Day 8 − Sydney, 17 March 2022 You are here Home Hearings Day 8 − Sydney, 17 March 2022 Day 8 Date 17 March 2022 Location Sydney Hearing Hearing Block 3, Sydney Exhibits Exhibit 23-01 - WIT.0003.0005.0001_R - SY5 Witness Statement Exhibit 23-03.001 - EXP.0003.0011.0277 - Dr Karl Andriessen's Brief Biography Exhibit 23-03.002 - EXP.0003.0011.0243 - Dr Karl Andriessen's Curriculum Vitae Exhibit 23-03.003 - EXP.0003.0011.0001 - Karl Andriessen, 'Can Postvention Be Prevention-' (2009) Crisis 30(1) 43-47 Exhibit 23-03.004 - EXP.0003.0011.0006 - Karl Andriessen et al, 'Don't bother about me.' The grief and mental health of bereaved adolescents' (2018) Death Studies 42(10) 607-615 Exhibit 23-03.005 - EXP.0003.0011.0016 - Andriessen et al 2019, Effectiveness of interventions for people bereaved through suicide'a systematic review of controlled studies,BMC Psychiatry 19(49)1-15 Exhibit 23-03.007 - EXP.0003.0011.0043 - Karl Andriessen et al, 'Help-seeking experiences of bereaved adolescents- A qualitative study' (2019) Death Studies 43(1) 1-8 Exhibit 23-03.008 - EXP.0003.0011.0052 - Andriessen et al 2020 'The Impact of Suicide & Traumatic Death on Adolescents as Experienced by Adolescents & Parents' Int. Journal of Env. Research & Public Health Exhibit 23-03.009 - EXP.0003.0011.0070 - Karl Andriessen et al, 'Pre- and postloss features of adolescent suicide bereavement- A systematic review' (2015) Death Studies 40(4) 229-246 Exhibit 23-03.010 - EXP.0003.0011.0089 - Karl Andriessen et all, 'Prevalence of exposure to suicide- A meta-analysis of population-based studies' (2017) Journal of Psychiatric Research 88 113-120 Exhibit 23-03.011 - EXP.0003.0011.0097 - Andriessen et al 2022 'The Relations of Adolescents, Parents & Clinicians to Participating in Qualitative Research Interviews' Int. Journal Env. Research & Public Health Exhibit 23-03.012 - EXP.0003.0011.0110 - Karl Andrieseen et al, 'Suicide Postvention Service Models and Guidelines 2014-2019- A Systematic Review' (2019) Frontiers in Psychology 10 1-22 Exhibit 23-03.013 - EXP.0003.0011.0132 - Karl Andrieseen et al, 'The adolescent grief inventory- Development of a novel grief measurement' (2018) Journal of Affective Disorders 240 203-211 Exhibit 23-03.016 - EXP.0003.0011.0233 - Karl Andriessen et al, 'How best to provide help to bereaved adolescents- a Delphi consensus study' (2021) BMC Psychiatry 21 1-10 Exhibit 23-03.017 - EXP.0003.0014.0452 - Brief Biography Exhibit 23-03.026 - EXP.0003.0014.0065 - Bhullar et al., 2021, 'Profiling Suicide Exposure Risk Factors for Psychological Distress- An Empirical Test of the Proposed Continuum of Survivorship Model', Frontiers Psychiatry Exhibit 23-03.027 - EXP.0003.0014.0074 - Pearce et al. 2021 'Effective Elements for Workplace Responses to Critical Incidents and Suicide A Rapid Review' Int. Journal of Env. Research & Public Health 18.9 Exhibit 23-03.029 - STU.0003.0001.0614 - Mary Anne Walling, 'Suicide Contagion' (2021) Topical Collection on Intentional Violence Exhibit 23-03.030 - STU.0003.0001.0782 - Harrington-LaMorie and others, 'Surviving Families of Military Suicide Loss- Exploring Postvention Peer Support' (2018) Death Studies 42(3) Exhibit 23-03.031 - STU.0003.0001.0768 - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 'General Information About Clusters,' Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Website, 22 June 2021 Exhibit 23-03.032 - STU.0003.0001.0798 - Vivien Kogler and Alexander Noyon, 'The Werther Effect - About the Handling of Suicide in the Media Open Access Government, 26 November 2018 Exhibit 23-03.033 - STU.0003.0001.0528 - David Fink, Julian Santaella-Tenorio and Katherine Keyes, 'Increase in Suicides the Months After the Death of Robin Williams in the US' (2018) PLOS One 13(2) Exhibit 23-03.034 - STU.0003.0001.0679 - National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, The Papageno Effect, Guidelines, 2020 Exhibit 23-03.036 - STU.0003.0001.0851 - Robert Carroll and Michael Shapiro, 'When Suicide is Contagious' (2017) Children's Hospital Association Exhibit 23-03.037 - STU.0003.0001.0729 - Anna Mueller and Seth Abrutyn, 'Suicidal Disclosures Among Friends- Using Social Network Data to Understand Suicide Contagion' (2015) Journal of Health and Social Behaviour Exhibit 23-03.038 - STU.0003.0001.0759 - Qijin Cheng and others, 'Suicide Contagion- A Systematic Review of Definitions and Research Utility' (2014) PLOS One 9(9) Exhibit 23-03.039 - STU.0003.0001.0468 - Louise Flynn and Elly Robinson, 'Family Issues in Suicide Postvention' AFRC Briefing No. 8, February 2008 Exhibit 23-03.040 - STU.0003.0001.0365 - Harold Koplewicz, 'Coping with a Parent's Suicide,' Child Mind Institute Exhibit 23-03.041 - STU.0003.0001.0285 - Johns Hopkins Medicine, 'Children Who Lose a Parent to Suicide More Likely to Die the Same Way,' Johns Hopkins Medicine, 21 April 2010 Exhibit 23-03.042 - STU.0003.0001.0844 - CAMH, 'When a Parent Dies by Suicide,' CAMH, Website, 2022 Exhibit 23-03.043 - STU.0003.0001.0757 - India Bohanna, 'Suicide Contagion- What We Know and What We Need to Find Out,' (2013) CMAJ 185(10) Exhibit 23-03.044 - STU.0003.0001.0478 - Headspace Australia, Suicide Prevention Toolkit, Guide, January 2012 Exhibit 23-03.045 - STU.0003.0001.1008 - Melanie Homs, Ian Stanley, Peter Gutierrez, Thomas Joiner, 'Exploring the Association between Exposure to Suicide and Suicide Risk among Military Service Members and Veterans,' Exhibit 23-03.046 - STU.0003.0001.0649 - Amanda Edwards-Stewart and others, 'Military and Civilian Media Coverage of Suicide,' (2011) Arch Suicide Res 15(4) Exhibit 23-03.047 - STU.0003.0001.0659 - Robert Ursano, Ronald Kessler, James Naifeh, 'Risk of Suicide Attempt Among Soldiers in Army Units with a History of Suicide Attempts,' (2017) Jama Psychiatry, 74(9) Exhibit 23-03.048 - STU.0003.0001.0697 - Australian Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention and Postvention Australia, Postvention Australia Guidelines, Guidance Document, 2017 Exhibit 23-03.049 - STU.0003.0001.0280 - Karolina Krysinska and others, 'Best Strategies for Reducing the Suicide Rate in Australia,' Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, Dec 2015 Exhibit 23-03.050 - STU.0003.0001.0389 - Lamblin M and others, Effectiveness of Postvention Initiatives in New South Wales Secondary Schools, Final Report, 2021 Exhibit 23-03.051 - STU.0003.0001.0802 - Thirrili, Defining and Addressing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Trauma, Grief and Suicide Postvention, Literature Review, 2 Feb 2018 Exhibit 23-03.052 - STU.0003.0001.0522 - Julie Cerel et al, 'How Many People are Exposed to Suicide- Not Six,' (2019) Suicide and Life-Threatening Behaviour, 49(2) Exhibit 23-03.053 - STU.0003.0001.0351 - Julie Cerel et al, 'The Continuum of 'Survivorship'- Definitional Issues in the Aftermath of Suicide' (2014) Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 44(6) Exhibit 23-03.054 - STU.0003.0001.0626 - Poole, G, Giving Men a Hand, Report, Australian Men's Health Forum, 2020 Exhibit 23-03.056 - STU.0003.0001.0566 - Switchboard Victoria, LGBTIQA+ Suicide Postvention Response Plan- Preliminary Findings, November 2020 Exhibit 23-03.057 - STU.0003.0001.0378 - Department of Defence, 'Defence Diversity,' Transparency Portal, Website, 30 June 2019 Exhibit 23-03.058 - STU.0003.0001.0594 - Workplace Task Force of the American Association of Suicidology, A Manager's Guide to Suicide Postvention in the Workplace, Guidelines, dated 2013 Exhibit 23-03.059 - DVA.0007.0001.0099 - Ministerial Brief - MS20-000097 - Attach A - Veteran Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy and National Action Plan Exhibit 23-03.060 - STU.0003.0001.0372 - Department of Defence, 'Death & Bereavement,' Australian Government Department of Defence, Website, dated 2022 Exhibit 23-03.061 - STU.0003.0001.0065 - DVA, '7.14.1 Notification of Death and Initial Investigation,' CLIK, Website and Policy Manual, dated 2022 Exhibit 23-03.062 - STU.0003.0001.0277 - DVA, 'Bereavement Payment and Assistance Under the MRCA,' Australian Government Department of Veterans' Affairs, dated 3 February 2020 Exhibit 23-03.063 - STU.0003.0001.0836 - Australian Government, 'Veterans Claims System to be Overhauled,' Australian Government Minister for Veterans' Affairs, dated 16 October 202 Exhibit 23-03.064 - STU.0003.0001.0287 - DVA, Claim for Compensation for Dependents of Deceased Members and Former Members- Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 (MRCA), Claim Form, dated 2022 Exhibit 23-03.065 - STU.0003.0001.0542 - Australian Airforce, Air Force Diversity Guide- For Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Members, Guide, dated September 2012 Exhibit 23-03.066 - STU.0003.0001.0672 - Open Arms, 'Treating Complicated Grief,' Open Arms, Wesbite, 2019 Exhibit 23-03.067 - STU.0003.0001.0873 - 2021 US Military Postvention Toolkit Exhibit 23-03.068 - STU.0003.0001.0983 - Suicide Postvention for US Military Exhibit 23-03.071 - STU.0003.0001.0773 - Castro CA, Kintzle S. Suicides in the military- the post-modern combat veteran and the Hemingway effect. Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2014 Aug;16(8)-460 Exhibit 23-03.072 - STU.0003.0001.0795 - Gould et al 2013, The Contagion Of Suicidal Behavior, Forum on Global Violence Prevention National Research Council, National Academies Press Exhibit 23-03.073 - STU.0003.0001.0842 - 'What is Postvention-' Postvention Australia, Exhibit 23-03.074 - EXP.0003.0014.0453_R - CV - Myfanwy Maple Exhibit 23-04.002 - GEV.0000.0001.0074_R - Witness Statement of Geoffrey Evans Exhibit 23-04.003 - GEV.0000.0001.0001 - Hilferty et al., 2019, 'Homelessness amongst Australian contemporary veterans- Final report of the AHURI inquiry', Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Exhibit 23-04.004 - GEV.0000.0001.0056 - Department of Veterans' Affairs, 'Disaster Relief Australia - helping veterans find purpose and identity' Exhibit 23-04.005 - GEV.0000.0001.0063 - A Common Trajectory- Plotting the experience of 100 veterans from discharge to crisis and beyond Exhibit 23-04.006 - GEV.0000.0001.0098 - Geoff Evans PowerPoint Presentation Exhibit 23-05.001 - GEV.0000.0001.0105 - TRANSITION Exhibit 23-05.002 - GEV.0000.0001.0106 - PROLONGED DECLINE IN WELLBEING Exhibit 23-05.003 - GEV.0000.0001.0107 - CRISIS POINT Exhibit 23-05.004 - GEV.0000.0001.0108 - EARLY INTERVENTION