Day 3 − Sydney, 16 February 2022 You are here Home Hearings Day 3 − Sydney, 16 February 2022 Day 3 Date 16 February 2022 Location Sydney Hearing Hearing Block 2, Sydney Exhibits EXHIBIT 13-01.01 - EXP.0002.0010.0006 - Dr Edward Coffey's Brief Biography EXHIBIT 13-01.03 - EXP.0002.0010.0078_R - Dr Edward Coffey's Curriculum Vitae EXHIBIT 13-01.04 - EXP.0002.0011.0054 - Sue Murray OAM's Brief Biography EXHIBIT 13-01.05 - EXP.0002.0011.0036 - Sue Murray OAM's Curriculum Vitae EXHIBIT 13-01.06 - EXP.0002.0010.0141 - Coffey, C. E. 2003. Pursuing perfect care in neuropsychiatry Implications of the Institute of Medicine's 'Quality Chasm' report for neuropsychiatry EXHIBIT 13-01.07 - EXP.0002.0010.0001 - Coffey, C. E., M. J. Coffey, and B. K. Ahmedani. 2013. An update on perfect depression care EXHIBIT 13-01.08 - EXP.0002.0010.0398 - Coffey, C. E. 2007. Building a system of perfect depression care in behavioral health. Joint Commission Journal of Quality and Patient Safety 33-193-199 EXHIBIT 13-01.09 - EXP.0002.0010.0007 - Clinical Care and Intervention Task Force and National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention. 2011. Suicide care in systems framework EXHIBIT 13-01.10 - EXP.0002.0010.0279 - Coffey, M. J., C. E. Coffey, and B. K. Ahmedani. 2015. Suicide in a health maintenance organization population EXHIBIT 13-01.11 - EXP.0002.0010.0388 - Coffey, M. J., and C. E. Coffey. 2016. How we dramatically reduced suicide EXHIBIT 13-01.13 - EXP.0002.0010.0187 - Surgeon General's Call to Action to Implement the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention A Report of the US Surgeon General EXHIBIT 13-01.14 - EXP.0002.0010.0145 - National Strategy for Preventing Veteran Suicide (2018) EXHIBIT 13-01.15 - EXP.0002.0011.0039 - Zero Flow Chart EXHIBIT 13-01.16 - EXP.0002.0010.0387 - Vision Zero as Driving Force for Transformation The Perfect Depression Care 'Innovation' PowerPoint Presentation EXHIBIT 13-01.17 - EXP.0002.0011.0055 - Zero Suicide Healthcare Theory of Change PowerPoint Presentation EXHIBIT 13-01.18 - EXP.0002.0011.0056 - Zero Suicide Healthcare- Evaluation Framework - Outcomes, Actions and Measures EXHIBIT 13-01.19 - EXP.0002.0010.0401 - Vision Zero - Eliminating Suicide and Transforming Healthcare Presentation EXHIBIT 13-02 - BPE.0000.0001.0001_R - Bonita Perry Witness Statement EXHIBIT 13-04 - KAL.0000.0001.0001_R - Kamaia Alexander Witness Statement EXHIBIT 13-06 - WIT.0002.0002.0001_R - SY2 Witness Statement