Day 6 − Sydney, 15 March 2022 You are here Home Hearings Day 6 − Sydney, 15 March 2022 Day 6 Date 15 June 2022 Location Sydney Hearing Hearing Block 3, Sydney Exhibits Exhibit 21-01.001 - AWW.0000.0001.0697 - Transition Taskforce, 'Improving the Transition Experience' Report Exhibit 21-01.002 - ACS.0001.0001.1492 - Transition and Wellbeing Research Programme, 'Key Findings Report' Exhibit 21-01.003 - INQ.0003.0001.0001 - Department of Defence, 'ADF Member and Family Transition Guide - A Practical Manual to Transitioning' Exhibit 21-01.004 - INQ.0003.0001.0151 - Department of Veterans' Affairs, 'How DVA can help you transition to civilian life' Brochure Exhibit 21-01.005 - INQ.0003.0001.0137 - Department of Defence, 'Better transition outcomes for veterans' Media Release Exhibit 21-01.006 - INQ.0003.0001.0141 - Department of Defence, 'Joint Transition Authority - ADF Transition' Web Release Exhibit 21-01.007 - INQ.0003.0001.0145 - Department of Defence, 'Joint Transition Authority - ADF Transition' Web Release Exhibit 21-01.011 - STU.0001.0001.1811 - Baker et al., 2017, The Next Post- Young people transitioning from military service and their mental health, Orygen, The National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health Exhibit 21-01.015 - INQ.0003.0001.0161 - Department of Veteran's Affairs, Veteran Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy and National Action Plan 2020-2023, Webpage Exhibit 21-01.017 - INQ.0003.0001.0157 - Department of Defence, Health & Well-being 'Fighting Fit' , Webpage Exhibit 21-01.019 - STU.0002.0001.0193 - Select details of members of Panel 3 Exhibit 21-01.020 - DEF.1025.0002.3515 - NTP-DEF-025 Joint Directive 01-2021 SEC_CDF - Technical Authority for Defence Transition Exhibit 21-01.024 - DEF.9999.0004.0001_R - 20220311 NTG-DEF-012 Response 21005416