Additional exhibits – tendered in chambers – IDI tender 2 - 15 December 2022 You are here Home Publications Evidence Additional exhibits – tendered in chambers – IDI tender 2 - 15 December 2022 Date 15 December 2022 Return to Evidence page Exhibits IDI Exhibit 01-03.001 - DEF.9999.0040.0001 - Statement of Dr Darrell Duncan IDI Exhibit 01-03.002 - DEF.9999.0040.0010 - Statement of Director Military People Policy IDI Exhibit 01-03.003 - DEF.9999.0044.0026 - Statement of Commander, Personnel Support Unit - Australia IDI Exhibit 01-03.004 - DEF.9999.0044.0032 - Statement of HR Services Branch, Defence People Group IDI Exhibit 01-03.004A - DEF.9999.0044.0046 - Corrigendum to statement of Director of Military Administrative and Discipline Law IDI Exhibit 01-03.004B - DEF.9999.0050.0001 - Second corrigendum to statement of Director of Military Administrative and Discipline Law IDI Exhibit 01-03.004C - DEF.9999.0048.0001 - Updated statement of Director of Military Administrative and Discipline Law IDI Exhibit 01-03.004D - DEF.9999.0051.0007 - Updated statement of Deputy Director Separations and Military Employment Classification Review Board IDI Exhibit 01-03.008 - DEF.1052.0009.0001 - Defence Instruction (General) Admin 67-2 Quick Assessment IDI Exhibit 01-03.009 - DEF.1109.0001.0001 - Review of the Management of Incidents and Complaints in Defence including Civil and Military Jurisdiction IDI Exhibit 01-03.010 - DEF.1109.0001.0170 - GADMMAN Resources - FAQ Sheet 14, Administrative Release of Fact Finding Reports IDI Exhibit 01-03.011 - DEF.1109.0001.0177 - Defence Determination 2014-34, Leave - medical absence IDI Exhibit 01-03.012 - DEF.1109.0001.0197 - Australian Book of Reference, Royal Australian Navy Officers' Career Management Manual IDI Exhibit 01-03.013 - DEF.1109.0001.0655 - CARM Fact Sheet - Providing Information to Complainants Impacted Personnel Respondents IDI Exhibit 01-03.014 - DEF.1109.0001.0873 - Commonwealth Ombudsman's Own Motion Investigation - ADF - Management of Complaints about Unacceptable Behaviour IDI Exhibit 01-03.016 - DEF.1109.0001.0923 - DEFGRAM 638-2018, Release of Amendments List 3 to Military Personnel Policy Manual IDI Exhibit 01-03.017 - DEF.1109.0001.0925 - Defence Health Manual Volume 2 Part 2 Chapter 3, Medical Absence IDI Exhibit 01-03.018 - DEF.1109.0001.0930 - Defence Instruction (General) Admin 67-2 Incident reporting IDI Exhibit 01-03.019 - DEF.1109.0001.0939 - Defence Instruction (General) Admin 45-2 The Reporting and Management of Notifiable Incidents IDI Exhibit 01-03.020 - DEF.1109.0001.0956 - Defence Instruction (General) PERS 03-4 Termination of service in the Australian Defence Force IDI Exhibit 01-03.021 - DEF.1109.0001.0967 - Defence Instruction (Navy) PERS 43-16 Personnel Support Unit IDI Exhibit 01-03.022 - DEF.1109.0001.0984 - Defence Instruction (General) PERS 16-21 Absence due to illness and absence for convalescence IDI Exhibit 01-03.023 - DEF.1109.0001.0999 - Defence Instruction (General) PERS 34-1 Redress of Grievance - Tri-Service procedures IDI Exhibit 01-03.024 - DEF.1109.0001.1038 - Guidance, Procedural Fairness in Inquiries under the Defence (Inquiry) Regulations 2018 IDI Exhibit 01-03.025 - DEF.1109.0001.1050 - HLTHMAN Volume 3 Part 1 Chapter 1 - Medical Employment Classification System IDI Exhibit 01-03.026 - DEF.1109.0001.1111 - HMAS Success Commission of Inquiry – Allegations of Unacceptable Behaviour and the Management Thereof, Part One - The Asian Deployment and Immediate Aftermath IDI Exhibit 01-03.027 - DEF.1109.0001.1539 - HMAS Success Commission of Inquiry – Allegations of Unacceptable Behaviour and the Management Thereof, Part Two - Management of the Allegations and Personnel Involved IDI Exhibit 01-03.028 - DEF.1109.0001.1827 - HMAS Success Commission of Inquiry - Allegations of Unacceptable Behaviour and the Management Thereof, Part Three - Further Recommendations IDI Exhibit 01-03.029 - DEF.1109.0001.1997 - Information, Information for witnesses Inquiry Officer Inquiries IDI Exhibit 01-03.030 - DEF.1109.0001.2000 - Military Personnel Policy Manual, Edition 1 IDI Exhibit 01-03.031 - DEF.1109.0001.2285 - Defence Instruction (Navy) PERS 43-16 Personnel Support Unit IDI Exhibit 01-03.032 - DEF.1109.0001.2302 - PACMAN Part 3 Medical absence from duty - Pay and Conditions IDI Exhibit 01-03.033 - DEF.1109.0001.2309 - Personnel Support Unit Management Manual IDI Exhibit 01-03.034 - DEF.1109.0001.2372 - Royal Australian Navy Chaplaincy Handbook IDI Exhibit 01-03.035 - DEF.1109.0001.2456 - Responding to Unacceptable Behaviour - Guide to Redaction for Commanders and Managers IDI Exhibit 01-03.036 - DEF.1109.0001.2458 - Re-Thinking Systems of Inquiry, Investigation, Review and Audit in Defence - Summary of decision following consideration of Report on Stage B IDI Exhibit 01-03.037 - DEF.1109.0001.2459 - Template, Correspondence to complainant notifying them of completion of an inquiry IDI Exhibit 01-03.038 - DEF.1005.0001.2831 - 13-1 Administrative Inquiries Manual - First Edition IDI Exhibit 01-03.039 - DEF.1109.0002.0001 - 12-ABR 1991 Chap 8 - Annex A - Medical Employment Classifications for the Maritime Environment - General Principles IDI Exhibit 01-03.040 - DEF.1109.0002.0007 - 12-ABR 1991 Chap 8 - Annex B Appendix 15 - Psychiatric and Mental Health IDI Exhibit 01-03.041 - DEF.1109.0002.0011 - 12-ABR 1991 Chap 8 - Annex B - Medical Employment Classification for the Maritime Environment - List of Conditions IDI Exhibit 01-03.042 - DEF.1109.0002.0013 - 12-ABR 1991 Chap 8 - Annex F - Example Central Medical Employment Classification Review Process IDI Exhibit 01-03.043 - DEF.1109.0002.0014 - 12-ABR 1991 Chap 8 - Annex G - Example Central Medical Employment Classification Review Appeals Process IDI Exhibit 01-03.044 - DEF.1109.0002.0015 - 12-ABR 1991 Chap 8 - Annex H - Example Medical Discharge Process IDI Exhibit 01-03.045 - DEF.1109.0002.0016 - 12-ABR 1991 Chap 8 - Annex I - Checklist for Members Discharging Medically IDI Exhibit 01-03.046 - DEF.1109.0002.0017 - 12-ABR 1991 Chap 8 - The Australian Defence Force Medical Employment Classification System and the Maritime Environment IDI Exhibit 01-03.047 - DEF.1109.0003.0001 - AD 097 ADF Leave application IDI Exhibit 01-03.048 - DEF.1109.0003.0005 - Guidance on Obtaining Health Information for Inquiry Officers IDI Exhibit 01-03.049 - DEF.1109.0003.0031 - Re-thinking systems of inquiry, investigation, review and audit in Defence, Proposal for an optimal system of assurance and audit IDI Exhibit 01-03.050 - DEF.1109.0004.0001 - UB-01 - Understanding what is unacceptable behaviour IDI Exhibit 01-03.051 - DEF.1109.0004.0002 - UB-02 (Part 1) - How to approach conflict and dispute resolution IDI Exhibit 01-03.052 - DEF.1109.0004.0003 - UB-02 (Part 2) - How to approach conflict and dispute resolution IDI Exhibit 01-03.053 - DEF.1109.0004.0004 - UB-03 - How to submit a complaint IDI Exhibit 01-03.054 - DEF.1109.0004.0005 - UB-04 - Confidentiality during the complaint process IDI Exhibit 01-03.055 - DEF.1109.0004.0006 - UB-05 - What to do when receiving a complaint IDI Exhibit 01-03.056 - DEF.1109.0004.0007 - UB-06 - Confidentiality for Managers - What I need to know IDI Exhibit 01-03.057 - DEF.1109.0004.0008 - UB-07 - Fact finding - Do I need to do it IDI Exhibit 01-03.058 - DEF.1109.0004.0009 - UB-08 - Vexatious and malicious complaints IDI Exhibit 01-03.059 - DEF.1109.0004.0010 - UB-09 - Not satisfied with the outcome to your complaint IDI Exhibit 01-03.060 - DEF.1109.0004.0011 - UB-10 - Sexual misconduct complaints copy IDI Exhibit 01-03.061 - DEF.1109.0004.0012 - UB-11 - Interpersonal Conflict IDI Exhibit 01-03.062 - DEF.1109.0005.0001 - Directorate of Complaints and Resolution - Client Handout - Advice and Support IDI Exhibit 01-03.063 - DEF.1109.0005.0004 - Managing Workplace Bullying Information Sheet IDI Exhibit 01-03.064 - DEF.1109.0005.0015 - Unacceptable Behaviour Guidance for respondents IDI Exhibit 01-03.065 - DEF.1109.0005.0022 - Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control for the Identification and Prevention of Workplace Bullying IDI Exhibit 01-03.091 - DEF.1052.0003.0592 - Edition 3 Administrative Inquiries Manual IDI Exhibit 01-03.092 - DEF.1019.0002.0010 - Serial 01 - CDF Directive 08_2014 - Authorising the disclosure of inquiry records and reports under regulation 63 Defence (Inquiry) Regulations 1985 IDI Exhibit 01-03.093 - DEF.1094.0004.0621 - Good Administrative Decision-Making Manual IDI Exhibit 01-03.094 - DEF.0016.0004.0007 - Defence Instruction (General) Personnel, 16-26 Management of a suicidal episode on the Australian Defence Force IDI Exhibit 01-03.095 - DEF.1048.0004.2715_E - Defence Health Manual Vol 1 Part 3 Chapter 1 - Privacy of Health Information IDI Exhibit 01-03.096 - DEF.0011.0001.0001 - ANP 4104-3 Navy Personnel Manual (NAVPERSMAN) IDI Exhibit 01-03.097 - DEF.1096.0001.0937 - Complaints and Alternative Resolutions Manual (CARM) Chapter 1 IDI Exhibit 01-03.098 - DEF.1096.0001.0951 - Complaints and Alternative Resolutions Manual (CARM) Chapter 2 IDI Exhibit 01-03.099 - DEF.1096.0001.0985 - Complaints and Alternative Resolutions Manual (CARM) Chapter 3 IDI Exhibit 01-03.100 - DEF.1096.0001.1046 - Complaints and Alternative Resolutions Manual (CARM) Chapter 5 IDI Exhibit 01-03.101 - DEF.1096.0001.1060 - Complaints and Alternative Resolutions Manual (CARM) Chapter 6 IDI Exhibit 01-03.102 - DEF.1096.0001.1068 - Complaints and Alternative Resolutions Manual (CARM) Chapter 7 IDI Exhibit 01-03.103 - DEF.1096.0001.1119 - Complaints and Alternative Resolutions Manual (CARM) Chapter 8 IDI Exhibit 01-03.104 - DEF.1096.0001.1136 - Complaints and Alternative Resolutions Manual (CARM) Chapter 9 IDI Exhibit 01-03.105 - DEF.1078.0001.3008 - Managing Challenging Behaviour IDI Exhibit 01-04.001 - DEF.9999.0051.0001 - Updated statement of Dr Darrell Duncan IDI Exhibit 01-05.001 - DEF.0016.0005.0001 - DI-Navy ADMIN 30-4_AL4 Instructions to the Executive Officer IDI Exhibit 01-06.001 - DEF.0001.0001.7097 - Defence Instruction (General) Personnel, 16-26 Management of a suicidal episode on the Australian Defence Force