.0083 - Initial Career Management Guidance - Army 2023 Exhibit F-01.035 - ONC.0000.0011.3716 - Defence (Inquiry) Regulations 1985 - CDF Inquiry Officer Inquiry Scoping Report Exhibit F-01.036 - DEF.9999.0134.0001 - Defence response to NTG-DEF-176 Exhibit F-01.037 - DEF.0001.0005.3849 - Investigating Officer's Report into the Death of Private [Redacted] Exhibit F-01.038 - DEF.1000.8002.3236 - Curriculum Master and Location Guide Exhibit F-01.039 - DEF.9999.0126.0001 - Defence Response to NTG-DEF-192 Exhibit F-01.040 - DEF.9999.0069.0019 - Defence Response to NTG-DEF-098 Exhibit F-01.041 - DEF.9999.0091.0233 - Redacted Defence Response to NTG-DEF-099 Exhibit F-01.042 - DEF.9999.0065.0139 - Defence Response to NTG-DEF-114 Exhibit F-01.043 - DEF.1000.8001.6993 - Workplace Behaviours Report- 1st Recruit Training Battalion 2019 Exhibit F-01.044 - DEF.1000.8001.8577 - Minute - 2020 Workplace Behaviours Survey Report - Royal Australian Naval College and Royal Australian Navy Recruit School Exhibit F-01.045 - DEF.1089.0006.0001 - AC853 - Application to Separate from the ADF - RCTATA [Redacted] Exhibit F-01.046 - DEF.1089.0006.0007 - AC853 - Application to Separate from the ADF - RCTMT [Redacted] Exhibit F-01.047 - DEF.1089.0006.0015 - AC853 Separation from all Forms of ADF Service - RCTGX [Redacted] Exhibit F-01.048 - DEF.1089.0006.0021 - AC853 - Application to Transfer Within or Separate from the ADF - RCT [Redacted] Exhibit F-01.049 - DEF.1125.0002.0317 - PE121 - Navy - Personal Request - RCT [Redacted] Exhibit F-01.050 - DEF.1125.0002.0305 - AC853 - Application to Transfer Within or Separate from the ADF - RCT [Redacted] Exhibit F-01.051 - DEF.1125.0002.0303 - PE121 - Navy - Personal Request - RCTJS [Redacted] Exhibit F-01.052 - DEF.1125.0002.0292 - AC853 - Application to Transfer Within or Separate from the ADF - RCT [Redacted] Exhibit F-01.053 - DEF.1125.0002.0277 - AC853 - Application to Transfer Within or Separate from the ADF - RCT [Redacted] Exhibit F-01.054 - ACA.1001.0009.0083 - SeMPRO Sexual Misconduct General Awareness Presentation Exhibit F-01.055 - DEF.1088.0004.1315 - Kapooka Character Training Brief 2020 Exhibit F-01.056 - DEF.1088.0003.0175 - Chief of Army Directive 05-22, Army Force Preservation Awareness Exhibit F-01.057 - DEF.1010.0001.0251 - Navy Psychology Research Report 09-2019, Female Fleet Member Focus Group Findings Exhibit F-01.058 - DEF.1140.0001.0049 - Army Recruit Course Final Learner Review Exhibit F-01.059 - DEF.1255.0004.0087 - Soldier performance management- Monitoring of load, wellbeing, adaptation and performance Exhibit F-01.060 - DEF.1000.8001.7045 - Workplace Behaviours Report- Royal Australian Navy Recruit School 2019 Exhibit F-01.061 - DVS.0011.0001.1192 - Mapping Service and Transition to Self-harm and Suicidality, Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide Research Paper Exhibit F-01.062 - DVS.0011.0001.1407 - Harvard Business Review, Spotlight Series - Confronting Sexual Harassment, Why Sexual Harassment Programs Backfire - And what to do about it Exhibit F-01.063 - DVS.0011.0001.1136 - Australian Government, Independent Review of the APS, Professionalised Functions Across the Service to Deepen Expertise Exhibit F-02.001 - QMC.0001.0001.0001 - Response from Coroners Court of Queensland Exhibit F-02.002 - DCJ.0006.0001.0001 - Response from New South Wales Department of Community and Justice Exhibit F-02.003 - NTO.0000.0001.0028 - Response from Northern Territory Office of the Coroner Exhibit F-02.004 - SAO.0003.0001.0001 - Response from State Coroner, South Australia Exhibit F-02.005 - TMS.0000.0001.0020 - Response from Magistrates Court of Tasmania Exhibit F-02.006 - VGS.0005.0001.0001 - Response from Coroners Court of Victoria Exhibit F-02.007 - WSS.0003.0001.0179 - Response from Office of the State Coroner, Western Australian Exhibit F-02.008 - ACO.0000.0001.0012 - Response from Registrar of the ACT Magistrates Court Exhibit F-03.001 - DEF.1005.0001.1639 - Summary Discipline Manual Exhibit F-03.002 - DEF.1005.0001.2294 - Good Decision-Making in Defence- A Guide for Decision-Makers and Those Who Brief Them Exhibit F-03.003 - ACA.1001.0005.1517 - Commander's Guide to Discipline, 2nd edition Exhibit F-03.004 - DEF.1010.0002.0298 - Final Insight Report- Unacceptable Behaviour Complaints Handling Exhibit F-03.005 - DEF.1221.0001.0934 - Work Health and Safety Focus Area- Mental Stress, Project Completion Report Exhibit F-03.006 - DEF.1155.0003.0542 - Wellness Action Through Checking Health- WATCH Project Report Exhibit F-03.007 - SUB.0000.0002.0059 - AIHW Final Report to the Independent Review of Past Defence and Veteran Suicides Exhibit F-03.008 - DVS.1111.0001.4812 - M Clemente and D Padilla-Racero, 'The effects of the justice system on mental health,' Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 2020, vol 27, 5 Exhibit F-03.009 - DVS.1111.0001.4832 - K McLachlan, 'Trauma-informed sentencing in South Australian courts,' Journal of Criminology, 2022, vol 55, 4 Exhibit F-03.010 - DEF.1024.0001.4031 - Director of Military Prosecutions Prosecution Policy Exhibit F-03.011 - DEF.1024.0001.4950 - IGADF Inquiry Report- Own-initiative Inquiry into the First Twelve Months of Publishing Lists and Outcomes of Court Martial and Defence Force Magistrate Trials Exhibit F-03.012 - DEF.0001.0001.8423 - Overview of Workplace Behaviour Survey, Data collection- September 2020 Exhibit F-03.013 - DVS.1111.0001.0222 - Infosheet 4 - Parliamentary Committees Exhibit F-03.014 - DVS.1111.0001.0227 - Regulatory Institutions Network, Applications of Responsive Regulatory Theory in Australia and Overseas- Update Exhibit F-03.015 - DEF.9999.0126.0036 - Defence Response to NTG-DEF-198 Exhibit F-03.016 - DEF.9999.0113.0056 - Defence Response to NTG-DEF-162 Exhibit F-03.017 - COM.0001.0023.0001 - Supplementary Statement of Gregory Joseph Vines, Comcare CEO Exhibit F-03.018 - COM.0001.0004.0001 - Comcare, Inspector Report - MC00019394 Exhibit F-03.019 - COM.0001.0016.0128 - Inspector Report MC00023762 - Defence Final Exhibit F-03.020 - COM.0001.0016.0119 - Comcare, Inspector Report Final - MC00023621 - DoD Army Exhibit F-03.021 - COM.0001.0013.0159 - Inspector Report - MC00020108 Exhibit F-03.022 - DEF.1221.0001.0961 - Report a WHS Incident or Injury Exhibit F-03.023 - AHR.0001.0001.0053 - Defence-AHRC Signed Collaboration Agreement 2020-2024 Exhibit F-03.024 - DVS.1111.0001.0331 - Australian Human Rights Commission, Review into the Treatment of Women at the Australian Defence Force - Audit Report Exhibit F-03.025 - DVS.1111.0001.0539 - Australian Human Rights Commission, Review into the Treatment of Women in the Australian Defence Force, Phase 2 Exhibit F-03.026 - AHR.9999.0002.0004 - AHRC Tranche 2 Response to NTG-AHR-001 Exhibit F-03.027 - DEF.1010.0001.5873 - Australian Human Rights Commission, Diving Clear- A collaboration project with RAN Clearance Diving Branch Exhibit F-03.028 - DEF.1011.1001.0305 - Australian Human Rights Commission, Conversations on deployment Exhibit F-03.029 - DVS.1111.0001.0113 - Did they do what they said they would- Volume 2- Reviewing implementation of our recommendations Exhibit F-03.030 - IGD.0027.0001.0224 - IGADF Strategic Plan 2023-25 Exhibit F-03.031 - IGD.0027.0001.0206 - IGADF Strategic Plan 2020-22 Exhibit F-03.032 - DCJ.0007.0001.0001 - Local Court Bench Book - Coronial Matters Exhibit F-03.033 - DCJ.0007.0002.0001 - Coronial Practice Note 1 of 2018 Exhibit F-03.034 - DCJ.0007.0004.0001 - Coronial Practice Note 3 of 2021 - Case management of mandatory inquests involving section 23 deaths Exhibit F-03.035 - DCJ.0007.0006.0001 - Coroners Court New South Wales - Guidance and Information Exhibit F-03.036 - DCJ.0007.0008.0001 - Initial letter to senior next of kin - information about the coronial process (template) Exhibit F-03.037 - DCJ.0007.0009.0001 - Letter dispensing with inquest (template) Exhibit F-03.038 - IGD.0027.0001.0032 - Directorate of Select Incident Review Outline Guide Exhibit F-03.039 - IGD.0027.0001.0057 - De-Briefing of Family Members on Inquiry Report into Death in Service of an ADF Member Exhibit F-03.040 - IGD.0027.0001.0059 - ADF Fatalities - Information Sought Exhibit F-03.041 - IGD.0027.0001.0060 - Directorate of Select Incident Review Guidelines Exhibit F-03.042 - IGD.0027.0001.0073 - DSIR Serious Incident Inquiries Exhibit F-03.043 - IGD.0027.0001.0080 - Fact Sheet - Directorate of Select Incident Review Exhibit F-03.044 - IGD.0027.0001.0082 - Flowchart - Reviews of deaths Exhibit F-03.045 - IGD.0027.0001.0083 - DSIR Assessment of complexity Exhibit F-03.046 - IGD.0027.0001.0087 - Directorate of Select Incident Report Handbook - Draft Exhibit F-03.047 - IGD.0027.0001.0112 - Directorate of Select Incident Report Manual - Draft Exhibit F-03.048 - IGD.0027.0001.0156 - Directorate of Select Incident Report Manual - Draft Exhibit F-03.049 - DEF.1221.0001.0869 - Work Health and Safety Focus Area- Mental Stress, 1 January 2019 to 30 June 2021 Exhibit F-03.050 - DEF.1221.0001.0904 - Mental Stress Risk Bowtie Exhibit F-03.051 - DEF.1010.0001.1982 - Research Report - Predictive Factors of Organisational Deviance Research Project - May 2020 - Directorate of Navy Culture Exhibit F-03.052 - DEF.1000.8004.0001 - Draft - Predictive Factors of Organisational Deviance - Case Studies - A Companion Volume to Predictive Factors of Organisational Deviance Exhibit F-03.053 - DEF.0001.0001.8223 - Leadership Accountability Defence Culture Evaluation Framework Deep Dive Two- Final Report Exhibit F-03.054 - DEF.1010.0001.3989 - Leadership Accountability Defence Culture Evaluation Framework Deep Dive Two- Executive Summary Draft Exhibit F-03.055 - DEF.1151.0009.0012 - Initiative 1.2 - Evolve the Once Defence Accountability Framework Phase One - Baseline Review Summary Report Exhibit F-03.056 - DEF.1096.0001.1226 - Bi-Annual Enterprise Work Health and Safety Focus Areas Report Exhibit F-03.057 - DEF.1233.0002.2129 - Enterprise Work Health and Safety Focus Area Report 2022 Exhibit F-03.058 - DEF.1167.0006.0736 - Defence Audit and Risk Committee December 2022 Exhibit F-03.059 - DEF.1167.0002.0096 - Draft Defence Enterprise Committee Framework March 2023 Exhibit F-03.060 - DEF.1167.0004.0485 - Draft Defence People Group Business Plan 2023-24 Exhibit F-03.061 - DEF.1002.0092.8183 - Accidents, Deaths and Casualties - Sensitive Personnel Issues - Suicide - Director General Personnel - Army Aspects Exhibit F-04.001 - DVA.9999.0088.0024 - Statement by Alison Frame (Response to NTG-AFR-002) Exhibit F-04.002 - DVA.5037.0001.0296 - Non-liability rehabilitation (DVA website content) Exhibit F-04.003 - DEF.0003.0007.8224 - Inquest into the death of Jesse Stephen Bird, Coroner Jacqui Hawkins Exhibit F-04.004 - DVA.9999.0080.0001 - Response to NTG-DVA-097 Tranche 1 Exhibit F-04.005 - DVA.9999.0086.0001 - Response to NTG-DVA-097 Tranche 2 Exhibit F-04.006 - DVA.5010.0001.2946 - Report into the Care of ADF Personnel Wounded and Injured on Operations Exhibit F-04.007 - DEF.1002.0051.8166 - Review into the Suicide and Self-Harm Prevention Services Available to current and former serving ADF members and their families Exhibit F-04.008 - STU.0006.0001.1221 - Efficiency of Veterans Service Delivery by DVA, ANAO Exhibit F-04.009 - ONC.0000.0013.6471 - Veterans Advocacy and Support Service Scoping Study, Cornall Exhibit F-04.010 - ONC.0000.0012.3572 - Investigation into the Actions and Decisions of the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) in Relation to Mr A, Commonwealth Ombudsman Exhibit F-04.011 - VGS.0004.0001.0003 - Commonwealth Government response, Inquest into the death of Jesse Stephen Bird Exhibit F-04.012 - DVA.5042.0001.0463 - Mental health impacts of compensation claim assessment processes on claimants and their families, Final report, University of Melbourne, Phoenix Exhibit F-04.013 - ONC.0000.0012.5563 - Effectiveness of the Planning and Management of Veteran Centric Reforms, ANAO Exhibit F-04.014 - DVA.9999.0079.0001 - Response to NTG-DVA-101 Exhibit F-04.015 - CTH.9999.0002.0001 - Response to NTG-CTH-002 Exhibit F-04.016 - DVA.9999.0011.0020 - Response to NTG-DVA-016 - Part A Exhibit F-04.017 - DVA.9999.0010.0001 - Response to NTG-DVA-016 - Part B Exhibit F-04.018 - DVA.9999.0010.0010 - Response to NTG-DVA-016 - Part C Exhibit F-04.019 - DVA.9999.0011.0017 - Response to NTG-DVA-016 - Annexure A Exhibit F-04.020 - DVA.9999.0060.0078 - Response to NTG-DVA-052B (part G) Exhibit F-04.021 - DVA.0032.0001.0002 - Feasibility Study of a Veterans Support Agency and Alternative Options, Dr Gordon de Brouwer Exhibit F-04.022 - CTH.9999.0001.0001 - Updated Response to NTG-CTH-002 dated 6 October 2023 (Tranche 1 Constant Battle Recommendations) Exhibit F-04.023 - DVA.5045.0001.0272 - Adverse Events Analysis Framework Exhibit F-04.024 - DVA.5036.0001.5128 - Information brief for Deputy Secretary - Commencement of full adverse events analysis program Exhibit F-04.025 - DVA.5055.0001.0001 - VEA Initial liability Introduction Delegate Reference Guide (Part 1) Exhibit F-04.026 - DVA.5055.0001.0030 - VEA Initial liability Introduction Delegate Reference Guide (Part 2) Exhibit F-04.027 - DVA.5055.0001.0120 - R&C ISH - IL & VEA - Delegate - Liability - Step-by-Step Guide Exhibit F-04.028 - DVS.1111.0001.1336 - Report on DVA actions relevant to the Collie Report.pdf Exhibit F-04.029 - DVS.1111.0001.1359 - Letter AGS to RCDVS re draft NTG-DVA-040 and NTP-DVA-46 Exhibit F-04.030 - DVS.1111.0001.1363 - Letter AGS to RCDVS comments on draft NTG-DVA-040 and NTP-DVA-046 Exhibit F-04.031 - DVS.1111.0001.1366 - Letter AGS to RCDVS re comments on drafts NTG-DVA-101 NTP-DVA-074 and NTP-DVA-075 Exhibit F-04.032 - DVS.1111.0001.1370 - Letter AGS to OSA re comments on draft NTG-DVA-107 and NTP-DVA-085 Exhibit F-04.033 - DVS.1111.0001.1375 - Letter AGS to RCDVS re NTG-DVA-124 and NTG-DVA-116 Exhibit F-04.034 - DVS.1111.0001.1378 - Letter AGS to OSA re extensions DVA notices Exhibit F-04.035 - DVS.1111.0001.4843 - APSC Corporate Plan 2023 Exhibit F-04.036 - DVS.1111.0001.1414 - Veteran wellbeing grants Exhibit F-04.037 - DVS.1111.0001.1423 - A new federal administrative review body - Administrative Appeals Tribunal Exhibit F-04.038 - DVS.1111.0001.1425 - AAT Caseload Report 2022-23 Exhibit F-04.039 - DVS.1111.0001.1426 - Achieving whole health- a new approach for veterans and the nation Exhibit F-04.040 - DVS.1111.0001.1833 - Administrative Appeals Tribunal -Department of Veterans Affairs Exhibit F-04.041 - DVS.1111.0001.1837 - Service and ex-serving Australian Defence Force members who have serviced since 1985- suicide monitoring 2011 to 2019 Exhibit F-04.042 - DVS.1111.0001.1926 - Albanese Government APS Reform agenda Exhibit F-04.043 - DVS.1111.0001.1944 - Report to the Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme Exhibit F-04.044 - DVS.1111.0001.1986 - The National Veteran Suicide Prevention Annual Report Exhibit F-04.045 - DVS.1111.0001.2029 - Administrative Practice Document - Weighing of Medial Evidence Exhibit F-04.046 - DVS.1111.0001.2037 - Australian Bureau of Statistics - Australian Defence Force service Exhibit F-04.047 - DVS.1111.0001.2067 - Australian Defence Force accused of stealing mental health app, handing to Deloitte for $1 million Exhibit F-04.048 - DVS.1111.0001.2076 - Australian Defence Force service - Australian Bureau of Statistics- census 2021 Exhibit F-04.049 - DVS.1111.0001.2105 - Budget October 2022-23- Modernisation to Reduce Wait Times to Access Support and Services Exhibit F-04.050 - DVS.1111.0001.2107 - Report of Case Study No. 40 - the response of the Australian Defence Force to allegations of child sexual abuse Exhibit F-04.051 - DVS.1111.0001.2281 - CLIK - Chapter 46 Reconsideration and Review Exhibit F-04.052 - DVS.1111.0001.2283 - Claim processing times as at 10 July 2023 Exhibit F-04.053 - DVS.1111.0001.2290 - Claim processing times as at 11 May 2023 Exhibit F-04.054 - DVS.1111.0001.2297 - Claim processing times as at 14 August 2023 Exhibit F-04.055 - DVS.1111.0001.2304 - Claim processing times as at 18 April 2023 Exhibit F-04.056 - DVS.1111.0001.2311 - Claim processing times as at January 2023 Exhibit F-04.057 - DVS.1111.0001.2318 - Claim processing times as at 16 March 2023 Exhibit F-04.058 - DVS.1111.0001.2325 - Claim processing times as at 13 October 2023 Exhibit F-04.059 - DVS.1111.0001.2331 - Claims processing times as at 31 May 2023 Exhibit F-04.060 - DVS.1111.0001.2338 - Comcare Complains Handling Framework Exhibit F-04.061 - DVS.1111.0001.2363 - Comcare Corporate Plan 2023-24 Exhibit F-04.062 - DVS.1111.0001.2387 - Comcare Prevention Strategy 2022-2025 Exhibit F-04.063 - DVS.1111.0001.2395 - Compensation under VEA and MRCA pathway Exhibit F-04.064 - DVS.1111.0001.2397 - Compensation claims- total claims on hand as at 30 April 2023 Exhibit F-04.065 - DVS.1111.0001.2399 - Compensation claims- total claims on hand as at 31 July 2023 Exhibit F-04.066 - DVS.1111.0001.2401 - Compensation claims- total claims on hand as at 30 June 2023 Exhibit F-04.067 - DVS.1111.0001.2403 - Compensation claims- total claims on hand as at 31 March 2023 Exhibit F-04.068 - DVS.1111.0001.2405 - Compensation claims- total claims on hand as at 31 May 2023 Exhibit F-04.069 - DVS.1111.0001.2407 - Compensation claims- total claims on hand as at 30 September 2023 Exhibit F-04.070 - DVS.1111.0001.2409 - Countering Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment in the US Military Exhibit F-04.071 - DVS.1111.0001.2428 - Departmental response to Daily Telegraph Exhibit F-04.072 - DVS.1111.0001.2430 - Defence Suicide Prevention Office - Your Words Matter Fact Sheet Exhibit F-04.073 - DVS.1111.0001.2431 - DVA Rehabilitation & Compensation Checklist Exhibit F-04.074 - DVS.1111.0001.2449 - DVA Corporate Plan 2023-24 Exhibit F-04.075 - DVS.1111.0001.2485 - DVA Annual Reports 2021-21 Exhibit F-04.076 - DVS.1111.0001.2766 - Initial Background Paper to the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide Exhibit F-04.077 - DVS.1111.0001.2800 - DVA Background Paper - Annexures Exhibit F-04.078 - DVS.1111.0001.2821 - Report on DVA actions relevant to the findings of the Independent Study into the mental health impacts of compensation claim assessment processes Exhibit F-04.079 - DVS.1111.0001.2831 - Recommendations from the Independent Review Commission on Sexual Assault in the Military Exhibit F-04.080 - DVS.1111.0001.3130 - Preventing Suicide in the US Military- Recommendations from the Suicide Prevention and Response Independent Review Committee Exhibit F-04.081 - DVS.1111.0001.3260 - Report of the Independent Capability Review of the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Exhibit F-04.082 - DVS.1111.0001.3380 - Getting Serious on Client Service - IPAA Policy Discussion Paper Exhibit F-04.083 - DVS.1111.0001.3415 - OECD Good Practice Principles for Public Service Design and Delivery in the Digital Age Exhibit F-04.084 - DVS.1111.0001.3426 - Extract - Department of Veterans' Affairs website Exhibit F-04.085 - DVS.1111.0001.3428 - Horizon scan- Mental health and Wellbeing Service Delivery Exhibit F-04.086 - DVS.1111.0001.3501 - Search via DVA website - How do I ask for review- Exhibit F-04.087 - DVS.1111.0001.3503 - Update on Implementation of Interim Report of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide Exhibit F-04.088 - DVS.1111.0001.3525 - Important change coming to the way you receive some DVA correspondence Exhibit F-04.089 - DVS.1111.0001.3526 - Independent Review of the Australian Public Service Exhibit F-04.090 - DVS.1111.0001.3910 - Insurance Council of Australia - Best Practice Workers Compensation Scheme Exhibit F-04.091 - DVS.1111.0001.3967 - Joint Executive Committee Joint Strategic Plan 2022-2027 Exhibit F-04.092 - DVS.1111.0001.3983 - Journeys of Veterans Map Exhibit F-04.093 - DVS.1111.0001.3984 - DVA protocol Exhibit F-04.094 - DVS.1111.0001.3993 - Liability and compensation under the DRCA pathway Exhibit F-04.095 - DVS.1111.0001.3996 - Measuring Reporting on Service Delivery Exhibit F-04.096 - DVS.1111.0001.4109 - National Strategy for Preventing Veteran Suicide 2018-2022 Exhibit F-04.097 - DVS.1111.0001.4151 - National Mental Health Commission Review into the Suicide and Self-Harm Prevention Services Available to current and former serving ADF members and their families Exhibit F-04.098 - DVS.1111.0001.4247 - Non-Liability Rehabilitation -Department of Veterans Affairs Exhibit F-04.099 - DVS.1111.0001.4249 - Non-Liability Rehabilitation - Department of Veterans Exhibit F-04.100 - DVS.1111.0001.4251 - Fiscal Year 2022 Inspector General's Report on VA's Major Management and Performance Challenges Exhibit F-04.101 - DVS.1111.0001.4252 - Our purpose - Department of Veterans' Affairs Exhibit F-04.102 - DVS.1111.0001.4255 - The President's Roadmap to Empower Veterans and End a National Tragedy of Suicide Exhibit F-04.103 - DVS.1111.0001.4321 - Project to improve medical assessment forms - Department of Veterans' Affairs Exhibit F-04.104 - DVS.1111.0001.4323 - Recovery Engagement and Coordination for Health - Veterans Enhanced Treatment Exhibit F-04.105 - DVS.1111.0001.4346 - Improving Customer Experiences - Fiscal Year 2022 Exhibit F-04.106 - DVS.1111.0001.4369 - Request a review for income support decisions - Department of Veterans Exhibit F-04.107 - DVS.1111.0001.4373 - Review of a MEPI decision - Department of Veterans Affairs Exhibit F-04.108 - DVS.1111.0001.4375 - Room for improvement - Observations from the Ombudsman Exhibit F-04.109 - DVS.1111.0001.4383 - DVA website search extract - review rights Exhibit F-04.110 - DVS.1111.0001.4385 - Service and demographic factors, health, trauma exposure, and participation are associated with adjustments for former Australian Defense Force members Exhibit F-04.111 - DVS.1111.0001.4399 - Statistics about the veteran population - Department of Veterans' Affairs Exhibit F-04.112 - DVS.1111.0001.4404 - Strategic Plan on Expansion of Health Care Coverage for Veterans Transitioning from Serving in the Armed Forces Exhibit F-04.113 - DVS.1111.0001.4422 - Suicide Prevention - Mental Health Exhibit F-04.114 - DVS.1111.0001.4425 - Three paradigms of public sector reform Exhibit F-04.115 - DVS.1111.0001.4433 - Transforming DVA - Department of Veterans' Affairs Exhibit F-04.116 - DVS.1111.0001.4438 - VA Community Playbook Exhibit F-04.117 - DVS.1111.0001.4484 - US Veterans Affairs Customer Experience Cookbook Exhibit F-04.118 - DVS.1111.0001.4520 - Welcome to VA Exhibit F-04.119 - DVS.1111.0001.4575 - A guide to appearing before the VRB - for self-represented veterans and representatives Exhibit F-04.120 - DVS.1111.0001.4685 - Veteran Payment - Department of Veterans Affairs Exhibit F-04.121 - DVS.1111.0001.4689 - Veteran Payment - Department of Veterans Affairs Exhibit F-04.122 - DVS.1111.0001.4693 - Veteran Wellbeing Grants One-Off Program - Department of Veterans' Affairs Exhibit F-04.123 - DVS.1111.0001.4695 - Veteran Wellbeing Grants Program - Department of Veterans' Affairs Exhibit F-04.124 - DVS.1111.0001.4697 - AIHW-DVA Strategic Partnership Exhibit F-04.125 - DVS.1111.0001.4700 - Veterans in the 2021 Census - first result Exhibit F-04.126 - DVS.1111.0001.4703 - Veterans Legislation Reform Consultation Pathway - Department of Veterans' Affairs Exhibit F-04.127 - DVS.1111.0001.4706 - Veterans' Review Board Annual Report 2021-22 Exhibit F-04.128 - DVS.1111.0001.4786 - What can't I access - Department of Veterans Affairs Exhibit F-04.129 - DVS.1111.0001.4788 - What Evidence should Social Policymakers Use Exhibit F-04.130 - DVS.1111.0001.4806 - What to expect after you have submitted a compensation claim - Department of Veterans Affairs Exhibit F-04.131 - DVS.1111.0001.4809 - Who can claim under the MRCA - Department of Veterans Affairs Exhibit F-05.001 - DEF.9999.0121.0001 - Defence's response to NTG-DEF-185 Exhibit F-05.002 - DEF.1033.0001.0084 - Joint Health Command, Organisational Chart Exhibit F-05.003 - CLM.1001.0001.0925 - Joint Health Command, Health Service Level Charter Exhibit F-05.004 - DEF.9999.0074.0001 - Defence's response to NTG-DEF-057 Exhibit F-05.005 - SUB.0000.0019.0109 - Submission to the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide, Australian Physiotherapy Association (ANON-Z1E7-QMVB-W) Exhibit F-05.006 - DEF.1033.0001.0803 - Attachment O to the Conditions of Contract of the ADF Health Services Contract Exhibit F-05.007 - DEF.9999.0098.0001 - Defence's response to NTG-DEF-126 Exhibit F-05.008 - DEF.9999.0022.0142 - Statement of Wing Commander Naomi Gill Exhibit F-05.009 - DVA.9999.0045.0001 - DVA's response to NTG-DVA-040 Exhibit F-05.010 - DVA.5045.0001.0783 - Mental Health and Wellbeing Services Division, Service Review and Transformation Program, Program Management Plan Exhibit F-05.011 - DVA.9999.0060.0002 - DVA's response to NTG-DVA-047 Exhibit F-05.012 - DVA.5045.0001.0390 - Quality Innovation Performance Accreditation Report for Open Arms Exhibit F-05.013 - DVA.5045.0002.0086 - Open Arms Deep Dive Exhibit F-05.014 - DVA.5045.0002.0001 - Draft Mental Health and Wellbeing Services Division Workforce Plan Exhibit F-05.015 - DVA.5023.0001.0667 - Department of Veterans' Affairs, Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service Functional Review, Final Report Exhibit F-05.016 - DVA.5054.0001.0023 - Draft paper titled 'Open Arms Model of Care' Exhibit F-05.017 - DVA.5045.0001.0710 - Horizon Scan - Mental Health and Wellbeing Service Delivery Exhibit F-05.018 - DVA.5022.0001.0460 - Towards Greater Veteran Wellbeing, A Feasibility Study to Support Veterans and their Families in the ACT, Final Report Exhibit F-05.019 - ACS.0001.0001.0738 - Rebecca A Bernert and Thomas E Joiner, 'Sleep disturbances and suicide risk- A review of the literature', Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment Exhibit F-05.020 - DEF.1233.0013.0078 - Defence Work Health and Safety Quarterly Dashboard, Scorecard Quarter 1, 2023 Exhibit F-05.021 - DEF.1167.0007.0539 - Defence Safety Behaviour Review Draft Report Exhibit F-05.022 - DEF.9999.0125.0001 - Defence's response to NTG-DEF-186 Exhibit F-05.023 - ACA.1001.0003.0640 - Defence Operational Mental Health Screening Continuum Exhibit F-05.024 - DEF.1027.0002.0096 - Draft paper titled 'Mental Health Screening Continuum - Review of Screening Tools' Exhibit F-05.025 - DEF.1027.0003.2080 - The University of Melbourne - The Australian Defence Force Mental Health Screening Continuum Framework Exhibit F-05.026 - DEF.9999.0117.0001 - Defence's response to NTG-DEF-132 Exhibit F-05.027 - ACA.1001.0005.3952 - The Mental Health and Wellbeing Continuous Improvement Framework- An Evaluation Framework for the Australian Defence Force Exhibit F-05.028 - DEF.1168.0001.2170 - Decision-Noting Brief for CDF titled 'Assessment of the Effectiveness of the ADF Arts for Recovery, Resilience, Teamwork and Skills Program (ARRTS) Exhibit F-05.029 - DEF.1204.0001.0065 - ADF Centre for Mental Health, Report on the Australian Defence Force Suicide Attempt and Self Harm Quality Assurance Audit - Report 1 Exhibit F-05.030 - DVS.1111.0001.0752 - Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, 2022 RACGP curriculum and syllabus for Australian general practice, Military and veteran health Exhibit F-05.031 - DVS.1111.0001.1025 - United States Government Department of Veterans' Affairs, Budget of the US Government for Fiscal Year 2023, accessed 12 October 2023 Exhibit F-05.032 - DVS.1111.0001.1028 - US Government Accountability Office, VA Could Enhance Outreach for Its Solid Start Program by Increasing Collaboration with Veterans Organizations Exhibit F-05.033 - DVS.1111.0001.1029 - M Rosenbaum and others, 'How to create a realistic customer journey map', ScienceDirect, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University Exhibit F-05.034 - DVS.1111.0001.0603 - AIHW, Health of Veterans web report, Cat. no- PHE 304, January 2023 Exhibit F-05.035 - DVS.1111.0001.0637 - Health Workforce Queensland, 'Rural Workforce Enhancement Campaign for North Queensland', webpage, viewed 5 October 2023 Exhibit F-05.036 - DVS.1111.0001.0640 - North Queensland Primary Health Network, 'Our Region, Our People- Meet Dr Bailey Fletcher' webpage, viewed 5 October 2023 Exhibit F-05.037 - DVS.1111.0001.0645 - Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care, Rural Health Multidisciplinary Training (RHMT) Program Framework 2019-2020 Exhibit F-05.038 - DVS.1111.0001.0651 - The value of extended short-term medical training placements in smaller rural and remote locations on future work location- a cohort study Exhibit F-05.039 - DVS.1111.0001.1335 - Penry Buckley, 'Treating sleep issues may be an effective way to treat PTSD', Headlines on Health, SBS News Exhibit F-05.040 - DVS.1111.0001.0659 - National Disability Insurance Agency, Booklet 1 - Applying for the NDIS Exhibit F-05.041 - DVS.1111.0001.0679 - National Disability Insurance Agency, Reasonable and Necessary Supports, webpage Exhibit F-05.042 - DVS.1111.0001.0722 - Department of Veterans' Affairs, 'Medicinal cannabis', webpage, viewed 4 October 2023 Exhibit F-05.043 - DVS.1111.0001.0727 - Use of cannabinoids for the treatment of patients with post-traumatic stress disorder Exhibit F-05.044 - DVS.1111.0001.0739 - WorkSafe Victoria, Physiotherapy Service Fees, July 2023 Exhibit F-05.045 - DVS.1111.0001.0740 - Department of Veterans' Affairs, Physiotherapists Schedule of Fees, July 2023 Exhibit F-05.046 - DVS.1111.0001.0750 - WorkSafe Victoria, Psychology Service Fees, July 2023 Exhibit F-05.047 - DVS.1111.0001.0751 - WorkSafe Victoria, Medical Service Reimbursement Rates, July 2023 Exhibit F-06.001 - DEF.9999.0022.0141 - Response to NTG-DEF-002 - Corrigendum to tranche 2 response Exhibit F-06.002 - DEF.1079.0001.0043 - Facilitator's Guide for 3hr Foundation Healthy Relationship and Sexual Ethics Program Exhibit F-06.003 - DEF.1079.0001.0360 - PC Minute to the Commonwealth Ombudsman - SeMPRO Evaluation of HRSE Training Package Completion Exhibit F-06.004 - DEF.1079.0001.4152 - Foundation of Knowledge PowerPoint Slides Exhibit F-06.005 - DEF.1079.0001.0037 - Student Handout SEMPRO Part 4 - Bystanders Exhibit F-06.006 - DEF.1024.0001.4997 - Noting Brief for CDF- Implementation of Military Justice Arrangements for Sexual Misconduct Exhibit F-06.007 - DEF.1234.0002.0708 - A Commander's Guide to Punishment Exhibit F-07.001 - NTG.DVA_.021.0001 - Notice to Give directed to the Department of Veterans' Affairs - NTG-DVA-021 Exhibit F-07.002 - DEF.1221.0001.0844 - Defence Work Health and Safety Board 3 August 2022 'Agenda Item 5- Safety Behaviour Review and endorsement of recommendations in the Safety Behaviour Report' Exhibit F-07.003 - DEF.1274.0002.0271 - Minutes, Defence Work Health and Safety Board Exhibit F-07.004 - DEF.1221.0001.0835 - Defence Work Health and Safety Board 30 November 2022, paper titled 'Agenda Item 4- Defence Safety Behaviour Review Implementation Plan' Exhibit F-07.005 - DEF.1274.0002.0340 - Brief for Deputy Secretary Security and Estate titled 'Outcomes from Defence Work Health and Safety Board - November 2022' Exhibit F-07.006 - DEF.1233.0002.2174 - Defence Committee 27 February 2023, paper titled 'DC 2022-1822 Enterprise Level WHS Issues' Exhibit F-08.001 - DVS.0011.0001.0946 - Veterans' and Families' Hubs Webpage, Department of Veterans' Affairs Exhibit F-08.002 - DVS.0011.0001.0913 - Department of Veterans' Affairs, Mental and Social Health Action Plan 2015 and 2016 Exhibit F-08.003 - DVS.0011.0001.0941 - National Federation Reform Council Statement, Prime Minister of Australia Exhibit F-08.004 - DVA.5050.0002.1937 - Commonwealth, State and Territory Committee Agenda, Minutes and Action Items and Agenda Papers Exhibit F-08.005 - DVA.5050.0002.1551 - Commonwealth, State and Territory Committee Agenda, Minutes and Action Items and Agenda Papers Exhibit F-08.006 - DVA.5050.0002.0867 - Commonwealth, State and Territory Committee Agenda Exhibit F-08.007 - DVA.5050.0002.0791 - Veterans' Wellbeing Taskforce Agenda Exhibit F-08.008 - DVA.5050.0002.0489 - Veterans' Wellbeing Taskforce Agenda Exhibit F-08.009 - PEM.0001.0001.0001 - Ms Peta McCammon, Secretary, Department of Families Fairness and Housing, Response to NTG-PEM-001 (Tranche 1) Exhibit F-08.010 - DCJ.0001.0001.0001 - State of New South Wales Response to NTG-DCJ-001 regarding services for veterans Exhibit F-08.011 - DCJ.0004.0001.0001 - State of New South Wales Response to NTG-DCJ-004 regarding services for veterans and co-ordination with the Commonwealth, States and Territories Exhibit F-08.012 - NSH.0001.0001.0001 - Ministry of Health Response to NTG-NSH-001-01 regarding drug and alcohol services for veterans Exhibit F-08.013 - NCS.0001.0001.0001 - Corrective Services Response to NTG-NCS-001 regarding drug and alcohol services for veterans Exhibit F-08.014 - SUB.0000.0025.00121 - New South Wales Government Submission to the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide Exhibit F-08.015 - QPC.0003.0001.0001 - State of Queensland response to NTG-QPC-003 regarding services for veterans and co-ordination with the Commonwealth, States and Territories Exhibit F-08.016 - QLH.0001.0001.0001 - Department of Health response to NTG-QLH-001 regarding drug and alcohol services for veterans Exhibit F-08.017 - QDC.0001.0001.0001 - Queensland Corrective Services response to NTG-QDC-001 regarding drug and alcohol services for veterans Exhibit F-08.018 - QPC.0001.0001.0001 - Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy response to NTG-QPC-001 Exhibit F-08.019 - QPC.0001.0001.0005 - Department of Employment, Small Business and Training response to NTG-QPC-001 Exhibit F-08.020 - QPC.0001.0001.0013 - Department of Justice and Attorney-General response to NTG-QPC-001 Exhibit F-08.021 - QPC.0001.0001.0016 - Department of Premier and Cabinet response to NTG-QPC-001 Exhibit F-08.022 - QPC.0001.0001.0024 - Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water response to NTG-QPC-001 Exhibit F-08.023 - QPC.0001.0001.0025 - Department of Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships response to NTG-QPC-001 Exhibit F-08.024 - QPC.0001.0001.0028 - Department of Transport and Main Roads response to NTG-QPC-001 Exhibit F-08.025 - QPC.0001.0001.0033 - Attachment to Department of Transport and Main Roads response to NTG-QPC-001 Exhibit F-08.026 - QPC.0001.0001.0034 - Queensland Corrective Services response to NTG-QPC-001 Exhibit F-08.027 - QPC.0001.0001.0037 - Queensland Health response to NTG-QPC-001 Exhibit F-08.028 - QPC.0001.0001.0044 - Attachment 1 to Queensland Health response to NTG-QPC-001 - Processes for Hospital and Health Services Exhibit F-08.029 - QPC.0001.0001.0054 - Attachment 2 to Queensland Health response to NTG-QPC-001 - Human Resources Policy - Sick Leave Exhibit F-08.030 - QPC.0001.0001.0060 - Attachment 3 to Queensland Health response to NTG-QPC-001 - Statistic of Consumers with DVA Status Accessing Mental Health Services Exhibit F-08.031 - QPC.0001.0001.0061 - Attachment 4 to Queensland Health response to NTG-QPC-001 - Annual Funding Breakdown Exhibit F-08.032 - QPC.0001.0001.0062 - Queensland Mental Health Commission response to NTG-QPC-001 Exhibit F-08.033 - QPC.0001.0001.0065 - Queensland Police Service response to NTG-QPC-001 Exhibit F-08.034 - ACC.0000.0001.0013 - ACT Community Services Directorate response to NTG-ACC-001 regarding services for veterans Exhibit F-08.035 - ACC.0000.0001.0001 - Attachment to ACT Community Services Directorate response to NTG-ACC-001 - Veteran Concessions Exhibit F-08.036 - ACC.0001.0001.0009 - ACT Community Services Directorate response to NTG-ACC-003 regarding services for veterans Exhibit F-08.037 - ACH.0000.0001.0001 - Department of Health response to NTG-ACH-001 regarding drug and alcohol services for veterans Exhibit F-08.038 - ACC.0003.0001.0001 - Australian Capital Territory Veterans' Employment Strategy Exhibit F-08.039 - DVS.1111.0001.0097 - National ESO Forum Report- 15 November 2022 Exhibit F-08.040 - DVS.1111.0001.0082 - National ESO Forum Report - 30 May 2023 Exhibit F-08.041 - DVS.1111.0001.0001 - The Paul Tys Churchill Fellowship- To Create A Model Of Care For Families Supporting A Veteran Suffering Psychological-Physical Injury, report by Brendan Cox Exhibit F-08.042 - DEF.0025.0001.0001 - Submission of AIRCDRE Kaarin Kooij CSC, Director General of the Joint Transition Authority Exhibit F-08.043 - DEF.9999.0056.0001 - Defence response to NTG-DEF-062 Exhibit F-08.044 - DEF.1196.0001.0016 - Joint Transition Authority Steering Group Meeting Minutes Exhibit F-08.045 - DEF.1233.0002.1730 - Aligned Defence - DVA Wellbeing Factors Exhibit F-08.046 - SUB.0000.0001.1611 - Findings of the Inquest into the death of Jesse Stephen Bird Exhibit F-08.047 - DVA.5007.0007.0481 - Post War Survive to Thrive Nation Online Coaching Program Pilot, Final Report Exhibit F-08.048 - DEF.1010.0001.8302 - Australian Defence Force Families research 2019, Findings from the ADF Families Survey 2019 Exhibit F-08.049 - DEF.1019.0001.0646 - Coaching - Standard Operating Procedure Exhibit F-08.050 - SUB.0000.0106.3221 - Australian Institute of Family Studies Submission Exhibit F-08.051 - SUB.0000.0033.0001 - Understanding the emotional and practical support needs of family care-partners of veterans for reducing depression and promotion wellbeing, Final Report Exhibit F-08.052 - DEF.1114.0001.0450 - MO Advice - Lessons learnt during the pre-transition and transition processes Exhibit F-08.053 - DEF.1114.0001.0983 - Defence Update Presentation Exhibit F-08.054 - ONC.0000.0001.3836 - Defence Response to National Commissioner for Defence and Veteran Suicide Prevention RFI-11-ADF-04-2021