Day 3 − Sydney, 9 March 2022 You are here Home Hearings Day 3 − Sydney, 9 March 2022 Day 3 Date 9 March 2022 Location Sydney Hearing Hearing Block 3, Sydney Exhibits Exhibit 18-02.001 - NTG.AHW.001.0001 - NTG-AHW-001 Exhibit 18-02.002 - AHW.9999.0001.0001 - AIHW response to Notice to Give Information Exhibit 18-02.003 - STU.0000.0001.1913 - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Incidence of suicide among serving and ex-serving Australian Defence Force personnel 2001-2014 Exhibit 18-02.004 - STU.0000.0001.1694 - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Incidence of suicide among serving and ex-serving Australian Defence Force personnel 2001-2015- in brief summary report Exhibit 18-02.010 - ACS.0001.0001.2552 - Final Report - Independent review of Past Australian Defence Force and Veteran Suicides- Qualitative analysis of coronial and Defence documents [ACSQHC Report to Dr Boss] Exhibit 18-02.011 - STU.0001.0001.2709 - Mortality study 2003- Australian veterans of the Korean war [AIHW Korean War Veterans Mortality Study] Exhibit 18-02.012 - STU.0001.0001.2199 - Australian National Service Vietnam Veterans Mortality and Cancer Incidence Study 2005 [AIHW National Service Veterans Study] Exhibit 18-02.013 - STU.0001.0001.3688 - The Third Australian Vietnam Veterans Mortality Study 2005 [AIHW Vietnam Veterans Mortality Study] Exhibit 18-02.014 - STU.0001.0001.2375 - Causes of death among serving and ex-serving Australian Defence Force personnel- 2002-2015 [AIHW Causes of Death Analysis] Exhibit 18-02.015 - STU.0001.0001.2063 - A profile of Australia's veterans 2018 [AIHW 2018 Profile of Veterans] Exhibit 18-02.016 - STU.0001.0001.3199 - Use of homelessness services by contemporary ex-serving Australian Defence Force members 2011-17 [AIHW Homelessness Report] Exhibit 18-02.017 - STU.0001.0001.2908 - Medications dispensed to contemporary ex-serving Australian Defence Force members 2017-18 [AIHW Medications Report] Exhibit 18-02.018 - STU.0001.0001.2698 - Health of Veterans [AIHW Veteran Health Report] Exhibit 18-02.019 - STU.0000.0002.4821 - Suicide in Australia- Trends and analysis 1964 to 2018 [September 2020 AIHW Report] Exhibit 18-02.020 - STU.0001.0001.3092 - Serving and ex-serving Australian Defence Force members who have served since 1985- population characteristics [August 2021 AIHW Report] Exhibit 18-02.021 - STU.0000.0002.5309 - Lucy E. and Nicholas B., 'Australian suicide and hospitalised self-harm monitoring data - A Scoping review of analytic methods used within the peer reviewed literature' Exhibit 18-02.022 - STU.0000.0002.5101 - Biddle et al, 'Suicide mortality in Australia - Estimating and projecting monthly variation and trends from 2007 to 2018 and beyond' (2020) Exhibit 18-02.023 - STU.0000.0002.4893 - Biddle et al, 'Comparing 2019 Preliminary Suicide Deaths data with Modelled Forecasts- Addendum to Biddle et al.' (2021) [Biddle et al Addendum] Exhibit 18-02.024 - STU.0000.0002.5270 - Clapperton et al, 'Patterns of suicide in the context of COVID-19 - Evidence from three Australian states' (2021) Exhibit 18-02.025 - STU.0000.0002.5385 - Flego et al, 'Evaluation of the National Suicide and Self-harm Monitoring Project and System - Interim Report' (2021) Exhibit 18-02.026 - STU.0000.0002.4891 - AIHW, 'Suicide & self-harm monitoring system - Consultation with Young People' (2021) [AIHW Suicide and Self-harm monitoring consultation fact sheet] Exhibit 18-02.027 - STU.0000.0002.7313 - Kerr et al, 'Increased risk of attempted suicide in Australian veterans is associated with [title continues]' 2018 Exhibit 18-02.028 - STU.0000.0002.7046 - World Health Organisation, 'The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders- Clinical descriptions and diagnostic guidelines' (1992) Exhibit 18-02.029 - STU.0000.0002.6830 - Review of Mental Health Care in the Australian Defence Force and Transition Through Discharge Exhibit 18-02.030 - STU.0000.0002.6813 - Australian Bureau of Statistics, 'Research Paper- Psychosocial risk factors as they relate to coroner-referred deaths in Australia, 2017' (2019) Exhibit 18-02.037 - STU.0000.0002.7342 - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Annual Report 2020-2021 Exhibit 18-03.001 - STU.0000.0002.5420 - National Coronial Information System - Quality Assurance Exhibit 18-03.002 - STU.0000.0002.6719 - NCIS Operational statistics - Case closure statistics - January 2022 Exhibit 18-03.003 - STU.0000.0002.6731 - NCIS Operational statistics - Document attachment statistics - January 2022 Exhibit 18-03.004 - STU.0000.0002.5754 - Extract from NCIS Website - Explanatory notes - Data sources Exhibit 18-03.005 - STU.0000.0002.6709 - NCIS Fact Sheet - Intentional self-harm deaths in Australia in 2014 Exhibit 18-03.006 - STU.0000.0002.6711 - NCIS Fact Sheet - Intentional self-harm deaths in Australia in 2015 Exhibit 18-03.007 - STU.0000.0002.6713 - NCIS Fact Sheet - Intentional self-harm deaths in Australia in 2016 Exhibit 18-03.008 - STU.0000.0002.6715 - NCIS Fact Sheet - Intentional self-harm deaths in Australia in 2017 Exhibit 18-03.009 - STU.0000.0002.6717 - NCIS Fact Sheet - Intentional self-harm deaths in Australia in 2018 Exhibit 18-03.010 - STU.0000.0002.6159 - NCIS Data Dictionary - Version 4 Exhibit 18-03.011 - STU.0000.0002.5765 - NCIS Coding Manual - Version 5 Exhibit 18-03.012 - STU.0000.0002.7515 - NCIS Strategic Plan 2017-2021 Exhibit 18-03.015 - STU.0000.0002.7510 - NCIS Access Management Guide - Using the intent data field Exhibit 18-04.001 - NTG.ABS.001.0001 - Notice to Give, served in final, on ABS Exhibit 18-04.002 - ABS.9999.0001.0001 - Response to NTG-ABS-001 Exhibit 18-04.003 - STU.0000.0002.5196 - Extract from ABS website, 'ABS Causes of Death, Australia, 2020' Exhibit 18-04.004 - STU.0000.0002.5142 - Extract from ABS website, 'ABS Causes of Death, Australia methodology, 2020' Exhibit 18-04.005 - STU.0000.0002.5290 - Extract from ABS website, 'ABS Deaths, Australia, 2020' Exhibit 18-04.006 - STU.0000.0002.4812 - Extract from ABS website, 'ABS Causes of Death, Australia, 2017- Intentional self-harm, key characteristics' Exhibit 18-04.009 - STU.0000.0002.7508 - Lauren Moran's Curriculum Vitae Exhibit 18-04.010 - STU.0000.0002.7506 - James Eynstone-Hinkins' Curriculum Vitae