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Royal Commission Research Program

Every death by suicide is a tragic event. The objective of the Royal Commission Research Program was to identify and examine systemic, structural and cultural issues related to serving and ex-serving Defence member suicide.

The research program aimed to provide context and background information, fill critical knowledge and evidence gaps, and summarise existing findings about serving and ex-serving Defence members who have died by suicide or have lived experience of suicide behaviour. The research program also identified risk factors and practices to prevent future deaths by suicide.

The findings of the research program informed the Commissioners' Final Report and recommendations. The research findings aimed to also increase transparency and accountability, and enhance future research, program and policy developments. The findings contribute to a research legacy that will be built on beyond the life of the Royal Commission.

The Lived Experience and Research Advisory Group was an expert advisory body to the Royal Commission's research program.

Find out more about the Lived Experience Research Advisory Group.

Academic and research institute professionals with significant expertise in the subject matters and specific lines of inquiry determined by the Commissioners, conducted bespoke research projects across a range of topics on behalf of the Royal Commission. The Royal Commission engaged researchers by closed tender, for projects exploring a variety of topics determined by the Commissioners and relevant to the Royal Commission's investigation.

All projects conducted by external providers had ethical approval from their relevant institutional Human Research Ethics Committees, in addition to following our own Research Ethics and Quality Assurance Framework.

The Royal Commission had a dedicated research team to provide qualitative and quantitative analysis.

The research team analysed submissions and data provided by the public, government agencies and other organisations. The aim of our internal research was to identify the systemic issues, common themes, and risk and protective factors associated with Defence and veteran suicide.

The Royal Commission conducted systemic analysis on de-identified data – meaning data with the identifying information removed. Data was collected through compulsory notices, and was similar to data provided to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, as well as data related to discipline, suicidality, recruitment and unacceptable behaviour.

Best practice data protection methods were used to maintain the privacy and security of all information held, and both independent ethics advice and oversight from the Lived Experience and Research Advisory Group ensured all research was ethically sound and guided by lived experience.

A number of documents and correspondence related to the Royal Commission’s data validation work have been published.

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External Research

The following research projects were commissioned as part of the Royal Commission's investigation. The content does not necessarily reflect the views of the Royal Commission or Commissioners.

Suicide and self-harm monitoring of the serving and ex-serving Australian Defence Force member population – Part 1: The data landscape and short-term opportunities

A new research paper by the University of Melbourne explores the current availability of suicide and self-harm data relevant to serving and ex-serving Australian Defence Force members, and identifies opportunities for data development.

Military Compensation Law in Australia: 2004-2021

A new research paper by Mr Peter Sutherland identifies and explains changes to military compensation law in Australia and highlights the need for substantial legislative reform.

Suicide and suicidality monitoring of the serving and ex-serving Australian Defence Force member population – Part 2: A roadmap to real-time suicide and suicidality monitoring

A new research paper by the University of Melbourne and the second in a series exploring suicide and self-harm data in Australia. This report considers what developments could be made to make data more timely, and long-term thinking about how data might be used in interventions and to support people in times of need.

Machine learning analysis of risk factors

A new research paper by Phoenix Australia examines changes over time in suicidality in a sample of serving and ex-serving ADF personnel. The report explores factors that distinguish between those who progress from suicide ideation to suicide plans and/or attempts. The report also draws from these findings to consider implications for screening and service delivery.

Mapping Service and Transition to Self-Harm and Suicidality

A new research paper by Professor Ben Wadham (Open Door, Flinders University) provides information on risk factors leading to suicide across different stages of the life journey. The report analyses 113 interviews with serving and ex-serving ADF members and family members to explore the impacts of adverse childhood events, service trauma, engagement with the Australian Defence Force and veterans’ affairs systems, transition and post service life.

Evaluation of the Group Emotional and Relationship Skills (GEARS) intervention among Australian veterans

A new research paper by Military and Emergency Services Health Australia, evaluating a pilot, peer delivered intervention program (GEARS) designed to help participants understand and manage the emotional consequences of trauma. The evaluation explores the impact of the program on mental health, suicidality, perceptions of physical health, and perceived functioning and wellbeing.

Feasibility, Acceptability, and Initial Outcomes of the Gallipoli Medical Research Foundation Transition Training Program Pilot

A new research paper by the Gallipoli Medical Research Foundation examining an adjustment and reintegration program for current Australian Defence Force members separating from the Australian Defence Force. The Transition Training Program Pilot report presents the background literature, describes participant outcomes, and provides conclusions and recommendations regarding future research and delivery of military to civilian psychoeducation programs.

ADF members and ex-members suicide literature review: An update

A new research paper from Phoenix Australia provides an update to the 2020 Defence Force and Veteran Suicides Literature Review prepared for the interim National Commissioner for Defence and Veteran Suicide Prevention. This report includes new research on risk factors, trends and evidence-based prevention strategies and interventions related to suicide, self-harm and suicidality of serving and ex-serving ADF members. The report also provides information on topics which were not emphasised in the previous review, including ADF culture, recruitment and screening processes.

Understanding and enhancing responses to suicide crises involving current serving and ex-serving members of the ADF: A data linkage study

A new research paper by the Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research. This was a large quantitative project, which looked at people who had a suicide related contact with emergency services over a three year period in Queensland. The report provides information on ADF members and veterans who were the subject of an emergency response. This includes demographic information and information on mental health, physical health, polypharmacy, and health service usage patterns 12 months before and after a suicide related contact.