Exhibit 48-02.020 - DEF.1077.0001.0279 - Searle et al, 'The validity of military screening for mental health problems- diagnostic accuracy of the PCL, K10 and AUDIT scales in an entire military population' You are here Home Publications Exhibit 48-02.020 - DEF.1077.0001.0279 - Searle et al, 'The validity of military screening for mental health problems- diagnostic accuracy of the PCL, K10 and AUDIT scales in an entire military population' Exhibit Publication date 18 October 2022 Download Exhibit 48-02.020 - DEF.1077.0001.0279 - Searle et al, 'The validity of military screening for mental health problems- diagnostic accuracy of the PCL, K10 and AUDIT scales in an entire military population'_0.pdf