Day 2 − Hobart, 3 August 2022 You are here Home Hearings Day 2 − Hobart, 3 August 2022 Day 2 Date 3 August 2022 Location Hobart Hearing Hearing Block 6, Hobart Exhibits Exhibit 42-01.001 - BQU.0000.0001.0083 - Submission to the Productivity Commission - Barry Quinn Exhibit 42-01.002 - DCT.0000.0001.0104 - RSL Tasmania, November 2019 Final Report - Supporting Tasmania's Veterans Exhibit 42-01.003 - DVA.5022.0001.0612 - RSL Launceston - Commonwealth Standard Funding Agreement for Launceston Veteran Wellbeing Centre Exhibit 42-01.004 - DVA.5022.0001.0591 - DVA Wellbeing Centres Tasmania Consultation - Agenda Exhibit 42-01.005 - DVA.5022.0001.0589 - DVA Wellbeing Centres Tasmania Consultation - Agenda Exhibit 42-01.006 - NTG.BQU_.001.0001_R - Notice to Give a Statement - NTG-BQU-001 Exhibit 42-01.007 - BQU.0000.0001.0047_R - Response to Notice to Give - Barry Quinn Exhibit 42-01.008 - DVA.5022.0001.1291 - Launceston RSL Sub-Branch Veterans Welfare-Wellbeing Veterans Hub Business Case Exhibit 42-01.009 - BQU.0000.0001.0121 - Video – RSL Tasmania Exhibit 42-01.010 - BQU.0000.0001.0088 - RSL Tasmania Veteran Wellbeing Centre Program Application for DVA Grant Funding Exhibit 42-02.001 - EXP.0006.0011.1442 - CV of Associate Professor Adam Bourne Exhibit 42-02.002 - EXP.0006.0011.1432 - CV of Professor Noah Riseman Exhibit 42-02.003 - EXP.0006.0011.1731 - CV of Joe Ball Exhibit 42-02.004 - EXP.0006.0011.1736 - CV of Anna Bernasochi Exhibit 42-02.005 - EXP.0006.0011.0303 - Morgan, C. Connected & Compassionate- Implementing a national whole of government approach to suicide prevention Exhibit 42-02.006 - EXP.0006.0011.0885 - Suicide Prevention Australia Fact Sheet- LGBTIQ+ Suicide Prevention 2021, Suicide Prevention Australia, 'LGBTIQ+ Suicide Prevention 2021' Exhibit 42-02.007 - DEF.1048.0007.0206 - Defence Diversity and Inclusion Strategy- 2012 - 2017, Department of Defence, 'Defence Diversity and Inclusion Strategy' Exhibit 42-02.013 - EXP.0006.0011.0873 - Rainbow Health Victoria, 'Research Matters- Why do we need LGBTIQ-inclusive services-', fact sheet Exhibit 42-02.014 - EXP.0006.0011.0410 - McNair et al., 'Health service use by same-sex attracted Australian women for alcohol and mental health issues- a cross-sectional study', BJGP Open Exhibit 42-02.015 - EXP.0006.0011.0892 - Waling et al., 'Understanding LGBTI Lives in Crisis', published by Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health & Society, La Trobe University Exhibit 42-02.016 - EXP.0006.0011.0999 - Worrell et al., 'The nature and impact of mental health support provided by peers in LGBTQ communities', Sexuality Research and Social Policy Exhibit 42-02.017 - EXP.0006.0011.1055 - Hill et al., 'Private Lives 3- The health and wellbeing of LGBTIQ people in Australia', Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University Exhibit 42-02.018 - EXP.0006.0011.1032 - LGBTIQ+ Health Australia, 'Beyond Urgent- National LGBTIQ+ Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Strategy 2021-2026' Exhibit 42-02.019 - EXP.0006.0011.1183 - Hill et al., 'Writing Themselves in 4- National Report', Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University Exhibit 42-02.020 - EXP.0006.0011.1533 - Associate Professor Adam Bourne, La Trobe University, 'Mental Health and Suicidality among LGBTQA+ People in Australia- Findings from Private Lives 3 and Writing Themselves in 4' Exhibit 42-02.022 - SUB.0000.0004.0033 - Submission of Professor Noah Riseman Exhibit 42-02.023 - SUB.0000.0004.0058 - Appendix to submission of Professor Noah Riseman- LGBTIQ+ Health Australia, 'Snapshot of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Statistics for LGBTIQ+ People' Exhibit 42-02.024 - EXP.0006.0011.1588 - Mars, M., Morris, S., Marchesiello, B. (2014) Championing Inclusion- A Guide to Creating LGBTI-Inclusive Organisations, National LGBTI Health Alliance. Sydney, Australia Exhibit 42-02.025 - EXP.0006.0011.1628 - Strauss et al., 'Mental Health Issues and Complex Experiences of Abuse among Trans and Gender Diverse Young People- Findings from Trans Pathways', LGBT Health, Vol 7(3) Exhibit 42-02.026 - EXP.0006.0011.1637 - LGBTIQA+ glossary of common terms, Australian Institute of Family Studies Exhibit 42-02.027 - EXP.0006.0011.1643 - Noah Riseman. ''Just another start to the denigration of Anzac Day'- Evolving Commemorations of LGBTI Military Service.' Australian Historical Studies 48, no. 1 (2017)- 35-51 Exhibit 42-02.028 - EXP.0006.0011.1668 - Noah Riseman. 'Outmanoeuvring Defence- The Australian Debates over Gay and Lesbian Military Service, 1992.' Australian Journal of Politics and History 61, no. 4 (2015)- 562-575